Reverse Dependencies of pyshp
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyshp:
- ABPandas — Agent Based Pandas tool (ABPandas)
- aequilibrae — A package for transportation modeling
- aether — Welcome to the Aether Platform
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- apexmf — apexmf is a set of python modules for APEX-MODFLOW model evaluation and parameter estimation.
- arcgeo — Just a practice repo
- asf-hyp3 — Api for ASF's hyp3 system
- asilib — An open source package providing data access and analysis tools for the world's all-sky imager (ASI) data.
- attribuutit — Nodes, Edges, Faces, and Attributes (Finnish: "Solmut, reunat, pinnat ja attribuutit").
- aurora-asi-lib — An open source package providing data access and analysis tools for the world's all-sky imager (ASI) data.
- avaframe — The Open Avalanche Framework
- basemap — Plot data on map projections with matplotlib
- bbd — A toolset for political campaign data analysis
- botwinick-gis — GIS support package
- census_area — Census data for arbitrary geographies
- chaosmagpy — Evaluates the CHAOS geomagnetic field model and other models of Earth's magnetic field.
- cinrad — Decode CINRAD radar data and visualize
- climex — A package to download and process climate data from México
- cloupy — The package allows to download, process and visualize climatological data from reliable sources
- color-plot — colorplot
- CPTtool — CPT tool for the OURS model
- creaap — CREA Applications in Python toolkit. A bundle of tools to speed up the deelopment of new Python applications in Azure. Allows you to abstract a little over persistence and to manage spatial data.
- d-geolib-plus — GEOLib+ components
- db-fillers — no summary
- deepsensor — A Python package for modelling xarray and pandas data with neural processes.
- deposit — Graph database for scientific data collection
- dew-gwdata — Python module for accessing groundwater data internally at DEW
- django-gis-timezones — Simple model to save timezones using geo-spatial data
- dlgis — Data Library GIS datasets
- easyidp — A handy tool for dealing with region of interest (ROI) on the image reconstruction (Metashape & Pix4D) outputs, mainly in agriculture applications
- ecometpy — ecometpy Library for FENGYUN Satellite
- emsarray — xarray extension that supports multiple geometry conventions
- eodag — Earth Observation Data Access Gateway
- ExtractTool — Tool for extracting spatial and temporal extent of Geodata
- farmlayers — Helper scripts for fetching and managing basic input layers Farm Mapping
- fastkml — Fast KML processing in python
- floatcsep — CSEP Floating Experiment application
- flopy — FloPy is a Python package to create, run, and post-process MODFLOW-based models
- flopyrw — Python interface based on FloPy to configure input files for MODPATH-RW
- fypy — fypy Package for FENGYUN Satellite
- geemap — A Python package for interactive mapping using Google Earth Engine and ipyleaflet
- geo-sampling — Scripts for sampling Geo data sets by the specific region name
- Geoarchpy — Simpler geological and property models
- geodataExtent — Package for extracting the time and spatial extent of Geodata
- geodatatool — Python package for geographic data tools
- geodemo — A Python package for interactive mapping
- geodemo-zw — A geodeom from remote desktop
- geodemora — A python package for interactive mapping
- geodesic-api — Python API for the Geodesic Datascience Platform
- geoextent — A package to extract geospatial extent from files and directories
- geoformat — Geoformat is a 99 % python geospatial blacksmith
- geographie — A simple, easy-to-use tool to make interactive maps
- geohash-generator — Geohash Generator is a python module that provides function for converting geojson and shapefile to geohash.
- geohydrodemo — A python package for interactive mapping
- geometry-to-spatialite — Import geographic and spatial data from files into a SpatiaLite DB
- georeader — Module for reading spatial data files and services
- geosci — A Python package for interactive mapping
- geospatial — A Python package for installing commonly used packages for geospatial analysis and data visualization with only one command.
- geostructures — A lightweight implementation of shapes drawn across a geo-temporal plane.
- geotask — A demo python package
- getsentinel — An ESA Sentinel data pipeline.
- gis-fillers — no summary
- GPSconverter — Python package for manipulating gps data and easily convert them to other different formats.
- grim-opt — Greenfield Renewable energy source Investment Model
- gtfspy — Python package for analyzing public transport timetables
- habitat-fydp-package — Democratize access to HAB related data in Lake Erie to be used for scientific research
- hagelslag — Hagelslag is a Python package for storm-based analysis, forecasting, and evaluation.
- hagerstrand — A Python package for an interactive space-time Geographic Information System (GIS)
- hcapy — HCA private package
- heligeo — Python client for requests to heligeo API services
- hf-hydrodata — hydroframe tools and utilities
- highcharts-maps — High-end Map Data Visualization for the Python Ecosystem
- hipims-io — To process input and output files of the HiPIMS model
- hivemapper-python — SDK for Hivemapper APIs
- hurdat2parser — Interpret Hurricane Data contained in HURDAT2
- hydro-raster — To process raster data for hydrological/hydrodynamic modelling
- hydroinform — A steady-state stream model and python access to DFS-files
- icechart — A python package for icesat data analysis
- ichthyop — Python package for the analysis of Ichthyop outputs
- img-dice — Dice tif images into smaller sections using a shapefile of polygons
- input4mips-validation — Validation of input4MIPs data (checking file formats, metadata etc.).
- itsim-project-creation-library — Library for processing GTFS and Shape files for Itsim.
- itsim-scripts — Scripts for processing GTFS and Shape files for Itsim.
- lab6demo — A python package for interactive mapping
- landlab — Open-source Python package for numerical modeling of Earth surface dynamics.
- laserchicken — Point cloud toolkit
- laserfarm — Laserchicken Framework for Applications in Research in Macro-ecology
- lat-epig — This programme extracts the output of a search query from the [Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby (EDCS)]( in a reproducible manner and saves it as a TSV file. The output can be also plotted to a map of the Roman Empire, along with the system of Roman Provinces, roads, and cities.
- leafmap — A Python package for geospatial analysis and interactive mapping in a Jupyter environment.
- leafmap-lite — Leafmap for JupyterLite
- leveelogic — no summary
- lidar — A Python package for delineating nested surface depressions in digital elevation data
- livestock — Livestock is a plugin/library for Grasshopper written in Python
- Lmgeo — Python raster GIS library with low memory requirements.
- LorenzCycleToolkit — no summary
- maptrDH — A library for data handling with various utilities.
- meteva — A collections of functions for meteorological verification.
- meteva-base — base classes and functions of generally meteorogical usage, like Basic_class/IO/calculation/plot .etc
- mygeopackage — Python package for gis application
- nclpy — A Python package for working with NCL