Reverse Dependencies of pypiwin32
The following projects have a declared dependency on pypiwin32:
- 0x-web3 —
- ai-object-detection — AI Object Detection
- aichatbot — Python library for building custom AI Chatbot with just one line of code.
- airtest-mobileauto — A robust, object-oriented, multi-process mobile app control framework based on AirTest, designed for stable and compatible debugging and automation of devices and apps. Ideal for tasks such as game automation in titles like Honor of Kings, with enhanced stability features including connection checks, automatic retries on failure, and automatic restarts for continuous operation.
- akande — Akande: A versatile voice assistant powered by OpenAI's GPT-3. It
- — PlatON alaya network SDK
- allie — Biblioteca de inteligência artificial
- ap-python — python automation for aspen plus family products
- apache-ariatosca — ARIA
- azure-iot-edge-runtime-ctl — Azure IoT Edge Runtime Control
- Bak-Bak — A Python library for speech synthesis using SAPI.SpVoice
- bjutNet — 连接北工大校园网的SDK
- bkstools — bkstools: Tools to interact with SCHUNK BKS grippers via the HTTP/JSON webinterface or Modbus-RTU
- bots-ediint — Bots open source edi translator
- BPMN-RPA — Robotic Process Automation by running BPMN diagram flows.
- challtools — A tool for managing CTF challenges and challenge repositories using the OpenChallSpec
- chromedriverhandlar — A simple Python library that check, update or download chrome driver
- chromedrivermanager — A simple Python library that check, update or download chrome driver
- — PlatON alaya python tool
- client_sdk_python — PlatON python SDK
- colourin — Your gateway to colours in python!
- com.castsoftware.uc.oneclick — AIP and Highlight Automation
- container-mngr — Simple console application for managing Docker containers
- cookiescope — Cookie inspector.
- cpc-fusion — CPC Fusion
- creed — the one and only cross-platform Toaster/Notification in python
- creon — DASHIN Securities Creon Client
- daisy-llm — A toolkit for working and conversing with large language models. Featuring tokenized sentence queueing for TTS.
- dektools — no summary
- demure-captcha — Simple but customize captcha generator( image + voice )
- deplicate — Advanced Duplicate File Finder for Python. Nothing is impossible to solve.
- desktop-file — desktop-file is a tool to create desktop shortcuts for windows and linux.
- devoud — A simple Qt Python web browser
- dintskirveli-ledfx — A network based light effect controller
- DiscoNet — A tool for automating network discovery.
- diskspacemon — Monitoring space of directory/path/drive then send notification to growl and syslog/remote syslog with multiple host and port
- dot-matrix-config — Server for dot matrix printer
- doublehelix — Genomic data manipulation tool
- DrawPrint — DrawPrint
- dukepy — A useful collection of utilities
- easyplayer — Easyplayer is a python library that encapsulates the complex API of pygame2 to help users build games faster.
- eptools — EasyPost Tools
- ErwinJr2 — A Quantum Cascade Laser Design Tool
- esa — Easy SimAuto (ESA): An easy-to-use Python connector to PowerWorld Simulator Automation Server (SimAuto).
- exchange-rate-alert — Create desktop alerts for Transferwise exchange rates
- fairmlhealth — Health-centered variation analysis
- fifa98edit — A command-line database editor for FIFA RTWC 98.
- fishy — Fishing bot for Elder Scrolls Online
- flika — An interactive image processing program for biologists written in Python.
- folderspy — Watch folders for file/directory events with a simple API.
- fripy — Shhhhh, it is a secret.
- ganttlogger — This CLI will monitor(active-tab, mouse, keyboard), log, and plot graphs.
- geniusbot — The Ever-learning and ever-improving tool!
- GenshinHarpPC — just a simple test
- geofront-cli — CLI client for Geofront, a simple SSH key management server
- helios-web3 — Helios version of
- hnzhu010503 — A small example package
- hnzhu010504 — A small example package
- hnzhu010506 — A small example package
- hnzhu010507 — A small example package
- htdfsdk — htdf python sdk
- idm — Downloader with Internet Download Manager (Windows)
- iotedgedev — The Azure IoT Edge Dev Tool greatly simplifies the IoT Edge development process by automating many routine manual tasks, such as building, deploying, pushing modules and configuring the IoT Edge Runtime.
- iquail — iQuail cross-platform installer
- iromlab — Image and Rip Optical Media Like A Boss
- — Utility library for working with MS Office documents
- jqktrader — no summary
- jtac — Start, stop and restart your arma servers just with cli
- kathara — A lightweight container-based network emulation tool.
- kivy — An open-source Python framework for developing GUI apps that work cross-platform, including desktop, mobile and embedded platforms.
- laufire — laufire - a set of utilities to help with automation
- ledfx-dev — A network based light effect controller
- litetts — A package to convert text into speech
- liyedong-poetry-demo — no summary
- LRC — A lan remote controller to keyboard associated devices.
- ltoolx — Common tool packaging
- magic-wormhole-transit-relay — Transit Relay server for Magic-Wormhole
- mlagents — Unity Machine Learning Agents
- mousecontroller — A python package to easily control the mouse in realistic and fluent ways.
- mozi-ai — 墨子AI:军事人工智能领航者, developed by HSFW
- musey — Stream and visualize EEG data from the Muse headset.
- nameless_deploy_tools — Tools for deploying to AWS via CloudFormation and Serverless framework that support a pull request based workflow
- netset — A network configuration tool for the commandline, written in Python.
- nibetaseries — BetaSeries Correlations implemented in Nipype
- notify-send — notify-send notify.
- nowyou-grafis-script-python — Nowyou Grafis script python
- nsz — NSZ - Homebrew compatible NSP/XCI compressor/decompressor
- nxpy-nonblocking-subprocess — subprocess.Popen subclass using non-blocking I/O
- OpcDa — Package to OPC
- opentera — OpenTera base package
- parcel-data-collector — no summary
- parcel-data-collector2 — no summary
- pasta-eln — The favorite ELN for experimental scientists
- PathFile — This package is PathFile
- paxexpress-cli — no summary
- pbasemap — Tool to download Planet Monthly Mosaic Quads
- pdfmergetk — GUI application to easily merge PDF files with the power of Python.
- piqueserver — Open-Source server implementation for Ace of Spades
- — PlatONE python SDK
- pop-config — The official tool to allow for creating and app-merging configuration options for pop projects.