Reverse Dependencies of pytest-coverage
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-coverage:
- abstracts — Abstract class and interface definitions
- — Stream utils for aiohttp and aiofiles
- aio.subprocess — A collection of subprocess utils for asyncio
- aiommost — Mattermost client
- aiosow — An event-based framework
- alkali — alkali is a simple database engine
- anubisgit — Anubis, a CodeMetrics helper
- arcagent — An AI agent competing for the 2024 ARC Prize (Abstract Reasoning Challenge).
- ARLBench — Python Boilerplate that contains all the code you need to create a Python package.
- arnica — All Recurrent No-brainers In Cerfacs Applications
- batou — A utility for automating multi-host, multi-environment software builds and deployments.
- benderopt — Black Box optimization library.
- bio2zarr — Convert bioinformatics data to Zarr
- boston-logger — no summary
- clproc — Generate curated changelogs into various formats.
- Codado — A collection of system development utilities
- configular — Support hierarchical loading of applications settings from a number of sources.
- cval-django-relativedelta — Django alternative to DurationField using dateutil.relativedelta
- datasette-render-local-images — Render local images in the system using datasette plugin
- django-db-logging — Database logging handler with Django integration
- django-pg-copy — Django management command to backup and restore PostgreSQL databases using the DATABASES settings.
- django-relativedelta — Django alternative to DurationField using dateutil.relativedelta
- djpress — A blog application for Django sites, inspired by classic WordPress.
- drf-excel — Django REST Framework renderer for Excel spreadsheet (xlsx) files.
- eatlocal — Tool to solve Pybites Platform exercices locally.
- energyplus_wrapper — Wrapper able to run energy-plus in parallel, directly from python.
- envoy.base.command — Base command runner for Envoy proxy's CI
- envoy.docker.utils — "Docker utils used in Envoy proxy's CI"
- extrainterpreters — PEP 554 Subinterpreters usable from Python code
- fibomat — fib-o-mat is a toolbox to generate patterns for focused ion beam instruments.
- flake8-typechecking-import — A flake plugin that checks for typing.TYPE_CHECKING-able imports
- Flask-RQ2 — A Flask extension for RQ.
- flask-taxonomies — no summary
- fork-purger — Delete all of your forked repositories on Github.
- grakel — A scikit-learn compatible library for graph kernels
- h5cross — Helper tools to handle H5 files
- Hacenada — Write do-nothing scripts
- hoursofoperation — Utilities for loading and doing calculations with a partner's hours of operations configration.
- HyperSweeper — Hydra sweeper integration of our favorite optimization packages, utilizing ask-and-tell interfaces.
- indico-plugin-payment-stripe — Stripe payment support plugin for the Indico conference management system.
- jpylyzer — JP2 (JPEG 2000 Part 1) image validator and properties extractor
- jwst-novt — JWST NIRSpec Observation Visualization Tool
- Keg-Mail — A mail sending library for keg applications
- KegStorage — A simple storage interface with multiple backends for use in a Keg app.
- laserpy — A Language Server Protocol implementation for Python
- lenses — A lens library for python
- madframe — An event-based framework
- maraudersmap — Fast generation of Inports graph
- mathtastic — making math fantastic
- mipi_datamanager — no summary
- mltype — Command line tool for improving typing skills
- mort-jams — cats and stuff
- mosstool — MObility Simulation System toolbox
- ms-thermo — Utilities to work on 2D and 3D structured grids
- mteb — Massive Text Embedding Benchmark
- mypy-abstracts — Mypy plugin for abstracts lib
- pathy — pathlib.Path subclasses for local and cloud bucket storage
- pgflux — Script for monitoring PostgreSQL databases with InfluxDB
- pgtracer — Tracing tools for PostgreSQL
- pixano-inference — Deploy inference models served for Artificial Intelligence solutions including but not limited to Pixano.
- poepy — A Python library for handling annotated rhymes.
- prettyalgo — prettyalgo - pretty print for programming puzzles.
- puffpastry — puffpastry - lightweight dependency injection for Python
- pyfca — pyfca - python formal concept analysis
- pypatchmatch — This library implements the PatchMatch based inpainting algorithm.
- pytest-patches — A contextmanager pytest fixture for handling multiple mock patches
- python-extracontext — Context Variable namespaces supporting generators, asyncio and multi-threading
- remdups — remdups - remove duplicate files
- replete — Assorted utilities with minimal dependencies
- rocketPy — Advanced 6-DOF trajectory simulation for High-Power Rocketry.
- rstdoc — rstdoc - support documentation in restructedText (rst)
- rt-stoppers-contrib — Additional stoppers for ray tune
- s2-python — S2 Protocol Python Wrapper
- sagemaker-experiments — Open source library for Experiment Tracking in SageMaker Jobs and Notebooks
- salahs-twitterbot — twitterbot to remove/view favorites/tweets and view trending tweets
- satellogic-quaternions — This is a library for dealing with quaternions in Python in a unified way.
- scikit-fdiff — Automatic finite difference discretization for 1D PDE with fast temporal solvers.
- semhash — Fast Semantic Text Deduplication
- seqtools — A library for transparent transformation of indexable containers (lists, etc.)
- sermepa — A client to submit payment orders to the Sermepa service.
- sheeprl — High-quality, single file and distributed implementation of Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms with production-friendly features
- skillbridge — A seamless Python remote bridge to Cadence's Skill in Virtuoso
- slack-votebot — Voting bot for Slack.
- spearmint — Refreshing hypothesis testing in python!
- sphinx-gallery — A Sphinx extension that builds an HTML gallery of examples from any set of Python scripts.
- stpl — stpl - expand bottle SimpleTemplate
- tekigo — Cerfacs mesh adaption toolkit
- tokenlearn — Pre-train Static Embedders
- tsanalysis — Machine Learning library for time series analysis
- tucan — Unformatter Tool to allow parsing and analysis of code base.
- turtlethread — A Turtle-interface for making embroidery files
- unicef-power-query — Provides Basic UNICEF User model and integration with Azure
- vicinity — Lightweight Nearest Neighbors with Flexible Backends
- viewdom-wired — Injectable and plugabble components and services for viewdom
- wandb-osh — Trigger wandb offline syncs from a compute node without internet
- wired-injector — Dependency injection system for wired.
- x690 — Pure Python X.690 implementation
- xivapi-beta — An asynchronous python wrapper for the XIV API's beta endpoints
- yaml-source-map — Calculate JSON Pointers to each value within a YAML document along with the line, column and character position for the start and end of that value