Reverse Dependencies of pyroll-core
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyroll-core:
- pyroll — A meta package for installing quickly the PyRolL Core, CLI, Report and Export. The provided functionality is similar to the old pyroll package, which was split up into distinct packages with version 2.0.
- pyroll-basic — A meta package for installing quickly the PyRolL core and a set of basic plugins and extensions.
- pyroll-byon-lee-wear-model — Plugin for PyRolL providing the Wear model of Byon and Lee.
- pyroll-cli — PyRoll rolling simulation framework - command line interface (CLI).
- pyroll-elastic-mill-spring — Plugin for PyRolL incorporating the influence of the elastic mill spring.
- pyroll-export — PyRoll rolling simulation framework - data export.
- pyroll-freiberg-flow-stress — Plugin for PyRoll providing Freiberg flow stress approach and material database.
- pyroll-freiberg-spreading — Plugin for PyRolL providing the Freiberg empirical spreading model.
- pyroll-from-dict — Extension for PyRolL providing function to create PyRolL data structure from dictionaries.
- pyroll-gripping-analysis — Plugin for PyRoll calculating and analysing the geometric gripping condition.
- pyroll-hensel-force-torque — PyRoll plugin providing roll force and roll torque empirical approach by A. Hensel.
- pyroll-hensel-power-and-labour — PyRoll plugin providing roll force and roll torque empirical approach by A. Hensel.
- pyroll-hill-spreading — Plugin for PyRolL providing the Hill spreading model.
- pyroll-hitchcock-roll-flattening — PyRolL plugin providing the roll flattening model from J. Hitchcock.
- pyroll-integral-thermal — Plugin for PyRolL providing an integral thermal moddeling approach.
- pyroll-interface-friction — Plugin for PyRoll providing hooks for interface friction.
- pyroll-jmak-recrystallization — Plugin for PyRolL providing softening kinetics and grain size evolution based on JMAK approach.
- pyroll-lee-flow-stress — Plugin for PyRoll providing the constitutive flow stress function from Lee et al.
- pyroll-lendl-equivalent-method — Plugin for PyRolL providing the equivalent rectangle method by Lendl.
- pyroll-linear-thermal-expansion — Plugin for PyRoll providing approximate thermal expansion behavior using thermal expansion factor.
- pyroll-lippmann-mahrenholz-force-torque — Plugin for PyRolL providing the power and labour calculation after O. Lippmann and H. Mahrenholz
- pyroll-marini-spreading — Plugin for PyRoll providing the Marini spreading model.
- pyroll-mauk-gottschling-flow-stress — Plugin for PyRolL providing the flow stress approach and material database for the flow stress model of Mauk and Gottschling.
- pyroll-misaka-flow-stress — Plugin for PyRolL providing the constitutive flow stress function from Y. Misaka.
- pyroll-neutral-point-estimator — Plugin for PyRolL providing a variety of neutral point estimators.
- pyroll-pillar-model — Plugin for PyRolL providing basic data structures for discretization of a Profile and a RollPass into Pillar Elements.
- pyroll-profile-bulging — Plugin for PyRolL to model the bulging of profiles after rolling.
- pyroll-report — PyRoll rolling simulation framework - HTML report generation.
- pyroll-ring-model — Plugin for PyRoll providing basic data structures for discretization of a profile in concentric rings.
- pyroll-ring-model-thermal — Plugin for PyRoll providing a radial thermal approach based on the ring model.
- pyroll-roux-spreading — Plugin for PyRolL providing the Roux spreading model.
- pyroll-sander-spreading — Plugin for PyRolL providing spreading claclulation using Sanders's equation.
- pyroll-shida-flow-stress — Plugin for PyRolL providing the constitutive flow stress function from S. Shida.
- pyroll-sims-power-and-labour — Plugin for PyRolL providing the power and labour calculation after R. B. Sims.
- pyroll-sparling-spreading — Plugin for PyRolL providing spreading claclulation using Sparling's equation.
- pyroll-stationary-thermal-analysis-work-roll — Plugin for PyRolL providing a model to coduct a stationary heat analysis of the used work roll.
- pyroll-tension-spreading-interaction — Plugin for PyRolL providing a model calculating the influence of tension on spreading.
- pyroll-wusatowski-spreading — Plugin for PyRolL providing spread modelling Wusatowski's spread equation.
- pyroll-zouhar-contact — Plugin for PyRolL providing contact area estimation by G. Zouhar.