Reverse Dependencies of pytest-docker
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-docker:
- acryl-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- acryl-datahub-actions — An action framework to work with DataHub real time changes.
- acryl-datahub-gx-plugin — Datahub GX plugin to capture executions and send to Datahub
- aiidalab-widgets-base — Reusable widgets for AiiDAlab applications.
- amai-ai-chatbot — African Multimodal Artificial Intelligence
- automatix-cmd — Automation wrapper for bash and python commands
- bento-sts — Bento Simple Terminology Server
- caikit-nlp-client — caikit-nlp client
- cdpdev-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- clickhouse-plantuml — Generates PlantUML diagrams for clickhouse databases
- collective.bluesky — Bluesky integration for Plone.
- — Feedback mechanism integration for io-comune
- collective.mastodon — Mastodon integration for Plone.
- collective.volto.gdprcookie — Add-on for Plone to manage cookie settings for GDPR in Volto
- consulate-fork — A Client library and command line application for the Consul. Fork of Consulate package
- CosmoTech-Acceleration-Library — Acceleration libraries for CosmoTech cloud based solution development
- dataClay — Python distributed data store that enables remotely access and method execution.
- dbyml — "CLI tool for building docker image"
- dvc — Git for data scientists - manage your code and data together
- dvc-gdrive — gdrive plugin for dvc
- dvc-hdfs — hdfs plugin for dvc
- dvc-oss — oss plugin for dvc
- dvc-ssh — ssh plugin for dvc
- dvc-webhdfs — webhdfs plugin for dvc
- faust-bootstrap — Faust bootstrap app
- flowpyter-task — no summary
- gitlab-sync — synchronise GitLab repositories
- grafana-sync — Sync Grafana dashboards and folders
- kitconcept.solr — An opinionated Solr integration for Plone
- labtasker — A task queue system for lab experiments
- mara-db — Configuration and monitoring of database connections
- mara-pipelines — Opinionated lightweight ELT pipeline framework
- mcp-dbutils — MCP Database Utilities Service
- mlos-bench — MLOS Bench Python interface for benchmark automation and optimization.
- oarepo-tools — OARepo tools
- ocs — Observatory Control System
- pas.plugins.keycloakgroups — Use groups from Keycloak inside Plone portals.
- pingpong-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- py-ms-consulate — A Client library and command line application for the Consul
- pytest-flyte — Pytest fixtures for simplifying Flyte integration testing
- pytest_gitlab — Pytest Plugin for Gitlab
- pytest-otel — OpenTelemetry plugin for Pytest
- raga-cli — Git for data scientists - manage your code and data together
- — Add-on RER for Plone to manage search results in Volto
- scmrepo — scmrepo
- sifts — Simple full-text search library with SQL backend
- simplesingletable — A simple boto3/Pydantic implementation of DynamoDB Single Table Design and related utilities.
- superset-api-client — A simple REST API Client for Apache-Superset
- supersullytools — This is a Python package that brings together a suite of utilities and helpers across several domains of software development.
- swh.webhooks — Software Heritage Webhooks management
- thisbeatest — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- treff7es-datahub-airflow-plugin — Datahub Airflow plugin to capture executions and send to Datahub