Reverse Dependencies of pytest-github-actions-annotate-failures
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-github-actions-annotate-failures:
- AutoCase — Automatic AI based (optional) Camel / Snake / Pascal / Kebab / Train(Title) / Upper / Lower Case Conversion
- bailo — Simplifies interacting with Bailo
- baruchiro — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- beancount-format — Typed rtorrent rpc client
- bencode-c — A fast and correct bencode serialize/deserialize library
- bgm-tv-wiki — wiki syntax parser
- bump-pep621 — A simple comment to build package version defined in `project.version`
- cellphe — CellPhe: Toolkit for cell phenotyping from time-lapse videos
- ChurchToolsApi — A Python wrapper for the ChurchTools API
- click-extra — 🌈 Drop-in replacement for Click to make user-friendly and colorful CLI
- coauthor — Coauthor Python Project
- codeworks — CodeWorks python package
- CohesiveSDK — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- conflowgen — A generator for synthetic container flows at maritime container terminals with a focus on yard operations
- cspdk — CornerStone PDK
- cx-copilot — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- dbini-torch — PyTorch optimized bilateral normal integration
- declare-cloudinfra-standard-template-library — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- device-ui — UI for micro devices based on QT
- dpyrandmeme — Random memes fetched for use in bot commands.
- dynamic-library — Hook to load package-provided dynamic libraries
- ekf-slam — Python implementation of EKF SLAM
- evaluators — Various scene understanding and perception evaluation metrics.
- everhome — api package.
- explorify — Explorify: Your modular solution for comprehensive data exploration. Dive deep with a suite of statistical techniques, tests, and visualizations designed for flexibility and ease of use.
- extra-platforms — Detect platforms and group them by family
- FGL — A fast graph library.
- flowops — FlowOps: Optical Flow for Computer Vision
- foo-bar-eggs-baruch — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- forbids — forBIDS - BIDS protocol compliance validation
- gdsfactory — python library to generate GDS layouts
- gentun — Hyperparameter tuning for machine learning models using a distributed genetic algorithm
- gha-utils — ⚙️ CLI helpers for GitHub Actions + reuseable workflows
- gnetcli-adapter — Gnetcli-server adapter for Annet
- gpt-review — Python Project for reviewing GitHub PRs with Open AI and Chat-GPT.
- gptfunctionutil — A simple package for the purpose of providing a set of utilities that make it easier to invoke python functions and coroutines using OpenAI's GPT models.
- haven-conf — Simple and flexible dataclass configuration system
- — An API wrapper for the Helldivers 2 Community and official APIs
- HTF_PythonProjectTest — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- io-beep-boop — Wrapper and CLI for the Italian IO App API
- is_annotated — Check if an object is an `Annotated` type.
- j-pandas-datalib — Dataabstractionlayer For Pandas
- javascriptasync — fork of JSPyBridge overhauled to allow for asyncio compatibility and more control.
- juice-geopipeline — no summary
- juice-phs — no summary
- kabupy — A Python package for scraping Japanese stock information from various websites.
- kcommon — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- kedro-prefect-oliver — Kedro-Prefect integration library
- ksj-rpc — A Simple Python Library for RPC
- learnstdio — Learnstdio for Python
- lexios — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- lipo — Global, derivative- and parameter-free (hyperparameter) optimization
- mail-deduplicate — 📧 CLI to deduplicate mails from mail boxes
- meliora — Credit risk validation and development tools
- meta-package-manager — 🎁 wraps all package managers with a unifying CLI
- meteoswiss-async — Asynchronous client for MeteoSwiss API.
- mewbot-dev-tools — Mewbot Developers Tools (
- modern_robitcs_smc — Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control
- modern_robotics_smc — Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control
- mortgage_simulator — A package for simulating mortgages
- mqtt-entity — MQTT client to manage Home Assistant entities via MQTT
- mr_urdf_loader — Modern Robotics URDF Load Module
- nbodyx — A JAX simulator for N body problems.
- netbox-python — NetBox Python API Client.
- numderivax — Numerical differentiation in JAX.
- oarepo — CESNET, UCT Prague and NTK wrapper around Invenio v3.
- odsbox — Toolbox for accessing ASAM ODS servers using the HTTP API
- openmeteo-requests — Open-Meteo Python Library
- outset — add zoom indicators, insets, and magnified panels to matplotlib/seaborn visualizations with ease!
- pkgconf — `pkgconf` is a program which helps with discovering library dependencies and configuring compiler and linker flags.
- PoliPrompt — PoliPrompt performs data analysis with state-of-the-art foundation models
- posecraft — Library for manipulating pose keypoints
- PPISleuth — Snif out targets from a PPI network.
- project-async — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Async Client for a new API
- pths — pth install class
- ptspy — Pts is a python package for visualization and creative coding. It's the python version of the popular [Pts.js]( library.
- py-dbchat — Chat with your existing database without using vector DB.
- py-homepass — Python package for basic interaction with the Plume Homepass API
- py-project-toml-kimtodd — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- pyBlindRL — A Python implementation of blind Richardson-Lucy deconvolution
- pybomwater — A python tool for requesting data from BoM Sensor Observation Service (SOS2, as WaterML 2.0 format)
- pyjats — Quick pydantic based parser for parsing JATS xml from e.g. EuropePMC
- pykiwi — pykiwi
- pylantir — Python - DICOM Modality WorkList
- pyMicroeconomics — Functions for microeconomic analysis
- pyosis — Unofficial Python client for parsing OSIS (Open Scriptural Information Standard) files
- pypas — Python wrapper for CyberArk Core PAS REST-API
- pypersonality — Identify the personality from a given text using (MBTI) Myers-Briggs Personality Type Dataset
- pyrchive — A Python package for interacting with
- pyresumize — Resume Parser Written in Python3 . The module supports .pdf and .docx files
- pySISF — A Python toolkit for SISF Images
- pyspark-dataframe-wrappers — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- pytest-azure — Pytest utilities and mocks for Azure
- pytest-homeassistant-custom-component — Experimental package to automatically extract test plugins for Home Assistant custom components
- pytest-invenio — Pytest fixtures for Invenio.
- pytorch-forecasting — Forecasting timeseries with PyTorch - dataloaders, normalizers, metrics and models
- pytorch-forecasting-unofficial-hotfix — Forecasting timeseries with PyTorch - dataloaders, normalizers, metrics and models
- pyvista-view — A pythonic interface to the Qt Graphics View Framework using qtpy
- rdmo — RDMO is a tool to support the systematic planning, organisation and implementation of the data management throughout the course of a research project.
- reprompt — Reprompt