Reverse Dependencies of pysdl2-dll
The following projects have a declared dependency on pysdl2-dll:
- aestream — Streaming library for Address-Event Representation (AER) data
- castella — Castella is a pure Python cross-platform UI framework
- cattt — Cattt is a pure Python cross-platform UI framework
- cfclient — Bitcraze Cazyflie quadcopter client
- earwax — An audio game engine for fast prototyping
- gymnesium — An NES Gymnasium Environment
- kandinsky — A small module allowing to link the kandinsky module, from the Numworks, to a window.
- leads — Lightweight Embedded Assisted Driving System
- mandaw — A 2D GameEngine Made In Python With PySDL2
- morpyengine — A small SDL2 Graphic Engine to learn how it work
- pcbasic — A free, cross-platform emulator for the GW-BASIC family of interpreters.
- phardwareitk — PHardwareITK, or Pheonix Hardware Interface Toolkit, is a comprehensive Python module. This toolkit provides a variety of functions and utilities to assist developers in creating complex systems/programs. [Includes PLTEC, a custom language to .exe/.elf/.aef/.asm/.o converter []]
- PheonixAppAPI — Pheonix App 1.0 is a powerful Python application designed to streamline various tasks, from managing files to playing mini-games. This module is a API for this APP. NOTE: updates will come for the app. For Showcases view AkshobhyaEverything channel or the Pheonix Studios Developer channel
- pico2d — Light weight PySDL wrapper
- plover-controller — Controller support for Plover
- ppb — An Event Driven Python Game Engine
- pyboy — Game Boy emulator written in Python
- pysdlstrap — PySDLStrap - is a wrapper for SDL2 library for writting optimized apps in python on high-level language.
- pyunity — A Python implementation of the Unity Engine
- reforge — A 2D game engine written in Python using both PyGame, PySDL2 and PySDL3.
- rubato — A lightweight, developer-first game engine built for Python.
- shikkoku — A small engine for game-making wrapped around SDL2
- tkSDLImg — Tk widget for showing an image using SDL.
- TorchWindow — Display tensors directly from GPU
- TreyEngine — A small 2D game framework for Python
- yakut — Simple CLI tool for diagnostics and debugging of Cyphal networks.