Reverse Dependencies of pytest-logger
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-logger:
- FireSpark — FireSpark data processing utility library
- hops-petastorm — Petastorm is a library enabling the use of Parquet storage from Tensorflow, Pytorch, and other Python-based ML training frameworks. This is a fork of Petastorm that is compatible with Hops installations
- petastorm — Petastorm is a library enabling the use of Parquet storage from Tensorflow, Pytorch, and other Python-based ML training frameworks.
- pycarbon-sdk — Pycarbon is a library that optimizes data access for AI based on CarbonData files, and it is based on Petastorm.
- pytos2-ce — Pytos2 for tos1 tos2 and beyond
- robotframework-openshift — Robotframework for OpenShift interactions
- robotframework-OpenShiftCLI — Robotframework for OpenShift interactions via CLI
- shadowselenium — This can be used along with selenium to identify Shadow Elements present under Shadow DOM/Shadow Root
- voyance — no summary