Reverse Dependencies of pytest-cov
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-cov:
- yet-another-wizz — Implementation of the Schmidt et al. (2013) clustering redshift method.
- yet-another-wizz-cli — Command line client for yet_another_wizz.
- yews — Deep Learning toolbox for seismic waveform processing.
- yggdrasil-framework — A framework for combining interdependent models from multiple languages.
- yieldlang — no summary
- yieldplotlib — A Python pipeline to generate plots for exoplanet yield simulations.
- yin2009 — C3 and C4 photosynthesis models
- yippy — A Python and JAX wrapper to create a coronagraph object from a yield input package
- ylib — My Library
- ym2021-prj — Repository to test GitHub Actions Workflows.
- ymlconf — An example package. Generated with cookiecutter-rrpylibrary.
- YMLEditor — YMLEditor is a package for quickly creating editors for simple YAML configuration files.
- ymsyolo10 — Ultralytics YOLOv8 for SOTA object detection, multi-object tracking, instance segmentation, pose estimation and image classification.
- ynca — Package to control Yamaha receivers that support the YNCA protocol.
- yoki5 — Wrapper around h5py to give easier interface around complex files.
- yolotest — Ultralytics YOLOv8
- yolov8-pose-triton — Ultralytics YOLOv8 for SOTA object detection, multi-object tracking, instance segmentation, pose estimation and image classification.
- yolov8-rknn — Ultralytics YOLOv8 for SOTA object detection, multi-object tracking, instance segmentation, pose estimation and image classification.
- yoti — The Yoti Python SDK, providing API support for Login, Verify (2FA) and Age Verification.
- yoti-sandbox — The Yoti Python Sandbox SDK, providing API support for sandbox services
- youchoose — YouChoose is an open source recommendation library built on PyTorch.
- yourdfpy — A simpler and easier-to-use library for loading, manipulating, saving, and visualizing URDF files.
- youscan-ir-client — no summary
- youtube-auto-publish — no summary
- youtube-playlist-to-m3u — A quick tool to extract a M3U playlist from a youtube playlist url
- youtube-transcript-generator — A Python package to generate AI-powered transcripts from YouTube videos
- yrouter — A URL routing library.
- ysignals — Yahoo Signals
- yt-aspect — A yt plugin for loading ASPECT output
- yt-transcript-dl — YouTube Transcript Downloader
- yt-xarray — interface between yt and xarray
- ytho — Change your REPL prompt.
- ytree — An extension of yt for working with merger tree data.
- ytubeinsight — A Python package for YouTube channel analytics
- yuque-py — yuque api for python version
- yxr-codeforces-core — Simple Codeforces core api
- Z0Z_tools — Tools for audio/signal processing, data structure, function parameters, and package management.
- z2pack — Automating the computation of topological numbers of band-structures
- z3-armor — Constraint-based obfuscation using z3.
- za-id-number — South African (RSA/ZA) ID number validation and easy data extraction Library.
- zabbix-epics-py — Zabbix-EPICS for Python
- zampy — python package for getting Land Surface Model input data.
- zapit-Python-Bridge — Bridge for controlling Zapit from Python
- zappend — Tool for robustly creating and updating Zarr datacubes from smaller slices
- zarpaint — Paint segmentations directly to on-disk/remote zarr arrays
- zarr — An implementation of chunked, compressed, N-dimensional arrays for Python
- zarrs — no summary
- zarrtraj — This is a kit that provides the ability to read and write trajectory data in the Zarr file format
- zathura-language-server — language server for zathurarc
- zavod — Data factory for followthemoney data.
- zc.buildout.languageserver — A language server for zc.buildout
- zds-schema — Schema-generatie tooling
- zebrafy — Python library for converting PDF and images to Zebra Programming Language (ZPL)
- zeclient — Python APIs for ZE Web Services
- zeep — A Python SOAP client
- zeep-adv — A modern/fast Python SOAP client based on lxml / requests + Corentin Remaud silly edit
- zeep-bold — A fork of Michael van Tellingen of python-zeep
- zeff — An effective nuclear charge calculator
- ZeffClient — ZeffClient is a command line tool & library for working with Zeff AI Cloud API.
- zefir-analytics — no summary
- zelfred — Interactive terminal application framework.
- zenflow — Learn distributions with normalizing flows.
- zenithdb — SQLite-powered document database with MongoDB-like syntax, full-text search, and advanced querying capabilities
- zennit — Attribution of Neural Networks using PyTorch
- zenodo-accessrequests — Zenodo module for providing access request feature.
- zenodoclient — programmatic access to Zenodo
- zenopy — zenopy: A Python wrapper package for Zenodo API
- zepben.auth — Utilities for authenticating to the Evolve App Server and Energy Workbench Server
- zepben.eas — Python SDK for interacting with the Evolve App Server
- zepben.edith — Python SDK extensions for the Edith project
- zepben.evolve — Python SDK for interacting with the Evolve platform
- zepben.evolve.test-ci-central — Python SDK for interacting with the Evolve platform
- zepben.examples — Module containing examples for interacting with Zepben's platform
- zepben.opendss — Library for exporting Zepben CIM network models to OPENDSS models
- zepben.test-ci-central — Python SDK for interacting with the Evolve platform
- zephyr-ml — Prediction engineering methods for Draco.
- zeppos-core — Zeppos Pypi core functionality
- zeppos-logging — Zeppos Pypi project template
- zeppos-sandbox — Zeppos Pypi project template
- zeroae-cli — ZeroAE's CLI
- zeroae-goblet — A Chalice blueprint for creating GitHub Apps
- zerodb — End-to-end encrypted database
- zeroml — zeroml.
- zeroscale — Scale-to-zero any server
- zeroth — Efficiently get the index-0 element of an iterable.
- zeversolarlocal — zeversolarlocal
- zfit-astro — Astrophysics extensions for zfit
- zfit-physics — Physics extension to zfit
- zfit-pwa — Tools to adapt to Partial Wave Analysis packages
- zfit2 — Scalable Pythonic likelihood fitting
- zget — Zeroconf based peer to peer file transfer
- zgl-streaming — Streaming lets users create PyTorch compatible datasets that can be streamed from cloud-based object stores
- zgw-auth-backend — A Django REST framework authentication class for the ZGW API authentication pattern.
- zgw-consumers — Configuration for service (OpenAPI 3 or other) consumers
- zgw-consumers-oas — Tooling to deal with OpenAPI specifications, extracted from zgw-consumers.
- zhihubackup — Backup your Zhihu contents before quitting Zhihu.
- zhkeybert — Based on KeyBERT performs Chinese documents keyword extraction with state-of-the-art transformer models.
- zhplot — Show Chinese in Figures with one line code.
- zhu2018 — Data and formalisms from Zhu 2018
- zhu2020 — Data and formalisms from Zhu 2020