Reverse Dependencies of python-dotenv
The following projects have a declared dependency on python-dotenv:
- aristech-stt-client — A Python client library for the Aristech Speech-to-Text API
- aristech-tts-client — A Python client library for the Aristech Text-to-Speech API
- ark-operator — K8s operator for managing ARK server clusters
- ark-server-CERTIC — The goal of this software is to offer a solution for a Name Assigning Authority to distribute Archival Resources Keys and maintain basic information about the resources. It offers a database, command-line tools and an HTTP API.
- arkdata — This application accesses the Ark system.
- arlas-cli — ARLAS Command line for ARLAS Management
- arm-rag-testing — no summary
- armenian-rag-test — no summary
- artbox — ArtBox is a tool set for handling multimedia files.
- article-history — A tool to find similarity between (historic) articles
- articraft — 🎨 tools for ai artists.
- artifi — A Automation Tool Made By Noob
- artkit — This section of the documentation provides detailed information
- artof-utils — The ARTOF framework utils
- arvancloud-video — The ArvanCloud Video Platform SDK for Python
- arxiv-mcp-server — A flexible arXiv search and analysis service with MCP protocol support
- arxiv_retriever — "Automate your ArXiv paper search, retrieval, and summarization process."
- arxiv-script — Command line tool to handle arXiv articles and their BibTeX entries.
- aryaxai — Full stack ML Observability with AryaXAI
- asaas-sdk — Biblioteca não oficial de comunicação com a API de pagamento do ASAAS
- asap-ban-machine-model — no summary
- ascender-framework — The Ascender Framework is a sophisticated and structured FastAPI-based framework, inspired by the principles of NestJS. It stands out for its modular and organized architecture, offering developers a streamlined and efficient way to build web applications
- asedb — SQLAlchemy model for ASE Atoms objects
- AsicVerifier — Asic Verifier for X-Road
- ask-llm — The easiest way to supercharge your apps with LLM!
- ask-the-wizard — Are you still thinking while coding or are you already Asking The Wizard? 🧙
- ask-weather — "A weather query agent using LangChain and OpenWeatherMap API"
- askagent — LLM-based agents to be run from terminal to perform differen tasks with the command askagent
- askanna — The AskAnna CLI & Python SDK is part of the AskAnna platform to kickstart your data science projects
- askchat — Interact with ChatGPT in terminal via chattool
- askdoc — Ask a personal doctor for your medical queries
- AskFlow-CLI — AskFlow is a command line tool for automating debugging your code. This CLI allows you to search StackOverflow for answers to errors in your code without ever leaving the terminal.
- AskJSON — A library to ask questions to JSON data and get Python code in response.
- asklora-portal — portal to use various api data service
- askyou — A ai search cli
- aslabs-config — Universal configuration system, that maps your env vars, json file and dotenv to dataclass configs
- asolytics — ASO automation software tool on Google Play. Trend analysis, keyword popularity analysis and evaluation, competitor app analysis and keyword parsing.
- ass-cli — Serverless stack deployment tools
- assemblit — Assemblit is helping data analysts and scientists rapidly scale notebooks into analytics-as-a-service (AaaS) web-applications.
- assemblyai-tool — Simple CLI wrapper around the AssemblyAI Python SDK
- assert-llm-tools — Automated Summary Scoring & Evaluation of Retained Text
- assessment-episode-matcher — no summary
- assis — A doc generator for data engineering projects.
- assisted-django — CLI Tool to generate content for all files in a django app directory including all the templates with the help of OpenAI Models
- asteroid-sdk — A Python SDK for Asteroid
- astra-assistants — Astra Assistants API - drop in replacement for OpenAI Assistants, powered by AstraDB
- astro-run-command — Empower analysts to build workflows to transform data using SQL
- astro-run-dag — Run Airflow DAGs with just python
- astro-sql-cli — Empower analysts to build workflows to transform data using SQL
- astro-sql-cli-david-branch — Empower analysts to build workflows to transform data using SQL
- Asymptotic-Complexity-Judge — Terminal Judge for Asymptotic Complexity
- async-annoy — Asynchronous wrapper around the Annoy library for approximate nearest neighbor search.
- async-igdb — Asynchronous wrapper around the IGDB API
- async-llm-handler — An asynchronous handler for multiple LLM APIs
- async-pushover-client — a set of methods for working with PushOver
- async-pydantic-vault — A simple extension to Pydantic BaseSettings that can retrieve secrets from Hashicorp Vault using Async
- async-sqlserver-lib — A Python library for managing asynchronous SQL Server connections.
- async-tg-bot — no summary
- async4trail — 🦜 Youtube to Audio by Andrew A Levin
- asyncrepo — A library for providing a unified asyncio API for various data sources
- at-common-functions — A Python package providing common functions for workflow operations.
- atek-main — Core tools for ATEK
- ATH — Info:
- athena-ai — Athena, an AI agent built on GPT-4 architecture, is designed for continuous learning and self-reliance. Inspired by the Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena assists users with valuable insights across various subjects. Focused on knowledge acquisition, capability improvement, and security, this AI agent leverages natural language processing and a supportive human community to grow and become a trusted, versatile companion.
- athena-api — TeiaLabs Athena API
- athena-codegen — athena dap-backend codegen
- athena-query-lib — A library for querying AWS Athena and saving results.
- athenapi — AI Agent on Raspberry Pi
- athina — Python SDK to configure and run evaluations for your LLM-based application
- athina-client — Light weight SDK to interact with athina datasets
- atlasai-discovery-client — no summary
- atlasai-vinz-client — no summary
- atlaz — Atlaz Python SDK for API interaction
- atmosphere-cli — A command-line interface for Atmosphere
- atom3d — ATOM3D: Tasks On Molecules in 3 Dimensions
- atomic-agents — A versatile framework for creating and managing intelligent agents.
- atomvision — atomvision
- atop — "A TON of Privacy" formally called ATOP ... is a tool for conducting OSINT investigations on TON NFTs.
- atopy — Python Common Library
- atriumdb — Timeseries Database
- atro-args — no summary
- atro-pylog — A simple logging library for Python. That either uses Loguru or OpenTelmetry collector (useful for local & cluster logging).
- attendant — General utilities for creating micro-services
- attpc_spyral — AT-TPC analysis pipeline
- atzlib — My python codes.
- audioanalyser — Audio Analyser: Transform call recordings into actionable insights
- AudiooPy — Audio manager in Python Object-Oriented Programming
- audiotube — Easily can get audio and 'standard' captions from YouTube
- audit-repo-clone-test — no summary
- audit-repo-cloner — no summary
- auditize — Empower your functional logs
- augint-tools — Standard tools for Augmenting Integrations
- augmented-gpt — ChatGPT API wrapper, argumented with functions
- auk-scrapegraphai — A web scraping library based on LangChain which uses LLM and direct graph logic to create scraping pipelines.
- aurastream-client — An aurastream_client library for interacting with the AuraStream API
- aurelio-sdk — Aurelio Platform SDK
- aurora-solar-readonly-client — A Python client for **READ-ONLY** methods in the Aurora Solar API
- aurora-tr — Translate via aurora and variants, openai, azure openai, etc.
- auroralibs — A Secure and Powerful Python-Telethon Based Library For Ayra Userbot.
- aus-council-scrapers — no summary