Reverse Dependencies of PyPDF2
The following projects have a declared dependency on PyPDF2:
- 3m — 3m
- 456789999999test — Jupyter Notebook Image Classification assessment tool
- abstract-images — This module, part of the `abstract_essentials` package, provides a collection of utility functions for working with images and PDFs, including loading and saving images, extracting text from images, capturing screenshots, processing PDFs, and more.
- acrud — no summary
- additional-data — Simple library for reading and writing additional data files
- addpage — `addpage` is a package for adding page number to PDF file.
- aerospace-chatbot — Aerospace engineering chatbot and AI tools.
- agent-dingo — A microframework for creating simple AI agents.
- agentjo — A Task-based agentic framework building on StrictJSON outputs by LLM agents. General version for all domains.
- agentparse — Agent Parse - TGSC
- ai-oppose — generating adversarial takes on science claims with openai plus vectorstores
- aidriver — AIDriver
- ainyan — Helpers for AI training
- — Python interface for the Swisscom All-in Signing Service
- ALbedo — A package for pre-trained image classification and context-decider for question-answering chatbots.
- algorin-cli — Acceso a GPT-3 y procesamiento de documentos desde la línea de comandos.
- all-parser — no summary
- alldata — This is a Package in which you can Extract Images,Text and Tables from 1 package
- annotation-exporter — Export eCRF annotations to Excel
- anoteai — An SDK for interacting with the Anote API
- AoikPDFBookmark — Create PDF bookmarks by tweaking criteria.
- ArchivViewer — Archive viewer for use with Medical Office AIS by Indamed
- arh — Я здесь за эту улицу стою. Пацаны мне всё, и я всё пацанам. Кто меня знает, тот в курсе.
- aritrends — This is a file processing library in python.
- arkimedes — no summary
- article-assistant — Draft and review articles through the use of Large Language Models (LLMs)
- artistools — Plotting and analysis tools for the ARTIS 3D radiative transfer code for supernovae and kilonovae.
- Arvixgpt — Search for updated article on
- arxiv-astro-summarizer — Scrapes arXiv astro-ph paper, summarizes the abstract, and returns relavant papers according to a user input.
- arxiv-bot — ArXiv component of AI assistant
- arxiv2text — Converting PDF files to text, mainly with a focus on arXiv papers.
- audiobook — Listen to your favourite audiobook
- auto-learn-gpt — autoML for training and inference Deep Learning model
- auto-retrieval-plugin — Create and host retrieval plugins for ChatGPT in one click
- autocar — autocar
- autogs-core — AutoGS Core
- autoindex — A cli tool to automatically add bookmarks to PDFs
- autoply — Just as the name implies, auto apply on wellfound with a custom cover letter for every role. Sit back and let AI help you get the job :)
- AutoRAG — Automatically Evaluate RAG pipelines with your own data. Find optimal structure for new RAG product.
- avsos — An automated Vulnerability Scanner
- az-index-maker — A package to extract data from PDFs and upload to Azure Cognitive Search
- babypy — A simplified Python library for beginners
- badger-mk — Makes badges from templates
- bankruptcy — A bankruptcy document parser.
- banner-of-light-research-assistant — This application prepares data from the 19th century newspaper Banner of Light to be analyzed by a AI research assistant powered by OpenAI
- bcpscraper — Blackstone's Criminal Practice 2022 PDF Scraper
- beamer-slider — Software to create inkscape overlays in Beamer
- bestrag — bestrag: Library for storing and searching document embeddings in a Qdrant vector database using hybrid embedding techniques.
- biomodels-qc — Tools for quality controlling the BioModels database
- biosimulators-tellurium — BioSimulators-compliant command-line interface to the Tellurium/roadrunner simulator <>.
- biosimulators-test-suite — Tools for validating that biosimulation tools are consistent with the BioSimulators standards
- BLA2 — This is a Package in which you can Extract Images,Text and Tables from 1 package
- bnw-tools — Tools developed in the BorgNetzWerk project for the extraction, analysis and publication of knowledge.
- bondai — An AI-powered console assistant with a versatile API for seamless integration into applications.
- booklet-splitter — Make booklets out of pdf files
- bookleter — Turns pdfs into a6 sized foldable booklets
- booksread — get all the stats related words from book
- bormeparser — bormeparser is a Python library for parsing BORME files
- BPMN-RPA — Robotic Process Automation by running BPMN diagram flows.
- BsSalary-Extractor — This repository contains a Python program designed to execute Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Facial Recognition on images.
- bunkoer — no summary
- bvill.apdft — Another PDF Tool helps you quickly operate on PDF files with actions such as rotate, merging, and splitting via the command-line. Currently only supports merging.
- byroapi — REST API service for filling in and signig forms.
- caj2pdf-restructured — caj2pdf 项目的重新组织,方便打包与安装
- camai-utils — Python utils for the Camai CHC COVID Datasystem.
- camcops-server — CamCOPS server
- cameo-txt — 將各種格式的檔案提取成txt
- canvas-langchain — A canvas langchain integration
- carol-pdf-generator — A library to create PDF Files from a set of image files/base64 data
- cdb-cellmaps — no summary
- cdlpto — Fill out the CDL PTO PDF form
- cerebralWave — This is a library which can help with common chatbot functions.
- certifik8 — Certifik8 é um gerador de certificados automático criado em Python. O projeto busca facilitar a geração massiva de documentos a serem emitidos após algum evento.
- certifikadas8 — Certifik8 é um gerador de certificados automático criado em Python. O projeto busca facilitar a geração massiva de documentos a serem emitidos após algum evento.
- chat2pdf — Python package chat2pdf
- chatting-with-pdfs — Load a PDF file and ask questions via llama_index and GPT.
- Chocolate-App — no summary
- citros — A cli entrypoint for the citros system.
- civilpy — Civil Engineering Tools in Python
- classification-text-email — compiled packages
- cli-pdf — A PDF CLI tool.
- cloudpy-org — Cloud data pipeline organization and automation library. Includes AWS framework manager API.
- code-to-pdf — This convert a software proyect to a pdf book
- colby — Visualization package
- colrag — A RAG pipeline using ColBERT via RAGatouille
- comfun — COMmonly used FUNctions
- concatPDF — Merge PDF files just like a build process.
- condor-ir — A latent semantic search engine implementation
- conffey — A library that encapsulates various functions of Python.
- confluence-exporter — Export Confluence page and convert to others formats
- ConnectedPapersExtractor — A package for creating summaries based on
- connor-nlp — Fast and fully local NLP file organizer that organizes files based on their content.
- contexto — Librería para el procesamiento y análisis de texto con Python
- contextual-ai — Contextual AI
- contract-analyzer — A RAG system for contract analysis
- corona-chan-gob-mx — corona chan scraper for gob mx
- cosmic-counsel — Space R&D
- CoverGPT — Generate a personalized and formatted cover letter for a given job position, using your resume to add personalized details. Utilizes ChatGPT.
- cpdf — A pure-python CLI application to manipulate PDF files
- crack-pdf — A tool to crack password-protected PDFs