Reverse Dependencies of python-docx
The following projects have a declared dependency on python-docx:
- 2023-Whit3-H4t-Sc4nn3r-Fir5t — Automation tool for scanning and analyzing vulnerabilities
- a-data-processing — A library that prepares raw documents for downstream ML tasks.
- ab-data-processing — Data Processing is used for data processing through MinIO, databases, Web APIs, etc.
- abstract-ai — abstract_ai is a Python module that serves as a bridge between your application and the OpenAI GPT-3 API. It provides a convenient interface for sending requests, managing responses, and controlling the behavior of the API calls. This module is highly customizable, allowing you to establish prompts, instructions, and response handling logic.
- academic-tracker — Find publications on PubMed, Crossref, ORCID, and Google Scholar for given authors or references.
- addereq — 地震前兆数据自动处理框架
- adhoc-python — Auto Document Codebase Changes in LaTeX, Markdown, or Word
- ado_backlog_cli — A program to make sense of ADO Backlogs for reports
- aeiva — aeiva is a general AI agent framework
- agent-dingo — A microframework for creating simple AI agents.
- agentjo — Towards Human-Friendly, Fast Learning and Adaptable Agent Communities
- agentmake — AgentMake AI: a software developement kit for developing agentic AI applications that support 14 AI backends and work with 7 agentic components, such as tools and agents. (Developer: Eliran Wong)
- Agentx — AgentX: Seamlessly integrate intelligent agents into your projects. Empower your applications with advanced AI capabilities.
- agno — Agno: a lightweight framework for building multi-modal Agents
- AGTEPyth — A sample python package to start sharing your code with the world
- ai-app-lab — no summary
- ai-doc-assistant — AI-Powered Documentation Assistant for generating code documentation
- AIJobApply — Package to apply for jobs automatically and send emails
- ainyan — Helpers for AI training
- airclick — airclick 相关python包
- airda — airda
- aisploit — Tiny package designed to support red teams and penetration testers in exploiting large language model AI solutions.
- ajm-discord — Some useful discord cog/bots.
- ak_docx — Docx parsing library
- algorin-cli — Acceso a GPT-3 y procesamiento de documentos desde la línea de comandos.
- alita-sdk — SDK for building langchain agents using resouces from Alita
- alita-tools — Default set of tools and toolkits available within ELITEA Agents.
- all-parser — no summary
- allure-docx — Docx report generator based on allure-generated json files.
- AllUtils — A light weight command line menu that supports Windows, MacOS, and Linux
- analysis-engine — Analysis for the UK Department for Transport's major projects portfolio
- analysta-index — Extension of Langchain loaders, llms and retrievers for Analysta
- Andreani-QA-Debugger — Debugger para ejecución de casos automatizados
- Andreani-QA-Scanner — SeleniumFramework para ejecución de casos automatizados
- anonipy — The data anonymization package
- anoteai — An SDK for interacting with the Anote API
- arac — Data Processing is used for data processing through MinIO, databases, Web APIs, etc.
- arches-templating — Arches templating provides an extensible templating engine for various file types
- arkindex-cli — Arkindex CLI client easy and sexy to use
- arm-rag-testing — no summary
- armenian-rag-test — no summary
- ArtByCode — ArtByCode
- Artemisa — Sistema de extración de información de documentos
- article-assistant — Draft and review articles through the use of Large Language Models (LLMs)
- ascript — airclick 相关python包
- assep — Automações em Python para auxiliar estudos em sistemas elétricos de potência
- assesment-creator — assesment creator python package
- assetutilities — utilities for general use
- assignment-template-creator — the ultimate tool fpor CS assignment template generatipon.
- atap-corpus-loader — A GUI loader for atap_corpus using the Panel library.
- atomicshop — Atomic functions and classes to make developer life easier
- Audiutor-PatBe — A simple Youtube video transcriber and summarizer
- ausbildungsnachweise-utils — Utilities to generate Ausbildungsnachweise PDFs from human readable input formats.
- auto-coder — AutoCoder: AutoCoder
- auto-find-date-pdf — A simple lib to find dates from any txt/ pdf/ docx/ rtf source. For documentation see
- autodocx — A tool for automating Microsoft Word Documents generation
- autofile — Use templates to automatically move files into directories
- autoflow-ai — Framework to index and search your vector data, make your data ready for AI apps, developed by TiDB.
- automate-office — Offic自动化工具-自用,在原有包的基础上二次开发, PPT部分暂时告一段落, Word暂时用处不大, Excel做了一些函数和例子
- autoreview-ufz-VS — A package for automating operations on Excel files.
- AutoThemeGenerator — Performing thematic analysis with OpenAI's GPT-4 models
- avahiplatform — An avahiai library which makes your Gen-AI tasks effortless
- aws-textract-pipeline — Package short description.
- AZConversion — 一个快捷转换文件格式的库 | A library for quickly converting file formats
- b-exp — CLI application to automate data extraction and formating for Bitwarden csv import
- bcpscraper — Blackstone's Criminal Practice 2022 PDF Scraper
- beiker — developed for electronic archive organization.
- BERTSimilar — Get Similar Words and Embeddings using BERT Models
- bflower-base — A Python package with a built-in web application
- bigbang-py — BigBang is a toolkit for studying communications data from collaborative projects. It currently supports analyzing mailing lists from Sourceforge, Mailman, ListServ, or .mbox files.
- bisheng-unstructured — ETLs fro LLMs
- bombay — RAG(Retrieval-Augmented Generation) 파이프라인을 쉽게 구축할 수 있는 Python 라이브러리
- bondai — An AI-powered console assistant with a versatile API for seamless integration into applications.
- botrun-ask-folder — no summary
- boxtodocx — Convert Box Notes to Microsoft Word (docx) documents
- brain-pred-toolbox — The Brain Predictability toolbox (BPt) is a Python based machine learning library designed to work with a range of neuroimaging data. Warning: Not actively maintained as of 11/30/22.
- bruhbook — no summary
- bsrag-unstructured — A Python package with a built-in web application
- bumph — Simple mapping view to docx (Word Doc) elements
- burocracy — Templating and pdf generation for docx/pptx files
- cameo-txt — 將各種格式的檔案提取成txt
- catbook — A library for compiling text files into a book-form docx file
- cathodic-report — Default template for PDM package
- ccfx — This package implifies regular coommon actions for quick prototyping in a user friendly way
- cdb-cellmaps — no summary
- celi-framework — Controller-Embedded Language Interactions - facilitates the entire lifecycle of document processing, from pre-processing and embedding to post-monitoring and quality assessment.
- cfactor — Program to calculate earthquake factor acording to 2800 v4
- chatlocal — chat with your local files
- CherryExport — no summary
- chgksuite — A package for chgk automation
- chunkifyr — Your ultimate toolkit for text chunking.
- Ciruitpy — A module to do the most circuit equations
- civiltools — A series of tools for civil engineers.
- cjfx — A module for common functions optimised for data scientists that need to code repeatitive tasks fast
- clarifai-datautils — Clarifai Data Utils
- classification-text-email — compiled packages
- CLI-EXPORTER — CLI application to automate data extraction and formating for Bitwarden csv import
- Climind — A python package for managing climate indicator information
- cmi-docx — Additional tooling for Python-docx.
- codebase-to-text — A Python package to convert codebase to text