Reverse Dependencies of pytest-json-report
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-json-report:
- advpyneng-cli-course — CLI tool for running advpyneng tests
- aiverify-test-engine — AI Verify Test Engine provides core interfaces, converters, data, model and plugin managers to facilitate the development of tests for AI systems. It is used as a base library for all AI Verify official stock-plugins and can be used to develop custom plugins.
- DataVisual — A package multidimensional data visualisation.
- devon-agent — no summary
- eidolon-ai-sdk — An open source sgent service SDK
- eqdsk — A reader, writer and converter for the eqdsk format
- eradiate — A radiative transfer model for the Earth observation community
- evlatools — pyeval-tools
- execexam — ExecExam runs executable examinations, providing feedback and assistance!
- FiberFusing — A package fiber fusing configuration simulating the transverse fusion of fiber optics.
- fixkit — PyRep is a collection of automatic program repair approaches in and for Python.
- flexrunner — no summary
- FlowCyPy — A package for flow-cytometry simulations.
- FlowCytometry — A package for flow-cytometry simulations.
- img-proof — Package for automated testing of cloud images.
- LightWave2D — A package for finite-difference time domain computation for light propagation
- liveramp-automation — This is the base liveramp_automation_framework
- mixiu-pytest-helper — This is my mixiu pytest helper package
- mobility-db-api — A Python client for the Mobility Database API
- MPSPlots — A matplotlib wrapper for defered plots and plotting styles.
- MPSTools — Personal toolbox.
- netket — Netket : Machine Learning toolbox for many-body quantum systems.
- prompt-admin — no summary
- pyevalkit — no summary
- PyFiberModes — A package for light propagation in fiber optics.
- PyFinitDiff — A package for generating finite-difference matrices, particularly suited for physics and engineering applications.
- PyMieSim — A package for light scattering computation.
- pyneng-cli — CLI tool for testing tasks from the book Python for Network Engineers
- pyneng-cli-course — CLI tool for running tests in the PyNEng course
- PyOptik — A package for refractive index values.
- pytest-tm4j-reporter — Cloud Jira Test Management (TM4J) PyTest reporter plugin
- pytest-xflaky — A simple plugin to use with pytest
- raimitigations — Python library for implementing and exploring mitigations for Responsible AI.
- rpaudio — Rust audio api binding for python
- school-scraper — Web scraper that parses school closure and late bus announcements from various school websites
- SuPyMode — A package for light propagation in fiber optics.
- taktile-profiling — Taktile's Profiling Module
- testagon — Automated invariant detection and test case generation with LLMs
- tlrx-test-engine — AI Verify Test Engine provides core interfaces, converters, data, model and plugin managers to facilitate the development of tests for AI systems. It is used as a base library for all AI Verify official stock-plugins and can be used to develop custom plugins.
- TreeHole — A Python interface to PKU Hole!
- unitest — Utilities required for performance and functional tests
- upstage-des — A library for behavior-driven discrete event simulation.