Reverse Dependencies of pytest-datadir
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-datadir:
- aiida-test-cache — A pytest plugin to simplify testing of AiiDA workflows
- aiida-testing-dev — A pytest plugin for testing AiiDA plugins.
- aiida-wannier90 — AiiDA Plugin for the Wannier90 code
- analyze-drafter-site — A python tool for analyzing and summarizing a Drafter website in various ways, to simplify grading
- ape-apeman — Top-level package for ape-apeman.
- ashx — Geometry and mesh tools
- aws-gate — aws-gate - AWS SSM Session Manager client CLI
- baikalctl — Top-level package for baikalctl.
- BaSiCpy — A python package for background and shading correction of optical microscopy images
- bbprepared — no summary
- bmi-geotiff — Access data and metadata in a GeoTIFF file through an API or a BMI
- bmi-topography — Fetch and cache land elevation data from OpenTopography
- cagey — Streamlined automated data analysis.
- cgexplore — no summary
- chamber-backup-diff — Top-level package for chamber-backup-diff.
- charonload — Develop C++/CUDA extensions with PyTorch like Python scripts
- Clinamen2 — a versatile implementation of the Cholesky CMA-ES
- corpus-judge — Cleaning, setting Justices
- country_converter — The country converter (coco) - a Python package for converting country names between different classifications schemes
- cptree — Top-level package for cptree.
- data-prep-connector — Scalable and Compliant Web Crawler
- datasets — HuggingFace community-driven open-source library of datasets
- datasets-fast — Optimisations for HuggingFace Datasets with array features
- dbt-cloud-cli — dbt Cloud command line interface (CLI)
- disaggregators — HuggingFace community-driven open-source library for dataset disaggregation
- dlg-paletteGen — DALiuGE palette generator tool
- docker_credential_chamber — docker_credential_chamber
- Dragodis — A universal interface for running scripts under multiple disassemblers.
- drain-swamp — Python build backend with build plugins and dependency lock switch
- drain-swamp-snippet — Change portions of static config files
- email-to-telegram — Telegram bot that reads a mail file and forwards to Telegram chat
- embcompare — EmbCompare is a small python package that helps you compare your embeddings both visually and numerically.
- erlab — Python package for ARPES data analysis and visualization.
- evaluate — HuggingFace community-driven open-source library of evaluation
- extended-configparser — Extended config parser.
- ezdag — High-level HTCondor DAG generation library
- flimsay — A super simple fast IMS predictor
- geniac — Automatic Configuration GENerator and Installer for nextflow pipeline
- geolia — Geometry and mesh tools
- ghidrecomp — Python Command-Line Ghidra Decomplier
- ghidriff — Ghidra Binary Diffing Engine
- git-wrapper — Python commodity wrapper around GitPython
- github_release_tool — Top-level package for github-release-tool.
- hashtree — Top-level package for hashtree.
- houdini-package-runner — Tooling to analyze or perform actions on Python code in Houdini packages
- iam-sarif-report — no summary
- input4mips-validation — Validation of input4MIPs data (checking file formats, metadata etc.).
- invokeai — An implementation of Stable Diffusion which provides various new features and options to aid the image generation process
- koji-wrapper — """
- landlab — Open-source Python package for numerical modeling of Earth surface dynamics.
- lifesci — This repo contains python3 life sciences utilities.
- local_chamber — Top-level package for local-chamber.
- Lucy01 — CLI companion for CP.
- matchpoint — Use methods and method chaining on lists of objects.
- MCHammer — no summary
- metamock — Top-level package for metamock.
- minibump — Bump versions in changelogs and pyprojects
- moralis-streams-client — Client module for the Moralis Streams API, including a CLI and a webhook utility for buffering and forwarding endpoint callbacks.
- mwcp — A framework for malware configuration parsers.
- nbgitpuller-link — Create an nbgitpuller link
- nda-tools — NIMH Data Archive Python Client
- netatmo-geopy — Pythonic package to access Netatmo CWS data.
- nitpick — Enforce the same settings across multiple language-independent projects
- ontoviz — no summary
- openclsim — The OpenCLSim package aims to facilitate rule based planning of cyclic activities and in depth comparison of different system concepts.
- opentnsim — The OpenTNSim package aims to facilitate the analysis of network performance for different network configurations, fleet compositions and traffic rules.
- papersurfer — no summary
- pengwann — Computation of chemical bonding descriptors from Wannier functions
- phippery — Tools for analyzing PhIP-Seq Data.
- pipenv-setup — sync Pipfile/Pipfile.lock to
- plastron-repo — High-level classes and functions for interacting with a Fedora repository
- PoreMapper — no summary
- procustodibus-agent — Synchronizes your WireGuard settings with Pro Custodibus.
- procustodibus-broker — Pushes events from Pro Custodibus into your security management systems.
- py-dev-deps — A package for common python development dependencies
- py-taplo — python wrapper for taplo
- pyhidra — Native CPython for Ghidra
- pylicense3 — Apply license information to a git project.
- pylivemaker — Python package for manipulating LiveMaker game resources.
- pyMOR — Library for building model order reduction applications with Python
- pyspeedinsights — Measure your site speed, performance, accessibility and SEO in bulk from the command line with Python and the PageSpeed Insights API.
- pytest-houdini — pytest plugin for testing code in Houdini.
- pytest-regressions — Easy to use fixtures to write regression tests.
- python-autojob — tools for automating job creation and management for DFT calculations
- pytimings — MPI Aware section timings
- readtagger — Tags reads in a BAM file based on other BAM files.
- rstms-etherscan-python — etherscan-python
- rstms-pymod — Top-level package for rstms-pymod.
- schnetpack — SchNetPack - Deep Neural Networks for Atomistic Systems
- snek5000 — Python framework for Nek5000
- snek5000-cbox — Snek5000 solver for the cbox (convective box) case
- Solverz — A simulation modelling language
- sphinx-external-toc-strict — A sphinx extension that allows the site-map to be defined in a single YAML file.
- spiegelib — Synthesizer Programming with Intelligent Exploration, Generation, and Evaluation Library
- SpinDry — no summary
- start-ocr — Applying pdfplumber + opencv + pytesseract to extract content and metadata from formal PDF files.
- stellar-spice — no summary
- stk — no summary
- stko — no summary
- tag-utils — tag_utils is a collection of Pungi compose and Koji tag functions for release-depot.