Reverse Dependencies of pytest-md-report
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-md-report:
- allpairspy — Pairwise test combinations generator
- DataProperty — Python library for extract property from data.
- DateTimeRange — DateTimeRange is a Python library to handle a time range. e.g. check whether a time is within the time range, get the intersection of time ranges, truncate a time range, iterate through a time range, and so forth.
- df-diskcache — df-diskcache is a Python library for caching pandas.DataFrame objects to local disk.
- dose-instruction-parser — Tool for parsing free text prescription dose instructions into structured output
- dotjson — Read key-value pairs from a settings.json file and set them as environment variables, dictionary or Pydantic models
- elasticsearch-faker — elasticsearch-faker is a CLI tool to generate fake data for Elasticsearch.
- envinfopy — envinfopy is a Python Library to get execution environment information.
- excelrd — Library for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel (tm) spreadsheet files
- ghscard — ghscard is a JavaScript widget to generate interactive GitHub user/repository/organization cards for static web pages (like GitHub pages/Read the Docs).
- grsched — DESCRIPTION
- humanreadable — humanreadable is a Python library to convert human-readable values to other units.
- mbstrdecoder — mbstrdecoder is a Python library for multi-byte character string decoder
- msgfy — msgfy is a Python library for convert Exception instance to a human-readable error message.
- pathvalidate — pathvalidate is a Python library to sanitize/validate a string such as filenames/file-paths/etc.
- pathvalidate-cli — pathvalidate-cli is a command line interface for pathvalidate library.
- pingparsing — pingparsing is a CLI-tool/Python-library parser and transmitter for the ping command.
- pyenvinfo — DESCRIPTION
- pytablewriter — pytablewriter is a Python library to write a table in various formats: AsciiDoc / CSV / Elasticsearch / HTML / JavaScript / JSON / LaTeX / LDJSON / LTSV / Markdown / MediaWiki / NumPy / Excel / Pandas / Python / reStructuredText / SQLite / TOML / TSV / YAML.
- pytest-discord — A pytest plugin to notify test results to a Discord channel.
- SimpleSQLite — SimpleSQLite is a Python library to simplify SQLite database operations: table creation, data insertion and get data as other data formats. Simple ORM functionality for SQLite.
- sqlitebiter — sqlitebiter is a CLI tool to convert CSV / Excel / HTML / JSON / Jupyter Notebook / LDJSON / LTSV / Markdown / SQLite / SSV / TSV / Google-Sheets to a SQLite database file.
- sqliteschema — A Python library to dump table schema of a SQLite database file.
- tblfaker — tblfaker is a Python library to generate fake tabular data.
- tcconfig — tcconfig is a tc command wrapper. Make it easy to set up traffic control of network bandwidth/latency/packet-loss/packet-corruption/etc. to a network-interface/Docker-container(veth).
- tcolorpy — tcolopy is a Python library to apply true color for terminal text.
- youtube-wpm — youtube-wpm is a CLI tool to get a YouTube video's words per minute (WPM).