Reverse Dependencies of pystache
The following projects have a declared dependency on pystache:
- 2Keys — A easy to setup second keyboard, designed for everyone.
- aalam-common — Aalam Common module
- acetone-nnet — Predictable programming framework for ML applications in safety-critical systems.
- agentware — A framework that can be used to easily build agents that has memory and knowledgebase
- airtest_for_h9 — mobile test(black air) python lib
- ampersand — The really, really minimalistic static site generator
- avdb — AFS version tracking database
- aws-data-mesh-utils — The AWS Data Mesh Helper library provides automation around the most common tasks that customers need to perform to implement a data mesh architecture on AWS.
- aws-lambda-api-builder — Build and deploy AWS API Gateways using AWS Lambda
- base24builder — A base 24 builder written in Python
- beancount-financial-statement — A report generator for beancount financial statement.
- bottle-postgresql — Bottle PostgreSQL is a simple adapter for PostgreSQL with connection pooling.
- broomer — Your github house-keeper
- CADPR — Standardize and Automate processes utilized by the DAMs at Nike in CA
- cement — Application Framework for Python
- checkit-dashboard — Dashboard for authoring/disseminating randomized exercises
- cis_interface — A framework for combining interdependent models from multiple languages.
- code-snippet — Code snippet extraction for documentation
- course-certification — Generate course certificates from Google Spreadsheets
- cp-template — A tool to copy templated directories
- cs-generator — no summary
- ctrlb-heimdall — CtrlB Python Debugger
- dash-spa — Dash Pages SPA Framework
- databricks-sql — Databricks SQL framework, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production.
- datafox — "improve how we work with evolving data"
- django-mustache — Mustache template engine for Django 1.8 and newer, with support for Django context processors.
- django-svg-clip — A simple django templatetag plugin for rendering and manipulating SVGs
- docserver — A PyPI-style documentation server.
- dore — Schema based fake data generator
- droopescan — A plugin-based scanner that aids security researchers in identifying issues with several CMSs: Drupal, Wordpress, Moodle and SilverStripe.
- dsflow — "Data science workflow manager"
- dug-test — Dug is a semantic searching and indexing software.
- enbios — Enbios 2
- EPAB — Etcher's Python Application Builder
- er-calvin — Calvin is a distributed runtime and development framework for an actor based dataflowprogramming methodology
- eu-cbm-hat — eu_cbm_hat is a python package for running carbon budget simulations.
- fizzgun — Fizzgun - Simple & Effective HTTP(S) Fuzzer
- flask-postgresql-wrapper — Flask PostgreSQL Wrapper is a simple adapter for PostgreSQL with connection pooling.
- forge-python-sdk — A small example package
- freeplay — no summary
- genanki-marccarre — Generate Anki decks programmatically (fork from
- generoo — Generate code without writing any.
- gentrace-py — Python SDK for the Gentrace API
- gitchangelog — gitchangelog generates a changelog thanks to git log.
- gitchangelog-vt — gitchangelog-vt is a custom version of gitchangelog that generates a changelog thanks to git log.
- gitoo — Odoo third party addons installer.
- gwvolman — WholeTale Girder Volume Manager
- immuneML — immuneML is a software platform for machine learning analysis of immune receptor repertoires.
- instack-undercloud — instack-undercloud
- international-address-formatter — International address formatter
- isomer — isomer
- kapybara — Python library for creating map-reduce workflows on AWS Lambda.
- lambkin — CLI tool for managing functions in AWS Lambda.
- lesscode-flask — lesscode-flask 是基于flask的web开发脚手架项目,该项目初衷为简化开发过程,让研发人员更加关注业务。
- liblet — A teaching aid library for formal languages and compiler courses.
- ligo — LIgO is a tool for simulation of adaptive immune receptors and repertoires.
- magic-markdown — IPython cell magic to create markdown cells that contain content from python expressions
- megyr — A library for creating scripts to automate MESA and GYRE runs.
- mercury-core — Mercury core services and libraries
- mulecli — Script for executing automated tasks
- multi-indexer — A utility for creating sets of templated indexes for local or remote directories.
- NikeCA — Standardize and Automate processes
- nordypy — Nordypy Package
- ogma — Ogma: A database access code generator for Java
- orangutan — Automatic API Inspection and Adaptation System
- orchestrate — SigOpt Orchestrate Client
- os-apply-config — Config files from cloud metadata
- osmgeocoder — OpenStreetMap and based geocoder
- Panache — Pandoc wrapped in styles
- pandoc-mustache — Pandoc filter for variable substitution using Mustache syntax
- pds-doi-core — short description of my pds module, less than 100-120 characters
- peachapisec-ci-jira — Peach API Security JIRA CI Integration
- peachapisec-slack — Peach API Security Slack Notifications
- phases — A Framework for creating a boilerplate template for ai projects that are ready for MLOps
- PieCrust — A powerful static website generator and lightweight CMS.
- powerconf — Powerup you configuration files.
- psij-python — This is an implementation of the PSI/J (Portable Submission Interface for Jobs) specification.
- psik — Portable Submission Interface for Jobs
- puzle-gardener — With Gardener, bootstraping a project has never been so easy !
- pybase16-builder — A base16 colorscheme builder for Python
- Pycco — A Python port of Docco: the original quick-and-dirty, hundred-line-long, literate-programming-style documentation generator.
- pycomet — A CLI tool to manage Terraform Components
- pyembed-mustache — PyEmbed plugin for rendering embeddings using Mustache templates
- pylint-flask-sqlalchemy — A Pylint plugin for improving code analysis when editing code using Flask-SQLAlchemy
- pymarktex — Will convert a markdown text file to a fancy PDF document
- pyoverride — Python project configuration
- pyquilted — convert a yaml file to a pdf resume
- python-graphql-client — Python GraphQL Client
- quilla — Declarative UI testing with JSON
- rbcl — Python library that bundles libsodium and provides wrappers for its Ristretto group functions.
- recolor-dots — Templates for dotfile recoloring
- Sawmill — Alternative logging framework for Python
- score.mustache — Renderer for mustache files for The SCORE Framework
- sdap-ingest-manager — a helper to ingest data in sdap
- secstache — Fill mustache template(s) with secrets from secret store(s).
- seoservice2020-aiocache — multi backend asyncio cache
- sidekick-agent-python — Sidekick Python Debugger
- SlickWiki — Personal wiki tool
- snapper-ml — A framework for reproducible machine learning
- spec_pilot — A command-line tool for generating and managing OpenAPI specifications