Reverse Dependencies of pyshark
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyshark:
- black-widow — Offensive penetration testing tool
- bot-net — Penetration testing tool
- btatt — Bluetooth ATT Utilities
- btspp — Bluetooth SPP Utilities
- CredSLayer — Extract credentials and other useful info from network captures
- dissect.cobaltstrike — a Python library for dissecting Cobalt Strike related data
- dj-arp-storm — play network traffic as sound
- fieldedge-pcap — Library and models for working with packet capture and analysis.
- guerrilla_aaron — demo
- ipradar2 — Intrusion Detection and Prevention in real time based e.g. on geographical locations of hosts
- jspcap — The `jspcap` module is deprecated and renamed as `pypcapkit`.
- kyoushi-dataset — no summary
- latency-scout — A highly accurate tool to assess the latency of crypto exchange websocket data feeds.
- log-merger — A command-line utility to display multiple log files, merged by log timestamp
- logmerger — A command-line utility to display multiple log files, merged by log timestamp
- loxodonta — Network traffic visualization
- lpw — Using Local Packet Whisperer (LPW, Chat with PCAP/PCAPNG files locally, privately!
- lqmt — Flexible framework that allows automation to process cyber threat information and update endpoint defense tools
- nagato-network — NAGATO: Network Automation Gears and Test Orchestrator
- networkml — Device Functional Role ID via Machine Learning and Network Traffic Analysis
- packetvisualization — packet visualization
- pcap-ioc — Python library extracting potential IOCs from a pcap file
- photon_observer — Tools for working with the Photon protocol
- PIM-SM — about sending PIM-SM protocol messages.
- polymorph — A real time network packet manipulation framework
- psplpy — The Personal Study Purposes Library of PYthon.
- pyIcarus — Tools library for Security Research
- pypcapkit — PyPCAPKit: comprehensive network packet analysis library
- pyrcrack — Pythonic aircrack-ng bindings
- pythoncharmers-meta — Meta package with dependencies for Python Charmers training courses
- ranshark — A friendly 4G-LTE/5G o-ran packet analyzing tool with GUI interface.
- simpcap — PCAP parser for the command line. Built on Python and Click.
- ticktracer — An all-in-one tool to assess the latency of crypto exchange APIs.
- wire-exporter — Exports statistics about wire traffic in Prometheus exporter format
- wireshark-fieldbus-io — Extract fieldbus IO data from Wireshark capture files.
- wotemu — An emulator for Python applications to help in the design of IoT deployments based on the edge computing model
- xiwa-modules — xiwa modules for tool creator