Reverse Dependencies of pypardiso
The following projects have a declared dependency on pypardiso:
- autopdex — An automized PDE solver for accelerators based on JAX
- EasyFEA — User-friendly Python library that simplifies finite element analysis.
- fealpy — FEALPy: Finite Element Analysis Library in Python
- fedoo — Finite elements library
- felupe — Finite Element Analysis
- lca-algebraic — This library provides a layer above brightway2 for defining parametric models and running super fast LCA for monte carlo analysis.
- lca-algebraic-dev — This library provides a layer above brightway2 for defining parametric models and running super fast LCA for monte carlo analysis.
- MpNM — My short description for my project.
- pore2chip — A package that takes 3D images of porous materials and generates representative micromodels
- pymoto — A modular approach for topology optimization
- sectionproperties — A python package for the analysis of arbitrary cross-sections using the finite element method.
- tdgl — pyTDGL: Time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau in Python.
- unitcellengine — Lattice unitcell geometry and analysis framework