Reverse Dependencies of PyQt5-Qt5
The following projects have a declared dependency on PyQt5-Qt5:
- airclick — airclick 相关python包
- ascript — airclick 相关python包
- astroCAST — Package to analyze calcium fluorescence events in astrocytes
- autologbook — A python toolkit for the automatic generation of elog entries of SEM analysis.
- BaldrApp — Simulating Baldr - the Zernike Wavefront Sensor for Asgard
- baotool — BaoTool (宝图), 个人积累的 python 工具库
- beos — Calculation of the buckling behavior of composite shells
- bookdog — This module provides the bookdog package.
- boxbeam — Calculation of effective cross-sectional properties of composite beams
- chat-async-client — description
- chat-async-server — description
- chichicha — WPC Systems Python API
- clickclickclick — clickclickclick
- commonroad-scenario-designer — Toolbox for Map Conversion and Scenario Creation for Autonomous Vehicles
- competitionassay — Software for the analysis of competition assay data.
- corrscope — Python program to render wave files into oscilloscope views, featuring advanced correlation-based triggering algorithm
- cpselect2 — Matlab's cpselect alternative for Python
- decide-exchange-model — Decide exchange model
- demography-datamoo-faceviz — Age and Gender detection using PyQt UI
- dran — Data reduction and analysis of HartRAO 26m telescope drift scans
- dran2 — Data reduction and analysis of HartRAO 26m telescope drift scans
- drcell — GUI to generate, cluster and optimize dimensionality reduction output
- EasyNuitka — EasyNuitka Tool
- eegAudioAnotator — no summary
- emzed-gui — no summary
- emzed-spyder — emzed IDE, see also
- eovsapy — Python code and files for Expanded Owens Valley Solar Array
- eve-SMLM — Eve-SMLM: A Python package for single molecule localization microscopy from event-based sensors
- flim-labs-api — Python API developed for controlling, acquiring and displaying time tagged fluorescence photons' data streamed from a data acquisition card based on FPGA technology in order to perform real time Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) and Spectroscopy applications.
- fusion360-streamer — Autodesk Fusion 360 Streamer python implementation
- gbclient — Simple client script messenger
- gbserver — Simple server script messenger
- gridplayer — Play videos side-by-side
- gui4us — GUI 4 ultrasound
- handytat — HandyTAT - The Handy Text Alignment Toolkit
- hh-creator — Add your description here
- hikload — Download videos from a HikVision DVR/NVR
- image-augs — Image Augs supports Augmentation for Object Detection , Instance Segmentation and classification tasks.
- labelme — Image Polygonal Annotation with Python
- LabQuant — LabQuant is a tool to support the development and evaluation of algo-strategies in quantitative finance.
- libHREELS — Handling, simulating, and plotting HREELS and Auger spectroscopy data
- LongTermBiosignals — Python library for easy managing and processing of large Long-Term Biosignals.
- Lyftrondata-Essentials-Linux-py3.9 — Lyftrondata Essentials
- mespaint — custom palette changer for indexed PNGs
- MetaXTools — MetaXTools is a novel tool for linking peptide sequences with taxonomic and functional information in Metaproteomics.
- molde — no summary
- neoscore — A graphical musical notation library
- nestor-qt — Legacy (Qt5) GUI for the Nestor annotation tool
- NiChart-Viewer — Viewer to visualize neuroimaging chart (NiChart) image descriptors and biomarkers
- nlon-py — Python package for identifying text containing natural language (or not) using machine learning.
- ntsulib — ntsulib
- opencortex — Software to stream EEG data, perform preprocessing, and train machine learning models to build real-time BCI applications.
- openst — The computational pipeline for the Open-ST method.
- opentps-gui — Open source TPS for advanced proton therapy
- peak-finder-app — Peak Finder App
- pelican-metadata-generator — no summary
- phototodices — create a photo to dices
- puddletag — Powerful, simple, audio tag editor
- py2ls — py(thon)2(too)ls
- pyanno4rt — A package for Python-based advanced numerical nonlinear optimization in radiotherapy.
- pybrid-computing — Library to interact with analog computers and analog-digital hybrid computers, in particular the LUCIDAC and REDAC computers made by anabrid
- pyeugene — Eugene Investment & Securities Champion Open Api Python Wrapper
- pyOMA-2 — Python module for conducting Operational Modal Analysis
- pyqt5-plugins — PyQt Designer and QML plugins
- pyqt5-reactive-gui — PyQT5 reactive GUI
- PyQtier — Make your onw desktop app faster
- qrdata — a tool that can generate qrcode from text or file
- qthvym — QT5 UI Elements For HVYM, By: Fibo Metavinci
- readet — This patch includes several improvement to RAGs, summarizers, downloders and retrievers; plus compatibility for windows installation
- regelum-control — Regelum is a flexibly configurable framework for agent-environment simulation with a menu of predictive and reinforcement learning pipelines.
- rna — Basic and essential code building blocks of all pythons
- SiEPIC-TestCreator — A tool for creating YAML files for use in Dream Photonics and edx course
- socktalk — Socket-based AI chat server and multi-user chat client
- Task-4-5-Maihitooy — A task
- tergite-autocalibration — commandline application to calibrate the WACQT quantum computers automatically
- TerminalApplication — no summary
- TFOD-Automatic — Automated Object detection for Beginner using python and Tensorflow
- tikka — Tikka is a fast and light Python/Tk client to manage your Ğ1 accounts
- tkauto — Tenkafuma Auto Recruitment KOR
- voxos — no summary
- wpcsys — WPC Python driver APIs, the easiest way to Control & Data Acquisition (DAQ)
- xmarte — A GUI Application for configuration MARTe2 applications.