Reverse Dependencies of pyro-ppl
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyro-ppl:
- amorf — A framework for multi-output regression in Python
- amplfi — Accelerated Multi-messenger PE with Likelihood Free Inference
- ArimaTP — Python 3 library for short text
- astrophot — A fast, flexible, automated, and differentiable astronomical image 2D forward modelling tool for precise parallel multi-wavelength photometry.
- ax-platform — Adaptive Experimentation
- axforchemistry — Bayesian optimization of formulations via Adaptive Experimentation (Ax) platform.
- bayne — Bayesian Neural Networks in Pytorch
- bel2scm — A package for creating causal graphs in pyro
- beret-beige — Bayesian Effect size Inference with Guide counts and Editing rate
- bioimage_embed — no summary
- biosofa — Probabilistic factor analysis model with covariate guided factors
- boppf — Bayesian optimization of particle packing fractions.
- botorch — Bayesian Optimization in PyTorch
- causalml — Python Package for Uplift Modeling and Causal Inference with Machine Learning Algorithms
- cell2location — cell2location: High-throughput spatial mapping of cell types
- cellarium-ml — Machine learning library for single-cell data analysis
- cellbender — A software package for eliminating technical artifacts from high-throughput single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data
- chirho — Causal reasoning
- chronos-forecast — Time series prediction using probabilistic programming
- congas — Copy Number genotyping from single cell RNA sequencing
- CoopIHC-ModelChecks — User modeling checks for computational HCI using CoopIHC.
- crispat — CRISPR guide assignment tool
- crispr-bean — Base Editor screen analysis [Bayesian Estimation of variant effect] with guide Activity Normalization
- CUQIpy-PyTorch — CUQIpy plugin for PyTorch
- CytoOne — A unified probabilistic framework for CyTOF data
- deepirtools — Deep learning-based estimation and inference for item response theory models.
- dictys — Context specific and dynamic gene regulatory network reconstruction and analysis
- diisco — A probabilistic programming method to characterize dynamic cellular interactions in longitudinal scRNA-seq data.
- draupnir — Ancestral sequence reconstruction using a tree structured Ornstein Uhlenbeck variational autoencoder
- eagpytorch — We have created a module to run the Gaussian process model. We have implemented the code based on GPyTorch.
- easypheno — state-of-the-art and easy-to-use plant phenotype prediction
- echidna-sc — Mapping genotype to phenotype through joint probabilistic modeling of single-cell gene expression and chromosomal copy number variation.
- ex2mcmc — Local-Global MCMC kernels: the bost of both worlds (NeurIPS 2022)
- flighted — FLIGHTED, a machine learning method for inference of fitness landscapes from high-throughput experimental data.
- funsor — A tensor-like library for functions and distributions
- gdrf — Pytorch+GPytorch implementation of GDRFs from San Soucie et al. 2020.
- gempy-probability — Extra plugins for the geological modeling package GemPy
- gleipnir-tcr — Gleipnir
- gpim — Gaussian processes for image analysis
- gpplus — Python Library for Generalized Gaussian Process Modeling
- gpytorch — An implementation of Gaussian Processes in Pytorch
- gracefml — Framework for weakly-supervised regression
- havi — perform bayesian inference over physical models
- HMOBSTER — VAF clustering for multiple karyotypes
- iperturb — Atlas-level data integration in multi-condition single-cell genomics
- iPoLNG — An unsupervised model for the integrative analysis of single-cell multiomics data, coded in the deep universal probabilistic program Pyro
- leafcutter — Leafcutter python implementation
- lightgbmlss — LightGBMLSS - An extension of LightGBM to probabilistic modelling.
- mainframe — Central Repo for datasets
- mira-multiome — Single-cell multiomics data analysis
- MPoL — Regularized Maximum Likelihood Imaging for Radio Astronomy
- muvi — MuVI: A multi-view latent variable model with domain-informed structured sparsity for integrating noisy feature sets.
- nessie — Annotation error detection and correction
- netcal — The net:cal calibration framework is a Python 3 library for measuring and mitigating miscalibration of uncertainty estimates, e.g., by a neural network.
- opengsl — A comprehensive benchmark for Graph Structure Learning.
- orbit-ml — Orbit is a package for Bayesian time series modeling and inference.
- pdebench — PDEBench: An Extensive Benchmark for Scientific Machine Learning
- pearl-pgm — Library for declarative specification of directed graphical models and inference using Pyro.
- pgmuvi — A python package to interpret multiwavelength astronomical timeseries with GPs
- pm-pyro — A PyMC3-like Interface for Pyro Stochastic Functions
- pplbench — Evaluation framework for probabilistic programming languages
- py-irt — Bayesian IRT models in Python
- pybascule — Bayesian NMF signatures deconvolution and DP clustering.
- pybasilica — Bayesian NMF signatures deconvolution and DP clustering.
- pybefit — Probabilistic inference for models of behaviour
- pylineaGT — A Pyro model to perform lineage inference from Gene Therapy assays
- pyromaniac — Helper modules for pyro.
- pyroved — Variational encoder-decoder models in Pyro probabilistic programming language
- pyrovelocity — A multivariate RNA Velocity model to estimate future cell states with uncertainty using probabilistic modeling with pyro.
- relaxit — A Python library for discrete variables relaxation
- sbi — Simulation-based inference.
- sc-echidna — Mapping genotype to phenotype through joint probabilistic modeling of single-cell gene expression and chromosomal copy number variation.
- sccca — Single cell canonical correlation analysis.
- scClassifier2 — a tool for single cell data
- scdecipher — Decipher is a single-cell analysis package to integrate and compare perturbed samples to healthy samples, to identify the origin of the cell-states perturbations.
- scdna-replication-tools — Code for analyzing single-cell replication dynamics
- sceLDA — no summary
- scpca — Single-cell PCA.
- scStateDynamics — A package to decipher the drug-responsive tumor cell state dynamics by modeling single-cell level expression changes
- scTM — A toolbox for single cell topic models
- scTrace — scTrace+: enhance the cell fate inference by integrating the lineage-tracing and multi-faceted transcriptomic similarity information
- scUNAGI — A Python package for UNAGI
- scvi-tools — Deep probabilistic analysis of single-cell omics data.
- sgdrf — Python implementation of Streaming Gaussian Dirichlet Random Fields (San Soucie et al. 2023)
- spateo-release — Spateo: multidimensional spatiotemporal modeling of single-cell spatial transcriptomics
- spfa — Probabilistic factor analysis model with covariate guided factors
- spotiphy — An integrated pipeline designed to deconvolute and decompose spatial transcriptomics data, and produce pseudo single-cell resolution images.
- statsmaker — Probabilistic Progamming Language (PPL) for Market Microstructure Modeling
- stockpy-learn — Deep Learning Regression and Classification Library built on top of PyTorch and Pyro
- StrainFacts — Factorize metagenotypes to infer strains and their abundances
- stsb3 — Structural time series building blocks
- syncdsgen — A package to generate synthetic coding sequences data
- tapqir — Bayesian analysis of co-localization single-molecule microscopy image data
- topic-benchmark — CLI suite for benchmarking topic models
- torch-mist — Mutual Information Estimation toolkit based on pytorch
- turftopic — Topic modeling with contextual representations from sentence transformers.
- tyxe — BNNs for PyTorch using Pyro
- uMAIA — Toolbox for the processing and analysis of MALDI-MSI data
- vaeesr — Using the latent space of a variational autoencoder to perform symbolic regression by sampling equations.
- vegvisir — Vegvisir