Reverse Dependencies of pyopenms
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyopenms:
- asari-metabolomics — LC-MS metabolomics data preprocessing
- cagey — Streamlined automated data analysis.
- diapysef — Analysis, conversion and visualization of diaPASEF data.
- easypqp — EasyPQP: Simple library generation for OpenSWATH
- glyxtoolms — glyxtoolms - python tools for glycopeptide analysis with OpenMS
- ibaqpy — Python package to compute intensity base absolute expression values
- ibench — Benchmarking for mass spectrometry identifications.
- instanovo — De novo sequencing with InstaNovo
- ionmob — predict peptide collision-cross sections / ion-mobilities
- IPTKL — IPTK is a library specialized in the analysis of HLA-peptidomes identified through an immunopeptidomics pipeline.
- kendrick — Towards automating Kendrick mass plots
- massdash — massdash
- MOBiceps — Python tools for Mass Spectrometry and Omics data.
- ms2rescore — MSĀ²Rescore: Sensitive PSM rescoring with predicted MSĀ² peak intensities and retention times.
- msaris — Python package to identify isotope patterns and their formulas
- mzml2gnps — A package for preprocessing mzML files for GNPS molecular networking
- openacquisition — A package for creating data acquisition methods for mass spectrometers
- pmultiqc — Python package for quality control of proteomics datasets, based on multiqc package
- preprocessmzML — A package for preprocessing mzML files for ZooMS analysis
- psm-utils — Common utilities for parsing and handling peptide-spectrum matches and search engine results.
- pypgatk — Python tools for proteogenomics
- pyproteininference — Python Package for running custom protein inference algorithms on tab-formatted tandem MS/MS search results.
- quantms-rescoring — quantms-rescoring: Python scripts and helpers for the quantMS workflow
- quantms-utils — Python scripts and helpers for the quantMS workflow
- quantmsio — Convert multiple files into format
- spectrum-io — IO related functionalities for oktoberfest.
- synthedia — Generate synthetic DIA LC-MS/MS proteomics data
- Time-Corrector — An acquisition time correction tool based on the retention index system for LC-MS data