Reverse Dependencies of pytest-httpx
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-httpx:
- aidriver — AIDriver
- aiopcli — aiopcli
- algobase — A type-safe Python library for interacting with assets on Algorand.
- anta — Arista Network Test Automation (ANTA) Framework
- apache-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- ariadne-codegen — Generate fully typed GraphQL client from schema, queries and mutations!
- ariadne-graphql-proxy — Ariadne toolkit for building GraphQL proxies.
- as-codegen — Generate typed GraphQL client from GraphQL schema, queries and mutations!
- asgi-proxy-lib — An ASGI function for proxying to a backend over HTTP
- astel — Python package for asyncronous web crawling.
- awtrix-light-client — awtrix-light HTTP client to be used with Ulanzi clock
- backup-airtable — Quickly and painlessly dump all your Airtable schemas & data to JSON.
- bitfount — Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library.
- brreg-wrapper — A Python wrapper for the Brønnøysund Register Centre (Brreg) API.
- bump-deps-index — Bump your dependencies to latest available from index.
- cannula — Async GraphQL Helper Library
- changelog-gen — Changelog generation tool
- check-link — Check if URL is available
- ckanext-check-link — Resource URL checker
- cogrow-protean — The official Python library for the Protean API
- connect-openapi-client — Connect Python OpenAPI Client
- connector-py — An Abstract Tool to Perform Actions on Integrations
- cowin-async — Interact with CoWin APIs
- custom-workflow-solutions — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- daprgen — TODO
- datasette-app-support — Part of
- datasette-auth-github — Datasette plugin and ASGI middleware that authenticates users against GitHub
- datasette-auth-osm — Datasette plugin that authenticates users against Openstreetmap
- datasette-auth0 — Datasette plugin that authenticates users using Auth0
- datasette-debug-actors-from-ids — Datasette plugin for trying out the actors_from_ids hook
- datasette-enrichments-gmap-geocode — Geocoding enrichment using Google Maps API
- datasette-enrichments-opencage — Geocoding enrichment using OpenCage
- datasette-events-forward — Forward Datasette events to another instance
- datasette-examples — Load example SQL scripts into Datasette on startup
- datasette-import-table — Datasette plugin for importing tables from other Datasette instances
- datasette-indieauth — Datasette authentication using IndieAuth and RelMeAuth
- datasette-load — API and UI for bulk loading data into Datasette from a URL
- datasette-media — Datasette plugin for serving media based on a SQL query
- datasette-proxy-url — Proxy a URL through a Datasette instance
- datasette-remote-actors — Datasette plugin for fetching details of actors from a remote endpoint
- datasette-remote-metadata — Periodically refresh Datasette metadata from a remote URL
- datasette-scale-to-zero — Quit Datasette if it has not received traffic for a specified time period
- datasette-scribe — Transcribe videos in Datasette
- datasette-socrata — Import data from Socrata into Datasette
- dclient — A client CLI utility for Datasette instances
- denonavr — Automation Library for Denon AVR receivers
- devolo-plc-api — devolo PLC devices in Python
- diracx-routers — TODO
- domus-tdd-api — A modular and semantic Thing Description Directory
- download-esm — Download ESM modules from npm and jsdelivr
- dspygen — A Ruby on Rails style framework for the DSPy (Demonstrate, Search, Predict) project for Language Models like GPT, BERT, and LLama.
- dungeondriver — Dungeon Driver : A companion for your dungeon diving applications
- earhorn — Listen, monitor and archive your streams!
- energy-logger — Energy logger
- exapi — Async API for exchanges
- fast-tradier-client — A Tradier client for trading stocks and options through Tradier API
- fastapi-problem — FastAPI support for RFC9457 problems.
- fauna — Fauna Python driver for FQL 10+
- firebolt-sdk — Python SDK for Firebolt
- fpx — Stream archiver/proxy
- fs.crawler — FamilySearch Crawler - extracts files for RedBlackGraph ingestion
- gh-issues — no summary
- google-calendar-to-sqlite — Create a SQLite database containing your data from Google Calendar
- google-drive-to-sqlite — Create a SQLite database containing metadata from Google Drive
- halerium-utilities — Halerium utilities is a Python package of utility functions for working on the Halerium platform.
- healthpy — Health Check for HTTP APIs
- http_toolkit — Library for creating HTTP clients to various services with flexible transport customization
- httpx-auth — Authentication for HTTPX
- inorbit-edge-executor — InOrbit Edge Missions Executor
- json-post — Tool for posting JSON to an API, broken into pages
- lago-python-client — Lago Python API Client
- langwatch — Python SDK for LangWatch for monitoring your LLMs
- launchflow — Python-native infrastructure for the cloud: LaunchFlow provides a Python SDK that automatically creates and connects to production-ready infrastructure (such as Postgres, Redis, etc..) in your own cloud account. LaunchFlow completely removes the need for DevOps allowing you to focus on your application logic.
- layabauth — Handle OAuth2 authentication for REST APIs
- lhcbdiracx-routers — TODO
- llm — CLI utility and Python library for interacting with Large Language Models from organizations like OpenAI, Anthropic and Gemini plus local models installed on your own machine.
- llm-anyscale-endpoints — LLM plugin for models hosted by Anyscale Endpoints
- llm-azure-tts — Text-to-speech using the Azure OpenAI TTS API
- llm-databricks — LLM access to Databricks model serving
- llm-deepseek-xtreme — LLM access to DeepSeek's API
- llm-grok — LLM plugin providing access to Grok models using the xAI API
- llm-hyperbolic — LLM access to Hyperbolic's API
- llm-lambda — LLM access to LAMBDA's API
- llm-mistral — LLM plugin providing access to Mistral models busing the Mistral API
- llm-nosrun — LLM plugin for models hosted by NOS Cloud
- llm-sambanova — LLM plugin for models hosted by SambaNova
- llm-whisper-api — Run transcriptions using the OpenAI Whisper API
- llm-xai — LLM plugin for models hosted by OpenRouter
- lmconf — no summary
- lsst-rsp — Utility functions for the Rubin Science Platform
- mindfoundry.client.analyze — Mind Foundry Analyze Python Client
- mindfoundry.client.horizon — Mind Foundry Horizon Client
- mork-ork — Mork, an HTTP API to notify and delete accounts of inactive users.
- multi-api-mocker — A Python library for generating mock API responses for testing.
- neos_common — Neos Common Code
- neosctl — NEOS Core CLI
- netlify-python — Bare-bones python library for the official Netlify API
- neuroagent — Search agent for neuroscience.
- nextline-schedule — A plugin of nextline-graphql. An interface to the SO scheduler.
- obc — The Open Badges Client