Reverse Dependencies of pyRDDLGym
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyRDDLGym:
- pyRDDLGym-gurobi — pyRDDLGym-gurobi: Gurobi compilation of RDDL description files, and optimization tools.
- pyRDDLGym-jax — pyRDDLGym-jax: automatic differentiation for solving sequential planning problems in JAX.
- pyRDDLGym-rl — pyRDDLGym-rl: Wrappers for reinforcement learning algorithms (i.e. stable baselines 3) to work with pyRDDLGym.
- pyRDDLGym-symbolic — pyRDDLGym-symbolic: Symbolic toolset for pyRDDLGym via XADD.