Reverse Dependencies of pyrootutils
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyrootutils:
- autoroot — Simple package for easy project root setup
- autorootcwd — Simple package for easy project root setup
- birdset — BirdSet: A multi-task benchmark and data pipeline for deep learning based avian bioacoustics
- clarena — An open-source machine learning package for continual learning research
- cyto-dl — Collection of representation learning models, techniques, callbacks, utils, used to create latent variable models of cell shape, morphology and intracellular organization.
- harpy-analysis — single-cell spatial proteomics analysis that makes you happy
- hyperbox — Hyperbox: An easy-to-use NAS framework.
- ltp-core — Language Technology Platform
- openbb-chat — Deep learning package to add chat capabilities to OpenBB
- proteinworkshop — no summary
- rl4co — RL4CO: an Extensive Reinforcement Learning for Combinatorial Optimization Benchmark