Reverse Dependencies of pyscreeze
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyscreeze:
- airclick — airclick 相关python包
- alphaserve — A local web server providing an accessible remote for controling your computer
- ascript — airclick 相关python包
- atomacos — Automated Testing on macOS
- autolike — Automatically like any given Facebook URL if the user is logged in.
- automation-logging — Logging for automation, offering thread-safety, log cleanup and screenshot support.
- AutoMonkey — Python Automation using Mouse and Keyboard, for the masses
- bcpkgfox — Biblioteca BCFOX
- comun-saplogon — no summary
- deskframe — DeskFrame is a Python library that simplifies the process of creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) using XML for layout design and Python for backend logic.
- discord-winhook — A library to simplify sending information updates from Windows systems through a Discord webhook
- dmt-auto-gui — no summary
- dost — DOST is a Python based Utility platform as an Open Source project. We strive to liberate humans from mundane, repetitive tasks, giving them more time to use their intellect and creativity to solve higher-order business challenges and perform knowledge work.
- droidsentinel — Automated Static Analysis of APKs
- GameWorldNavigator — A framework for game automation
- gbfr-auto-restart — Granblue Fantasy Relink Auto Restart
- genshin-mummy — A tech-neet's RPA project for Genshin Impact.
- kbve — ATLAS
- makima — A cross-platform desktop automated testing framework.
- my-autopylot — Auto-Pylot is a Python based RPA platform for Software BOT development as an Open Source project. We strive to liberate humans from mundane, repetitive tasks, giving them more time to use their intellect and creativity to solve higher-order business challenges and perform knowledge work. We see a world where every employee will work side by side with Digital Workers, taking the robot out of the human, making them exponentially more productive and far more fulfilled.
- Neri-library — Neri Library
- nerve-adk — The simple agent development kit.
- NetworkIp-Project — A ip viewer to reset show and release your computer ip adress
- nWin32Tls — no summary
- nWin64Tls — no summary
- oa-atomacos — Automated Testing on macOS
- palmletRPA — 这是个rpa工具
- PhysioLabXR — PhysioLabXR
- project-to-installer — no summary
- PyAutoGUI-ng — PyAutoGUI lets Python control the mouse and keyboard, and other GUI automation tasks. For Windows, macOS, and Linux, on Python 3 and 2.
- PyAutoGUI-Soraban — PyAutoGUI lets Python control the mouse and keyboard, and other GUI automation tasks. For Windows, macOS, and Linux, on Python 3 and 2.
- pyIcarus — Tools library for Security Research
- python-automation — window automation package
- python-core — there is no description available
- qweb — Keyword driven automation for the web
- ReNaLabApp — Reality Navigation Lab App
- rft-core — RobotFramework Toolkit
- RoboticProcessAutomation — Robotic Process Automation Python Package
- RPAvisionUI — VisionUI is a RPA product, which can be used for differen automation processes
- screen-recorder-python — A simple screen recorder package for python
- selenium-auto-executor — selenium_auto_executor
- self-operating-computer — no summary
- spam-bot — Spam anything!
- terminaider — AI assistant for your terminal
- TerminalApplication — no summary
- testpc — PC端自动化测试框架
- translator-deepl — Traslate a .SRT file using any custom translator
- VisionRPA — VisionUI is a RPA product, which can be used for differen automation processes
- VoiceIdentification — A Voice_Identification (speaker recognition) library that works both online and offline and supports a number of engines and APIs.
- VoiceprintRecognition — A speaker recognition library that works both online and offline and supports a number of engines and APIs.
- — About is a Python package that
- WinDirectInput — A Windows-specific package for simulating keyboard and mouse inputs
- worker-automate-hub — Worker Automate HUB é uma aplicação para automatizar rotinas de RPA nos ambientes Argenta.
- youqu-mousekey — no summary
- zoomto — zoom auto share video