Reverse Dependencies of PyQt5
The following projects have a declared dependency on PyQt5:
- 3DFin — Automatic dendrometry and forest inventory for terrestrial point clouds, application package
- aas-timeseries — Experimental package to make interactive visualizations for time series, for AAS Publications
- aaznutii-messenger-client — Messenger Client
- aaznutii-messenger-server — Messenger Server
- abacusSoftware — Abacus Software is a suite of tools built to ensure your experience with Tausand's coincidence counters becomes simplified.
- abf-explorer — A PyQt GUI to quickly visualize ABF electrophysiology files
- abgleich — zfs sync tool
- abinitostudio — A studio for first-principles calculations.
- abstract-instrument-interface — This package contains abstract classes for interfaces and GUIs which are used by all instruments compatible with Ergastirio
- acomod — Acoustic Oscillations Viewer
- acopoweropt — Ant Colony Power Systems Optimizer
- Activate-App — Activate is a free activity log and analysis tool.
- ad9xdds — Ad9xDds is library dedicated to handle AD9854, AD9912 and AD9915 DDS development board.
- adjsim — An Agent Based Modelling Engine tailored for Reinforcement Learning.
- ae-enaml-app — ae namespace package portion enaml_app: enaml application widgets, helper functions and classes
- aemessenger — A sample Python socket messenger
- agentspy — Simple agent-based modeling library for python
- agregator-mess — University project.
- AgricolAI — AI Module for Agricultural application
- AGTEPyth — A sample python package to start sharing your code with the world
- aidebug — AI Coding Assistant Shell
- aiogbchat — Async Client-Server
- airclick — airclick 相关python包
- Airpixel — Controll LEDs with arduinoNanoIOT and Python
- AITViewer — Viewing and rendering of sequences of 3D data.
- ak-androguard — A fork of official Androguard project. Androguard is a full python tool to play with Android files.
- akari — Program to manage and tag your anime artwork
- Akvo — Surface nuclear magnetic resonance workbench
- album-gui — Plugin for launching the GUI of Album
- alguiloop — A python package which allows to use while and for loops without obstructing the GUI. This is currently for tkinter, PyQt5, PyQt6, wxPython, PyForms-GUI and PySide2.
- aliya-client — aliya_client
- aliya-server — aliya_server
- allencell-segmenter-ml — A plugin to leverage ML segmentation in napari
- ALogAnalyze — Android Log Analyze
- alqtendpy — Extras for working with PyQt5.
- altendpyqt5 — Extras for working with PyQt5.
- ama-xiv-combat-sim — Ama's FF14 Combat Sim
- amaze-benchmarker — Benchmark generator for sighted maze-navigating agents
- AMDock — AMDock: Assisted Molecular Docking with Autodock4 and Autodock Vina
- amethyst — A general-purpose keyboard-based launcher.
- aminox — A package to create PyQt5 Driver connector for MySQL integration automatically
- amms_planop2xls — Konwerter plików PDF z planem operacyjnym z systemu Asseco Medical Management Solutions
- amphetype — Advanced typing practice program
- ana-cont — Analytic continuation package
- ancestralcost — no summary
- android-manager — Python Android Manager
- android-setools — Android SELinux policy analysis tools.
- Andy-mess-client — Messenger Client
- Andy-mess-server — Messenger Server
- ANF-Feed — Read ANF Feeds
- anime-downloader — Download your favourite anime
- anki-ocr-gui — Converts physical flashcards to digital anki flashcards
- ant-mess-client — Message Client
- ant-mess-server — Message Server
- anylabeling — Effortless data labeling with AI support
- anylabeling-gpu — Effortless data labeling with AI support
- anywave-plugin-api — AnyWave package to use with Python plugins.
- APAV — A Python library for Atom Probe Tomography analysis
- app-client — Client
- AppDT — (This Is A Chinese Package)此工具箱可以帮您快速构建Windows™应用程序,也可以快速生成安装包
- application-client — Application Client
- application-server — Application Server
- ApplicationClientServer-client — applicationclientserver_client
- ApplicationClientServer-server — applicationclientserver_server
- aprespy — Tools for MT.
- apsg — APSG - The package for structural geologists
- APyK — APyK is a program with which you will be able to backup your applications from your computer.
- aqt — no summary
- arc1-pyqt — ArC1 Control Interface
- ArchivViewer — Archive viewer for use with Medical Office AIS by Indamed
- arcos-gui — A napari plugin to detect and visualize collective signaling events
- argos-toolkit — Software tools to facilitate tracking multiple objects (animals) in a video.
- argos-tracker — Software utility for tracking multiple objects (animals) in a video.
- argostranslategui — Graphical user interface for Argos Translate
- arpes — Modular data analysis code for angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES)
- arrakis-nd — Arrakis module for near detector data.
- ArrayViewer — ArrayViewer
- arxiv-filter — Quickly filter the daily arXiv email for your interests.
- ascript — airclick 相关python包
- asgard-lab-DM-tools — GUI to interact with one of the Asgard four BMC DMs
- aside — Personal task tracker with the organization of tasks in the form of queues.
- assetic-qgis — Assetic QGis Integration API
- astro-synthesizer — Generate astronomical synthetic observations from the command-line
- astro-wcpy — A UI for wavelength calibration.
- AstroToolkit — A package for the gathering, plotting and analysis of astronomical data.
- Async-Server — Chat with encryption
- asyncchatclient — chat_client
- asyncchatserver — chat_server
- AsyncClient — Chat with encryption
- asynchronous-chat — mess_client
- AsyncServerKate — Chat with encryption
- asyncslot — Use asyncio-based library from Python for Qt.
- at-messenger.2021 — A base for simple messenger with GUI
- atef — Python Automated Test Execution Framework
- atmo-desktop — Reading Atmosniffer device data.
- atomicmixer — AtomicMixerRefundTool
- atus — no summary
- audian — GUI for viewing and analyzing recordings of animal vocalizations.
- audio-normalizer — Audio Normalizer for MP3 and WAV files
- Audio-SpectraCLI — AudioSpectraCLI is a tool that provides real-time FFT visualization of audio spectra. It captures audio input from the microphone and displays the corresponding frequency spectrum directly, allowing users to monitor and analyze audio signals.