Reverse Dependencies of pytest-custom-exit-code
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-custom-exit-code:
- annlite — Fast and Light Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search Library integrated with the Jina Ecosystem
- arrangio — Arranges a set of songs in groups with similar total play time.
- bitfount — Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library.
- cognite-air-workflow — Client library to perform all required cognite airflow functions built to function with AIR CDF
- cognite-air-workflow-prerelease — Client library to perform all required cognite airflow functions built to function with AIR CDF
- django-management-commands — Modular discovery, aliasing, and sequencing of Django commands
- django-xlsx-serializer — Load/dump Django models from/to Excel 2007+ workbooks
- dpm-tools — A collection of tools and workflows to streamline the processing and visualization of porous media images.
- farm-haystack — LLM framework to build customizable, production-ready LLM applications. Connect components (models, vector DBs, file converters) to pipelines or agents that can interact with your data.
- flax — Flax: A neural network library for JAX designed for flexibility
- hip-data-ml-utils — Common Python tools and utilities for Hipages ML work
- jaxonnxruntime — Jaxonnxruntime: JAX based ONNX Runtime.
- jina-auth — A CLI for you to login in to Jina Ecosystem
- leet2git — Tool to ease the integration between Leetcode and a Git repository
- mockish — A thin layer of sugar atop Python's mock.
- multicurrency — Currency representation library.
- myke — The dynamic Python CLI task runner.
- partialdispatch — Function-level logic inspried by functools.singledispatch
- porespy — A set of tools for analyzing 3D images of porous materials
- ppqueue — A Parallel Process Queue for Python.
- practipy — Python convenience functions and classes
- PyDynamic — A software package for the analysis of dynamic measurements
- python-gitmojis — 😜 The official Gitmoji Guide in Python projects 🐍
- saltext.elasticsearch — 'Elasticsearch extension'
- saltext.kubernetes — Salt Extension for interacting with Kubernetes
- saltext.salt-describe — Salt Describe Runner
- sentinex — Sentinex: A high level interface aimed towards rapid prototyping and intuitive workflow for JAX.
- signalboa — Connector for SingalBoa user Api
- speciesnet — Tools for classifying species in images from motion-triggered wildlife cameras.
- tensorwrap — TensorWrap: A high level TensorFlow wrapper for JAX.
- tuiview — A TUI for every CLI
- yapx — The next generation of Python's Argparse.