Reverse Dependencies of pytest-timeout
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-timeout:
- aaindex — A lightweight Python software package for accessing the data in the various AAIndex databases, which represent the physiochemical, biochemical and structural properties of amino acids as numerical indices.
- acclimatise — Acclimatise is a Python library and command-line utility for parsing the help output of a command-line tool and then outputting a description of the tool in a more structured format
- aclimatise — aCLImatise is a Python library and command-line utility for parsing the help output of a command-line tool and then outputting a description of the tool in a more structured format
- acryl-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- AD20 — Automatic Differentiation package
- adapter-transformers — A friendly fork of HuggingFace's Transformers, adding Adapters to PyTorch language models
- adapters — A Unified Library for Parameter-Efficient and Modular Transfer Learning
- adaptive — Parallel active learning of mathematical functions
- adc-streaming — Astronomy Data Commons streaming client libraries
- agentMET4FOF — A software package for the integration of metrological input into an agent-based system for the consideration of measurement uncertainty in current industrial manufacturing processes.
- agilent-vacuum — A package for commuincation with various Agilent Vacuum pump controllers and sensors.
- agraph-python — AllegroGraph Python client
- aiida-core — AiiDA is a workflow manager for computational science with a strong focus on provenance, performance and extensibility.
- aiida-crystal17 — AiiDA plugin for running the CRYSTAL17 code
- aiida-fenics — Python package containing an AiiDA Plugin for running the pfdisloc-code (phasefield dislocation interaction) from the IAS-9 of the Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH. The code is based on Fenics. The package also contains some workflows and utility
- aiida-fleur — AiiDA Plugin for running the FLEUR code and its input generator. Also includes high-level workchains and utilities
- aiida-gulp — AiiDA plugin for running the GULP MD code
- aiida-hubbard — AiiDA plugin for the first-principles calculation of Hubbard parameters.
- aiida-icl — AiiDA plugin interfacing with the Imperial College London cx1 HPC
- aiida-kkr — AiiDA plugin for the JuKKR codes
- aiida-lammps — AiiDA plugin for the LAMMPS code
- aiida-phonopy — The official AiiDA plugin for Phonopy
- aiida-vibroscopy — AiiDA plugin for vibrational spectoscopy using Quantum ESPRESSO.
- aiidalab-widgets-base — Reusable widgets for AiiDAlab applications.
- aio-geojson-client — An async GeoJSON client library.
- aio-geojson-generic-client — An generic async GeoJSON client library.
- aio-geojson-geonetnz-quakes — An async GeoJSON client library for GeoNet NZ Quakes feed.
- aio-geojson-geonetnz-volcano — An async GeoJSON client library for GeoNet NZ Volcanic Alert Level feed.
- aio-geojson-nsw-rfs-incidents — An async GeoJSON client library for NSW Rural Fire Service Incidents.
- aio-geojson-usgs-earthquakes — An async GeoJSON client library for the U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Hazards Program.
- aio-georss-client — An async GeoRSS client library.
- aiohasupervisor — Asynchronous python client for Home Assistant Supervisor.
- aioworkers — Easy configurable workers based on asyncio
- aioworkers-kafka — aioworkers plugin for kafka
- aioworkers_redis — Module for working with redis
- airfold-cli — Airfold CLI
- amazon-braket-simulator-v2 — Local simulation of quantum circuits
- amazon-sagemaker-jupyter-ai-q-developer — A JupyterLab extension.
- amazon-sagemaker-sql-editor — Jupyter extension for SQL editing capabilities within Amazon SageMaker notebooks
- amazon-sagemaker-sql-execution — SageMaker SQL Execution library
- amazon-sagemaker-sql-magic — SageMaker SQL Magic library
- ammoo — AMQP library with a pythonic API for asyncio on Python 3.5+
- amypad-core — Core utilities for the AMYPAD project
- amypet — Amyloid imaging to prevent Alzheimer's Disease
- annlite — Fast and Light Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search Library integrated with the Jina Ecosystem
- anomalib — anomalib - Anomaly Detection Library
- anonlink — Anonymous linkage using cryptographic hashes and bloom filters
- ansibug — Ansible Debug Adapter Protocol Implementation
- ansys-hps-data-transfer-client — Python client library for hps data transfer service
- ansys-mapdl-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys MAPDL.
- anymlops — A data science platform that works.
- apache-beam — Apache Beam SDK for Python
- apache-beam-ai2 — A FORK! for testing with different dill version
- apify-shared — Tools and constants shared across Apify projects.
- ApiQlient — Quickly create REST clients
- apluggy — A wrapper of "pluggy" to support asyncio and context managers
- aqtinstall — Another unofficial Qt installer
- argopt — doc to argparse driven by docopt
- argsloader — Configuration Parsing and Management Based on ChainLoader
- ark-operator — K8s operator for managing ARK server clusters
- arku — Fast job queuing and RPC in Python with asyncio and Redis
- askastro — A lightweight AI engineering toolkit for building natural language interfaces that are reliable, scalable, and easy to trust.
- asv — Airspeed Velocity: A simple Python history benchmarking tool
- async-jaeger — Jaeger Python OpenTracing Tracer implementation for AsyncIO
- atef — Python Automated Test Execution Framework
- au-tools — au - GitHub Classroom Automation Tools
- augmenty — An augmentation library based on SpaCy for joint augmentation of text and labels.
- aus-council-scrapers — no summary
- autogluon.timeseries — Fast and Accurate ML in 3 Lines of Code
- autoPyTorch — Auto-PyTorch searches neural architectures using smac
- auxn-agent — A web scraping and data extraction tool.
- aws-sam-cli — AWS SAM CLI is a CLI tool for local development and testing of Serverless applications
- aws-sam-cli-without-docker — AWS SAM CLI is a CLI tool for local development and testing of Serverless applications
- aws-sam-rw-cli — AWS SAM CLI is a CLI tool for local development and testing of Serverless applications. This build allows lambda to write to the mounted filesystem.
- azureml-automl-core — Contains the non-ML non-Azure specific common code associated with running AutoML.
- b-aws-websocket-api — AWS CDK package that helps creating web socket APIs.
- bam-masterdata — The BAM Data Store utility tools and masterdata models wrapped in a Python package with a front-end web interface.
- batou — A utility for automating multi-host, multi-environment software builds and deployments.
- bayeso — Simple, but essential Bayesian optimization package
- bcra-connector — A Python connector for the BCRA (Banco Central de la República Argentina) APIs
- bdsim — Simulate dynamic systems expressed in block diagram form using Python
- bec-client — BEC IPython client
- bec-ipython-client — BEC IPython client
- bec-lib — BEC library
- bec-server — BEC server
- bec-widgets — BEC Widgets
- bellows — Library implementing EZSP
- benchopt — Benchmark toolkit for optimization
- big-thing-py — JOI Smart Device SDK
- bingo-nasa — A package for genetic optimization and symbolic regression
- biobss — A biological signal processing and feature extraction library.
- biocore — Bioinformatics datasets and tools for bio-family projects
- biofit — BioFit: Bioinformatics Machine Learning Framework
- biosets — Bioinformatics datasets and tools
- bitfount — Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library.
- blissdata — Bliss data streaming client
- bonobo — Bonobo, a simple, modern and atomic extract-transform-load toolkit for python 3.5+.
- bonobo2 — Bonobo 2.0: A reboot of Bonobo, the simple, modern and atomic extract-transform-load toolkit for python 3.10+.
- boss_runs — Dynamic, adaptive sampling during nanopore sequencing
- bout-runners — Manage your BOUT++ runs through python