Reverse Dependencies of pyotp
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyotp:
- acctf — library that scrapes the data from an account such as securities, bank
- agentauth — Automated authentication for web agents
- agixt — An Artificial Intelligence Automation Platform. AI Instruction management from various providers, has an adaptive memory, and a versatile plugin system with many commands including web browsing. Supports many AI providers and models and growing support every day.
- agixtsdk — The AGiXT SDK for Python.
- AlexaPy — Python API to control Amazon Echo Devices Programmatically.
- AlexaPy-test — Python API to control Amazon Echo Devices Programmatically.
- AlistMediaRename — 从 The Movie Database(TMDb) 获取剧集/电影信息,并对 Alist 指定媒体文件重命名,便于播放器刮削识别剧集/电影。测试Kodi, Nplayer, Infuse均可正确识别媒体信息。
- alphatrade — Python APIs for SAS Online Alpha Trade Web Platform
- alyeska — Alyeska /al-ee-EHS-kah/ n. A Data Pipeline Toolkit
- andotp-decrypt — A backup decryptor for the andOTP Android app
- andriatina-authenticator — authentificator
- andriatina-authenticator-0 — authentificator
- apicrud — Flask REST framework for role-based access
- apigeecli — apigee-cli is an unofficial command-line interface tool designed to simplify the use of the Apigee Edge Management API
- atcd — ATC Daemon
- authentic — Comprehensive Authentication Package
- authf — Authenticator Application
- Authipy — 2FA Authenticator
- authy_package — Generic robust authentication system
- AutoAWSMFA — A Python script and library for managing MFA token and AWS Session tokens.
- avanza-api — A Python library for the unofficial Avanza API
- avendesora — A password generator and account manager.
- aws-assume-role-otp — A CLI tool to assume a role on AWS using MFA
- aws-ecs-deploy — Full lifecyle deployment from github to aws ecs
- AX3-OTP-Auth — AX3 OTP Auth is a very simple Django library for generating and verifying one-time passwords using HTOP guidelines.
- Backups-clientAPI-NPP — API Basica diversos tipus de backups, pensat per a EIO
- baseapp-django-trench — REST Multi-factor authentication package for Django
- bepcar — A short description of your library
- binance-info — no summary
- bl-hector — A collection manager.
- bluep — A minimal real-time collaborative text editor
- bna — Blizzard Authenticator and OTP library in Python
- breeze-historical-options — A Python package for easily downloading historical options data
- bxinth — Python lib for market
- c2cgeoportal_geoportal — c2cgeoportal geoportal
- Cactool — An easy way to collaboratively code social media posts for manual content and discourse analysis
- CatbackupAPI-NPP — Programa per recoleccio de dades d'apis de CatBackup
- certbot-dns-strato — Strato DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
- chrome-pass — Native application for chrome-pass extension
- cinder_auths — Cinder Authentication Examples
- codeforlife — Code for Life's common code.
- coned — Python client for ConEdison smart energy meters
- ConnectKit-FastAPIAuthentication — User JWT Authentication for FastAPI services
- coto — Undocumented AWS Mananagement Console API Client
- cryptobob — Automated trading bot for DCA crypto investments
- data-mig — Arroyo: The Fíonta Data Migration Toolkit
- datameta — DataMeta - submission server for data and associated metadata
- discotp — A Discord bot for generating and managing TOTPs (for shared accounts).
- dj-waanverse-auth — A comprehensive Waanverse Labs Inc. internal package for managing user accounts and authentication
- django-2fa — 2 Factor authenication application for Django
- django-admin-two-factor — Django Admin Two Factor Authentication
- django-axor-auth — Django authentication API using Django Rest Framework.
- django-codenerix — Codenerix it is a framework that goes on top of Django so it makes easier development and building of ERPs.
- django-drf-otp — A Django app to supports 2FA(Two Factor Authentication) on djangorestframework.
- django-mfa2 — Allows user to add 2FA to their accounts
- django-mfa3 — multi factor authentication for django
- django-moses — Advanced authentication with OTP and phone number verification
- django-multifactor — Drop-in multifactor authentication subsystem for Django.
- django-rest-mfa — Django Rest Framework Endpoints for MFA including TOTP and FIDO2
- django-restit — A Rest Framework for DJANGO
- django-secure-auth — Secure authentication by TOTP, SMS, Codes & Question
- django-sotp — Generate a secured base32 one time password to authenticate your user! 🔐
- django-trench — REST Multi-factor authentication package for Django
- django-trench-reboot — REST Multi-factor authentication package for Django
- djaodjin-signup — Django app for user authentication
- dns-lexicon — Manipulate DNS records on various DNS providers in a standardized/agnostic way
- drf-pyotp — Rest extension of PyOTP python library, Here OTP generation and Verification is done via DRF APIs.
- drf-totp — TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password) authentication for Django REST Framework
- ds-my-data — The data methods for the My project
- ds-my-model — The data model for the My project
- Duolibre — Authenticate to Duo 2FA systems without the proprietary Duo Mobile app
- dvarpal — no summary
- ensta — 🔥 Fastest & Simplest Python Package For Instagram Automation
- eodal — The Earth Observation Data Analysis Library EOdal
- evo-framework — evo framework python
- exchanges-wrapper — REST API and WebSocket asyncio wrapper with grpc powered multiplexer server
- faradaysec — Collaborative Penetration Test and Vulnerability Management Platform
- fastapi_authentication — no summary
- fastapi-identity — no summary
- fastapi-pydentity — no summary
- fenix — A Python library for trading in the Indian Finance Sector with support for multiple broker APIs.
- fidelity-api — An unofficial API for Fidelity
- figgy-cli — Tired of managing hundreds or thousands of configurations as your microservice footprint scales? Tired of config files, environment variables, poorly managed secrets, and constantly crashing containers due to configuration mismanagement? There’s a better way. Figgy!
- flask-otp — One-Time Password extension to Flask
- Flask-PyOTP — PyOTP warpper for flask.
- FlaskAuth2FA — A Flask extension for handling user authentication.
- FlaskSimpleAuth — Simple authentication, authorization and parameters for Flask, emphasizing configurability
- fripy — Shhhhh, it is a secret.
- fyers-token-manager-3 — no summary
- gamoto — A web portal for VPN self service
- gbmapi — GMB Non-official API for Python
- GConnectDB — A library to connect to MySQL using SSH tunnel and Google Authentication
- gertrude — GTD done right
- ghuc — Upload images/documents to GitHub as issue attachments
- giant-dipper — Trading algorithm that thrives on assets that make big, volatile movements in the short-term, yet demonstrate little-to-no movement in the long-term.
- gmb — no summary
- GoogleVerify — in start program.
- gp-flask-ext — flask extension for gp
- grizzly-loadtester — Traffic generator based on locust and behave
- grizzly-loadtester-cli — Command line interface for grizzly-loadtester