Reverse Dependencies of pytest-faulthandler
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-faulthandler:
- anndata2ri — no summary
- bluesky — Experiment specification & orchestration.
- circup — A tool to manage/update libraries on CircuitPython devices.
- glue-core — Core library for the glue multidimensional data visualization project
- glue-core-for-glue-genes — Multidimensional data visualization across files for glue genes
- glue-genes — Multidimensional data visualization for genomics
- glue-geospatial — Experimental glue plugin for geospatial imagery
- glue-heatmap — A Heatmap viewer
- glue-medical — Plugin for glue to support medical data
- glue-qt — Multidimensional data visualization across files
- glue-samp — A SAMP plugin for glue
- glue-small-multiples — A viewer for small multiples
- glue-vispy-viewers — Vispy-based viewers for Glue
- mu-editor — A simple Python editor for beginner programmers.
- nodify — Supercharge your functional application with a powerful node system.
- nudatus — Strip comments from scripts, intended for use with MicroPython and other storage constrained environments
- ophyd — Bluesky hardware abstraction with an emphasis on EPICS
- ophyd-async — Asynchronous Bluesky hardware abstraction code, compatible with control systems like EPICS and Tango
- p99_bluesky — p99 sandbox
- piksi_tools — Python tools for the Piksi GNSS receiver.
- pydivert — Python binding to windivert driver
- pysarpro — SAR processing in Python
- qtrio — a library bringing Qt GUIs together with ``async`` and ``await`` via Trio
- sisl — Manipulation and post-processing of DFT output and creating tight-binding models for NEGF transport
- twodlearn — Easy development of machine learning models