Reverse Dependencies of pytest-randomly
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-randomly:
- abeliantensors — Library for Abelian symmetry preserving tensors.
- act-ratelimit — A simple rate limiter for FastAPI.
- adaptive — Parallel active learning of mathematical functions
- adaptive-classifier — A flexible, adaptive classification system for dynamic text classification
- affect — Build robust python applications
- AlphaClops1 — A framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits.
- altadb — AltaDB platform Python SDK!
- ark-analysis — Toolbox for analysis on segmented images from MIBI.
- asbool — simple converter from ``str`` to ``bool``
- assumpdoc — Easily add assumptions and caveats to documentation.
- azure-functions-worker — Python Language Worker for Azure Functions Host
- bankid-sdk — A Python SDK for BankID
- beancount-nblock — A collection of beancount plugins
- bitfount — Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library.
- blastpipe — OZI Project utility library.
- bma — BornHack Media Archive Django project
- brightway25 — A wrapper library for documentation and easy installation of Brightway 2.5
- buvar — Asyncio plugins, components, dependency injection and configs
- buvar-aiohttp — aiohttp plugin for buvar
- buyrandom3 — some buy, some random.
- bw-aggregation — Use aggregated processes for quicker calculations
- bw-graph-tools — Graph traversal class and utilities
- bw-interface-schemas — Interface schemas for data transfer in Brightway
- bw-processing — Foo
- bw-simapro-csv — Utility library to read and parse SimaPro CSV LCI and LCIA files
- bw_timex_app — Streamlit app for bw_timex
- bw25ui — A web and command line user interface, part of the Brightway2 LCA framework
- bw2calc — The calculation engine for the Brightway life cycle assessment framework.
- bw2data — Tools for the management of inventory databases and impact assessment methods. Part of the Brightway LCA framework.
- bw2ui — A web and command line user interface, part of the Brightway2 LCA framework
- calcipy — Python package to simplify development
- cashocs — Computational Adjoint-Based Shape Optimization and Optimal Control Software
- checks-superstaq — Check script tools for Superstaq.
- circuit_knitting_toolbox — A software prototype for a circuit knitting toolbox which connects user applications with runtime primitives
- cirq — A framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits.
- clean_actions — Clean Actions
- click-extra — 🌈 Drop-in replacement for Click to make user-friendly and colorful CLI
- codemodder — A pluggable framework for building codemods in Python
- commented-configparser — Custom ConfigParser class that preserves comments in file when writing
- ComponentVis — Package to visualise component-based decomposition models such as PCA and PARAFAC
- configupdater — Parser like ConfigParser but for updating configuration files
- cpymadtools — Lightweigth pythonic wrapper around cpymad, extracted from pyhdtoolkit
- cql-parser — "CQL (Contextual Query Language) Parser"
- crazylibs — crazylibs
- criteria-pattern — The "Criteria Pattern" is a Python package that simplifies and standardizes criteria based filtering, validation and selection.
- cryptography — cryptography is a package which provides cryptographic recipes and primitives to Python developers.
- darbiadev-hermes — Shipping tooling
- darbiadev-sands — A wrapper for S&S' API.
- darbiadev-shipping — darbiadev-shipping
- darbiadev-ups — A wrapper for UPS' API
- data-morph-ai — Teaching tool on the importance of data visualization.
- datadog-api-client — Collection of all Datadog Public endpoints
- dcspy — Integrating DCS (Digital Combat Simulator) planes with Logitech G13/G15/G510/G19 LCD
- ddht — ddht: Implementation of the P2P Discoveryv5 Protocol
- developing-tools — Package designed to enhance the development process by providing a collection of tools/utilities
- diffeqzoo — Ordinary differential equation zoo
- django-brackets — Mixins to make class-based generic views simpler and neater.
- django-cachekey — An smarter way to manage Django cache keys, inspired by Tanstack Query.
- django-cast — no summary
- django-drf-utils — Utilities for commonly used functionality in django and django-rest-framework among BIWG projects.
- django-drifter — More migration commands to make development life simpler
- django-email-relay — Centralize and relay email from multiple distributed Django projects to an internal SMTP server via a database queue.
- django-management-commands — Modular discovery, aliasing, and sequencing of Django commands
- django-middle-management — A Django app for remote execution of management commands.
- django-opfield — A custom Django field for storing and securely accessing a 1Password vault item.
- django-otp-webauthn — FIDO2 WebAuthn support for django-otp: lets your users authenticate with Passkeys
- django-q-registry — A Django app to register periodic Django Q tasks.
- django-simple-nav — A simple, flexible, and extensible navigation menu for Django.
- django-twc-toolbox — Various tools for Django projects at The Westervelt Company.
- dns-exporter — Multi-target Prometheus exporter with an exclusive focus on DNS monitoring
- docplex-extensions — Custom data structures and user-friendly functions for modeling with DOcplex
- docutools — Documentation Tools for the Mkdocs Material Framework
- dolphin — Workflows for generating surface displacement maps using InSAR
- dopo — A framework for Detecting Outliers in Premise LCA Operations (DOPO)
- dycw-utilities — no summary
- dynamic_characterization — Collection of functions for characterizing life cycle inventories with temporal information
- ecoinvent-migrate — Code to generate Randonneur migration files for ecoinvent releases
- edgegraph — Object oriented edge-vertex graph library.
- enlyze — Python SDK for interacting with the ENLYZE platform
- eqassertions — assertions in __eq__methods
- evaluation-lumo — evaluation_lumo is a package for evaluating the LUMO damage detection system.
- exif-stripper — An easy-to-use tool to ensure image EXIF metadata is removed.
- extra-platforms — Detect platforms and group them by family
- fastapi_permissions — Row Level Permissions for FastAPI
- fastapi-permissions-alive — Row Level Permissions for FastAPI
- fcs-ql-parser — "FCS-QL (CLARIN-FCS Core 2.0 Query Language) Grammar and Parser"
- fcs-simple-endpoint — "FCS SRU Simple Endpoint"
- fcs-sru-server — "FCS SRU Server"
- filigran-sseclient — Python API client for OpenCTI.
- finagg — Data aggregation with popular and free financial APIs.
- flake8-kotoha — flake8 plugin to improve your type hints
- flake8-tergeo — flake8 plugin which keeps your code clean and tidy
- focont — Fixed order controller design tool
- formelsammlung — Collection of different functions
- freddie — FastAPI tools library for building DRF-like viewsets
- fundingoptions-bluejay — The BlueJay Client
- gdsfactory — python library to generate GDS layouts
- gdsfactoryplus — GDSFactory+: adds powerful features such as foundry PDKs, simulations, and verification tools like DRC and LVS.
- gdsr — no summary
- genpac — convert gfwlist to pac or other formats, support custom rules.