Reverse Dependencies of pystan
The following projects have a declared dependency on pystan:
- abracadabra — Making hypothesis and AB testing magically simple!
- anomaly-detection-framework — Anomaly Detection Framework allows us to calculate Anomalities on any Time - Series Data Sets. It has an interface which is easy to manage to train - predict with given dataset.
- autoforecast — AutoML time series forecasting
- bab — Bayesian estimation for A / B testing
- backfillz — MCMC visualisations package developed at the University of Warwick and supported by The Alan Turing Institute.
- bayestestimation — Class method for Bayesian estimation and comparison of means
- bqme — Bayesian Quanile Matching Estimation
- censor-fix — A library for multiple imputation of censored data
- covid_sicr — Global estimation of unobserved COVID-19 infection
- dashstan — Dashboard for Stan MCMC simulations.
- dSreg — Joint inference of alternative splicing and regulatory changes
- forecastga — A Python tool to forecast GA data using several popular timeseries models
- greykite — A python package for flexible forecasting
- hbayesdm — Python interface for hBayesDM, hierarchical Bayesian modeling of RL-DM tasks
- jrpystan — Jumping Rivers: Introduction to Bayesian inference using PyStan
- judgyprophet — Forecasting for knowable future events using Bayesian informative priors (forecasting with judgmental-adjustment).
- jupyterstan — Magics for defining stan code in notebooks.
- kats — kats: kit to analyze time series
- lightwood — Lightwood is Legos for Machine Learning.
- mangoml — Simple Machine Learning library
- molflux — A foundational package for molecular predictive modelling
- nseta — Library to scan, analyse and predict financial data from National Stock Exchange (NSE - India) in pandas dataframe
- ollin — Animal Motion Simulator
- pairwise-ranking — Infer rankings and nature of hierarchies from paired comparisons
- phylostan — Phylogenetic inference with Stan
- pints — Probabilistic Inference in Noisy Time-Series
- pplbench — Evaluation framework for probabilistic programming languages
- prophetable — Run Prophet forcasting models from config files.
- pybrms — Pythonic interface to the brms R package
- PyMARE — PyMARE: Python Meta-Analysis & Regression Engine
- pypillometry — Pupillometry in Python.
- quantumtw — It's my toy project
- rlssm — rlssm: a package for fitting RL models, SSM, and combinations of the two
- runml-infuse — Algorithms for outlier detection, concept drift and metrics.
- sam-anomaly-detector — Sam media anomaly detector library
- scikit-hts — Hierarchical Time Series forecasting
- sfdc-merlion — Merlion: A Machine Learning Framework for Time Series Intelligence
- simpleconjoint — A package to perform conjoint in Python
- simplifiedmc — A CLI that simplifies the usage of MCMC methods.
- soam — Tools for time series analysis, plotting and reporting.
- spatialcorr-sim — SpatialCorr
- stan-utility — Helper routines for pystan based off @betanalphas stan_utility
- stein-thinning — Optimally compress sampling algorithm outputs
- streamlit-prophet — Deploy a Streamlit app to train, evaluate and optimize a Prophet forecasting model visually.
- tcup — no summary
- TIStan — Adaptively annealed thermodynamic integration with Stan
- vf-forecaster — A portable optimized time-series forecasting framework for Python
- viabel — Efficient, lightweight variational inference and approximation bounds
- vistan — Library to run VI algorithms on Stan models.