Reverse Dependencies of pytest-html
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-html:
- mockish — A thin layer of sugar atop Python's mock.
- molecule-alicloud — AliCloud ECS Molecule Plugin :: run molecule tests using AliCloud ECS (Aliyun ECS)
- mooreio-client — CLI tool to automate EDA tasks for ASICs, FPGAs, and UVM IP.
- morphology-workflows — Workflows used for morphology processing.
- musical_games — Implementation of musical dice games from the 18th century.
- muttlib — Collection of helper modules by Mutt Data.
- myke — The dynamic Python CLI task runner.
- nano-local — A simple way to locally create a network of nano_nodes
- nasty — NASTY Advanced Search Tweet Yielder
- nasty-utils — Independent useful utilities created during NASTY's development.
- nbcelltests — Cell-by-cell tests for JupyterLab
- nbconvert-a11y — nbconvert templates using modern standards
- neo-grammar-graph — Graphs from Context-Free Grammars.
- neurocollage — A tool to create 2D morphology collage plots based on matplotlib.
- neurots — Synthesis of artificial neurons using their topological profiles package.
- newsfeedback — Tool for extracting and saving news article metadata at regular intervals.
- np-vba — Python package for analyzing behavioral data for Brain Observatory: Visual Behavior. Forked to specify dependencies in pyproject.toml and support Python >3.7.
- occlib — a python template for the Open Cinema Collective
- octo-pipeline-backend-pytest-python — pytest backend implementation for octo-pipeline
- open-mpic-core — Library of core (common) MPIC functionality for Open MPIC in Python.
- open2fa — A 2FA CLI tool for generating 2FA codes using TOTP secrets, with an optional SECURE remote api, and an optional web ui enabling 2FA code generation from any device
- openide — Python implementation of openide/Netbeans Platform concepts
- opensourcetest — We need more free software interface testing.
- opensourcetest-test-test — We need more free software interface testing.
- osc-github-devops — Python project template
- osc-transformer-presteps — OS-Climate Data Extraction Tool
- OSGRMATT — Simple framework to fast build selenium (with remote selenium grid as option) and api tests.
- otelme — otelme pronounced "Oh, tell me"
- parse_type — Simplifies to build parse types based on the parse module
- passpredict — Predict upcoming satellite overpasses
- perfsprocket — Manipulate file sequences with ease!
- pg-jsonb-flattener — JSONB data flattener for Postgresl
- phytest — Quality control for phylogenetic pipelines using pytest
- piblin — Measurement data science functionality
- pilotis-io — This is a lib with IO functions to use while coding Python ML projects
- pilotis-io-aws — This is the implementation of pilotis-io for AWS
- pitrix — pitrix test tool
- plotly-gtk — no summary
- pmeter — A Jmeter auto test tool.
- podpac — Pipeline for Observational Data Processing, Analysis, and Collaboration
- poetry-pdf — Poetry formatter
- ppqueue — A Parallel Process Queue for Python.
- prodigyqa — Test Automation Framework
- promptart — Simple frontend for accessing image and speech generation APIs.
- prophecy-build-tool — Prophecy-build-tool (PBT) provides utilities to build and distribute projects created from the Prophecy IDE.
- protobuf3-models — Straightforward protobuf 3 handling through Python classes.
- proxyorderedset — A simple implementation of ordered sets as a proxy to Python's standard dict class.
- pubg-client — A python client for the PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds API
- publish — Publish python package to PyPI and Github
- py_canalyzer — Python CANalyzer Package
- py-hydroweb — Python API to search and download hydrological data from the catalog
- pyadr — CLI to help with an ADR process lifecycle (proposal/approval/rejection/deprecation/superseeding), which used git.
- pyaux — A collection of small useful helpers.
- pybammeis — PyBaMM EIS
- pybos — BOS library
- pycman — Python package manager
- pydoit-project-builder — Templates to be used when creating projects.
- pygenstability — Python binding of generalised Louvain with Markov Stability
- pylint-report — Generates an html report summarizing the results of pylint.
- PyPackIT-Test-TestSuite — A New Python Project
- PyPackIT-Test1-TestSuite — A New Python Project
- pype-schema — Class hierarchy to represent configurations of process engineering systems.
- pyschematron — Schematron validation in Python.
- pystencils — Speeding up stencil computations on CPUs and GPUs
- pytest-autotest — This fixture provides a configured "driver" for Android Automated Testing, using uiautomator2.
- pytest-bdd-html — pytest plugin to display BDD info in HTML test report
- pytest-dolphin — Some extra stuff that we use ininternally
- pytest-f3ts — Pytest Plugin for communicating test results and information to a FixturFab Test Runner GUI
- pytest-html-object-storage — Pytest report plugin for send HTML report on object-storage
- pytest-molecule — PyTest Molecule Plugin :: discover and run molecule tests
- pytest-molecule-JC — PyTest Molecule Plugin :: discover and run molecule tests
- pytest-network-endpoints — Network endpoints plugin for pytest
- pytest-plus — PyTest Plus Plugin :: extends pytest functionality
- pytest-selenium — pytest plugin for Selenium
- pytest-selenium-auto — pytest plugin to automatically capture screenshots upon selenium webdriver events
- pytest-splunk-addon-ui-smartx — Library to support testing Splunk Add-on UX
- pytest-webtest-extras — Pytest plugin to enhance pytest-html and allure reports of webtest projects by adding screenshots, comments and webpage sources.
- pytestapilib — The base for API-related test frameworks
- python-contest-template — python template for contest
- python-selenium-ctrl-package — Base_page for selenium automation
- qingqiu — 简单得接口测试框架
- quantstream — 'QuantStream' is a Python library for financial data analysis and visualization.
- qubalab — A laboratory for exploring quantitative bioimage analysis in Python
- quickdocs — Creates HTML docs from a project's readme and sphinx-apidoc.
- quik_db — A python library for a streamlined database experience from config file
- ragnardoc — RAGNARDoc (RAG Native Automatic Reingestion for Documents) is a tool that runs natively on a developer workstation and automatically ingests local documents into various Retrieval Augmented Generation indexes. It is designed as a companion app for workstation RAG applications which would benefit from maintaining an up-to-date view of documents hosted natively on a user's workstation.
- raimitigations — Python library for implementing and exploring mitigations for Responsible AI.
- rainbow — Colorize commands output using patterns.
- rally — Generic Testing Framework & Tool that unifies all types of testing.
- rcm — Library for geo-spatial multi-agent models.
- rdltr — simple read-it-later app
- redis-cache-lock — Synchronizing cache generation to reduce work
- region-grower — Synthesize cells in a given spatial context.
- RegScale-CLI — Command Line Interface (CLI) for bulk processing/loading data into RegScale
- river-core — RiVer Core Verification Framework
- robotslacker-testcli — Test Command tool
- rrtv-httprunner — One-stop solution for HTTP(S) testing.
- rrunner — One-stop solution for HTTP(S) testing.
- rstdepassuredtchnq — A Demo Dummy package to check for pypi upload
- safe-environ — Safely integrate environment variables