Reverse Dependencies of pytest-mpl
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-mpl:
- abqcy — Write Abaqus Subroutines in Python
- access — Calculate spatial accessibility metrics.
- aiida-fleur — AiiDA Plugin for running the FLEUR code and its input generator. Also includes high-level workchains and utilities
- aiida-kkr — AiiDA plugin for the JuKKR codes
- APLpy — The Astronomical Plotting Library in Python
- aspect-stable — Automatic SPEctra Components Tagging
- Attitude — Attitude computes the orientations of planes from point data.
- bluebonnet — Scaling solutions for production analysis from unconventional oil and gas wells
- boinor — Utilities and Python wrappers for Orbital Mechanics.
- brokenaxes — Create broken axes
- bruges — A library of geophysical equations.
- camelot-py — PDF Table Extraction for Humans.
- cloudside — cloudside - download, assess, and visualize weather data
- cltoolbox — Python library for creating and manipulating CLIs
- cmo-dataviz — Easily create graphs using custom styling
- coffea — Basic tools and wrappers for enabling not-too-alien syntax when running columnar Collider HEP analysis.
- colorcet — Collection of perceptually uniform colormaps
- contrib-colormaps — Contributed colormaps
- cuda-histogram — Histogramming tools on CUDA.
- dabest — Data Analysis and Visualization using Bootstrap-Coupled Estimation.
- daisypy-vis — Visualization module for Daisy log files (dlf)
- deapi — API for DE Server
- dkist — DKIST User Tools
- doped — Python package to setup, process and analyse solid-state defect calculations with VASP
- dustyn — no summary
- einsteinpy-geodesics — ====================
- ElementEmbeddings — Element Embeddings
- empymod — Open-source full 3D electromagnetic modeller for 1D VTI media
- emsarray — xarray extension that supports multiple geometry conventions
- EOmaps — A library to create interactive maps of geographical datasets.
- ert — Ensemble based Reservoir Tool (ERT)
- exspy — EELS and EDS analysis with the HyperSpy framework
- fasttreeshap — A fast implementation of TreeSHAP algorithm.
- fft-electronic-spin-density — Perform FFT on Gaussian .cube files of charge or spin density to obtain the (magnetic) form factor for neutron scattering.
- flexcache — Saves and loads to the cache a transformed versions of a source object.
- flexparser — Parsing made fun ... using typing.
- fuNEGF — A package for NEGF calculations
- galeritas — no summary
- geoplot — High-level geospatial plotting for Python.
- geosnap — The Geospatial Neighborhood Analysis Package
- geovoronoi — a package to create and plot Voronoi regions in geographic areas
- glue-core — Core library for the glue multidimensional data visualization project
- glue-jupyter — Jupyter notebook/lab viewers for glue
- gpfit — Package for fitting geometric programming models to data
- GpsDataAnalyzer — A simple Python toolkit to analyze GPS data
- hapsira — Utilities and Python wrappers for Orbital Mechanics.
- hist — Hist classes and utilities
- hspf-utils — Command line script and Python library to develop water balance from HSPF models
- hyperspy — Multidimensional data analysis toolbox
- ismn — Readers for the data from the International Soil Moisture Database
- kats — kats: kit to analyze time series
- KKRtoVAMPIRE — Convert SPR-KKR Heisenberg model to VAMPIRE format
- libpysal — Core components of PySAL - A library of spatial analysis functions
- librosa — Python module for audio and music processing
- ligo.skymap — Tools for reading, writing, manipulating, and making LIGO and Virgo sky maps
- lime-stable — Line measuring algorithm for astronomical spectra
- lyscripts — Package containing scripts used in lynference pipelines
- macro-lightning — Constraining Macro Dark Matter Models with Lightning.
- mapclassify — Classification Schemes for Choropleth Maps.
- masci_tools — masci-tools is a collection of tools for materials science.
- matplotlib_inline_labels — Inline line labels for matplotlib with automatic positionning
- matplotlib-label-lines — Label lines in matplotlib.
- matplotlib_set_diagrams — Python drawing utilities for Venn and Euler diagrams visualizing the relationships between two or more sets.
- mazely — Implementation of maze-related algorithms
- mcalf — "MCALF: Multi-Component Atmospheric Line Fitting"
- metalm-xclient — 雪浪模型推理服务的客户端
- MetPy — Collection of tools for reading, visualizing and performing calculations with weather data.
- minispec — Minimal module for computing audio spectrograms
- mir-eval — Common metrics for common audio/music processing tasks.
- missingno — Missing data visualization module for Python.
- moca — Tool for motif conservation analysis
- mpl-animators — An interactive animation framework for matplotlib.
- mpl-colr2svg — no summary
- mpl-interactions — Matplotlib aware interact functions
- mpl-pe-fancy-bar — no summary
- mpl-pe-pattern-monster — no summary
- mpl-point-clicker — no summary
- mpl-poormans-3d — no summary
- mpl-scatter-density — Matplotlib helpers to make density scatter plots
- mpl-simple-svg-parser — no summary
- mpl-skia-pathops — no summary
- mpl-speech-bubble — no summary
- mpl-template — mpl-template: matplotlib report template constructor
- mpl-visual-context — no summary
- mplhep — Matplotlib styles for HEP
- mplsignal — Matplotlib extension for signal processing-related plots
- msmhelper — Helper functions for Markov State Models.
- musicaiz — A python framework for symbolic music generation, evaluation and analysis
- muttlib — Collection of helper modules by Mutt Data.
- mvdate — Move files to directories based on created date
- napari-matplotlib — A plugin to use Matplotlib with napari
- ndcube — A package for multi-dimensional contiguous and non-contiguous coordinate aware arrays.
- netgraph — Python drawing utilities for publication quality plots of networks.
- numbakit-anjit — Annotation aware numba njit.
- numbakit-ode — ODE solvers usable f
- nx-arangodb — ArangoDB backend for NetworkX
- optoanalysis — Python package with functions for data analysis
- panoptes-aag — Weather service for the Lunatico AAG CloudWatcher.
- panoptes-utils — Astronomical utilities for PANOPTES
- petrelpy — Utilities for working with Petrel imports and exports.