Reverse Dependencies of pytabix
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytabix:
- CoverageCalculatorPy — Calculated coverage metrics from a GATK3 Depth Of Coverage file and a bedfile
- cwas — Category-wide association study (CWAS). This is a data analytic tool to perform stringent association tests to find non-coding loci associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
- filter_variants — Filter variants based on frequencies
- Galaxy-ML — Galaxy Machine Learning Library
- genmod — Annotate genetic inheritance models in Variant Call Format (VCF) files
- granite-suite — granite is a collection of software to call, filter and work with genomic variants.
- himut — himut: single molecule somatic single-base substitution detection using PacBio CCS reads
- HiNT-Package — HiNT -- HiC for copy number vairations and translocations detection
- mutanno — Mutation Annotation Tool
- nanome-jax — NANOME (Nanopore methylation) pipeline developed by Li Lab at The Jackson Laboratory
- nanomethphase — Phase long reads from Oxford Nanopore Technologies based on their methylated profile.
- ngsderive — Forensic analysis tool useful in backwards computing information from next-generation sequencing data.
- Oncodrive3D — Oncodrive3D is a method designed to analyse patterns of somatic mutations across tumors to identify three-dimensional (3D) clusters of missense mutations and detect genes that are under positive selection.
- oncodrivefml — Identify signals of positive selection in somatic mutations
- polygenic — Polygenic score toolkit
- smunger — munger for GWAS summary statistics.
- Truvari — Structural variant comparison tool for VCFs
- ukbsearch — no summary