Reverse Dependencies of pyresample
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyresample:
- c3s-sm — Readers and utilities for working with C3S Soil Moisture data
- ccic — Chalmers Cloud Ice Climatology
- ecco_v4_py — Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) Version 4 Python Package
- ECOv002-L2T-STARS — ECOSTRESS Collection 2 JPL STARS Data Fusion Product Generating Executable (PGE)
- ECOv003-L2T-STARS — ECOSTRESS Collection 3 JPL STARS Data Fusion Product Generating Executable (PGE)
- eoreader — Remote-sensing opensource python library reading optical and SAR constellations, loading and stacking bands, clouds, DEM and spectral indices in a sensor-agnostic way.
- eosets — This library aims to simplify any process working with different sets of EO data handled by EOReader.
- eotransform-xarray — Implements transformations on xarray data structures, to be used with eotransform streamed_process.
- epygram — EPyGrAM : Enhanced Python for Graphics and Analysis of Meteorological fields
- esa-cci-sm — Reading and reshuffling of CCI soil moisture
- geodataset — Extension of netDCF4.Dataset for geospatial data
- geoips — Geolocated Information Processing System
- gldas — Readers and converters for data from the GLDAS Noah Land Surface Model.
- gpm-api — Python Package for the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission Data Archive
- hypso — HYPSO Toolbox For Satellite Image Processing
- Kapok — A Python library for PolInSAR forest height estimation using UAVSAR data.
- mintpy — Miami INsar Time-series software in PYthon
- MOD16-JPL — JPL implementation of the MOD16 evapotranspiration algorithm for high resolution instantaneous remote sensing imagery
- ndpyramid — A small utility for generating ND array pyramids using Xarray and Zarr
- nowcasting-dataset — Nowcasting Dataset
- nwp-dl-utils — Tools to download (relevant parts of) various NWP products.
- ocf-data-sampler — no summary
- ocf-datapipes — Pytorch Datapipes built for use in Open Climate Fix's forecasting work
- pangeo-forge-ndpyramid — Pangeo Forge extension libary to generate multi-scale pyramids through pangeo-forge-recipes.
- podaac — Shorten the distance between data and human.
- pycoxmunk — An algorithm to compute sea surface reflectance using the Cox-Munk approach.
- pyfesom2 — FESOM2 tools
- pyninjotiff — Python Ninjo TIFF writing library
- pyposeidon — Framework for Sea Level Hydrodynamic simulations
- pytroll_collectors — Pytroll data collectors
- pytroll-schedule — Scheduling satellite passes in Python
- rasters — raster processing toolkit
- repurpose — Package for image to timeseries to image conversion
- satip — Satip provides the functionality necessary for
- satpy — Python package for earth-observing satellite data processing
- smos — SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) image data readers and TS converter
- trollduction — Pytroll batch production library