Reverse Dependencies of pytablewriter
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytablewriter:
- asn-nmap — Get status service from a ASN.
- carl-bench — CARL- Contextually Adaptive Reinforcement Learning
- clipable — Your clipboard(Excel or Google spreadsheet) change to markdown clipboard
- corsid — Core Sequence Identifier
- cumulus-library — Clinical study SQL generation for data derived from bulk FHIR
- dump-psql-roles-grants — Dump Postgres Roles and Grants
- envinfopy — envinfopy is a Python Library to get execution environment information.
- factuality — no summary
- fastapix — FastAPI X is a powerful CLI tool to help you! :rocket:
- gitlab-docs — A tool that automatically generates gitlab documentation from yaml files
- gpc-cli — CLI utility for detecting weak spots in GitHub profiles
- grizzly-loadtester — Traffic generator based on locust and behave
- grizzly-loadtester-cli — Command line interface for grizzly-loadtester
- grizzly-loadtester-ls — LSP server implementation for grizzly-loadtester load scenario development
- grsched — DESCRIPTION
- indic-eval — A package to make LLM evaluation easier
- IntuneCD — Tool to backup and update configurations in Intune
- jupyterlab-apibaker — Create a secured API based on a function in your notebook in a few clicks.
- leafhopper — A command line tool for generating project dependencies table
- lighteval — A lightweight and configurable evaluation package
- litewebagent — no summary
- lm-eval — A framework for evaluating language models
- lmdbm — Python DBM style wrapper around LMDB (Lightning Memory-Mapped Database)
- lmms-eval — A framework for evaluating large multi-modality language models
- mdrec — record python object to markdown file & convert to html.
- mechcite — Python package for decorating classes and functions with a citation and generating a bibliography when those are used
- mechmat — Python package for the definition of materials used during mechanical engineering calculations
- metrixpp — Metrix++ is an extendable tool for code metrics collection and analysis.
- ms3 — A parser for MuseScore files, serving as data factory for annotated music corpora.
- myz-tools — Python helper tools
- nlidatamanagement — A tkinter GUI for uploading tagged data to Girder and Zotero.
- norwegianblue — CLI to show end-of-life dates for a number of products
- notion-to-md-py — A package to convert Notion content into Markdown format
- pathvalidate-cli — pathvalidate-cli is a command line interface for pathvalidate library.
- pshtt — Scan websites for HTTPS deployment best practices
- py-chatgpt-plus — Python chatgpt api
- PYEVALB — Scoring tools for bracket tree banks.
- pymodaq-plugin-manager — Manager and interface to list, install or remove PyMoDAQ's plugins
- pypistats — Python interface to PyPI Stats API
- pysum — Summarize pandas DataFrames
- pytablereader — pytablereader is a Python library to load structured table data from files/strings/URL with various data format: CSV / Excel / Google-Sheets / HTML / JSON / LDJSON / LTSV / Markdown / SQLite / TSV.
- pytablewriter-altcol-theme — pytablewriter-altcol-theme is a pytablewriter plugin to provide a terminal theme.
- pytablewriter-altrow-theme — A pytablewriter plugin to provide a theme that colored rows alternatively.
- pytest-md-report — A pytest plugin to generate test outcomes reports with markdown table format.
- redisbench-admin — Redis benchmark run helper. A wrapper around Redis and Redis Modules benchmark tools ( ftsb_redisearch, memtier_benchmark, redis-benchmark, aibench, etc... ).
- riscv-isac — RISC-V ISAC
- rl-zoo3 — A Training Framework for Stable Baselines3 Reinforcement Learning Agents
- roboai-cli — A command line tool to create, manage and deploy Rasa chatbots on the Robo.AI platform.
- seoman — A Command Line tool that is designed for technical SEOs
- seoman-beta — Beta version for seoman
- sequence-transfer — A sequence transfer library for NLP
- sevals — A framework for evaluating language models
- SimpleSQLite — SimpleSQLite is a Python library to simplify SQLite database operations: table creation, data insertion and get data as other data formats. Simple ORM functionality for SQLite.
- siste-test — HyperFetch. A tool to optimize and fetch hyperparameters for your reinforcement learning application.
- social-watcher — Social-watcher allow you to watch twitter and instagram profiles.
- sqliteschema — A Python library to dump table schema of a SQLite database file.
- tabledata — tabledata is a Python library to represent tabular data. Used for pytablewriter/pytablereader/SimpleSQLite/etc.
- taulukko — Table (Finnish Taulukko) glued together to transform into hands-free living.
- tblfaker — tblfaker is a Python library to generate fake tabular data.
- tfvars2markdown — Converts Terraform 0.12+ variables file into a Markdown table
- thank-you-stars — thank-you-stars is a CLI tool to stars to a PyPI package and its dependencies hosted on GitHub.
- youtube-wpm — youtube-wpm is a CLI tool to get a YouTube video's words per minute (WPM).