Reverse Dependencies of PyOpenGL
The following projects have a declared dependency on PyOpenGL:
- pyOpenGL-toolbox — PyOpenGL toolbox
- pyopengltk — An opengl frame for pyopengl-tkinter based on ctype
- pyopenxr — Unofficial python bindings for OpenXR VR/AP device access
- pyoverlay — Easily create overlay on top of any game/application
- pyPBD — PBD Project Python Bindings
- pypifuhd — pypifuhd: Python tools for processing 3D face
- pyplotgui — Cython-based Python bindings for dear imgui and implot
- pyplotter — A data browser and vizualizer for QCoDes database, csv, npz, s2p and BlueFors logging files.
- PyPointGroup — Point group symmetry study software
- pyqtgraph-extensions — Various extensions for pyqtgraph.
- pyremoteplay — Remote Play Library and API
- pyrender — Easy-to-use Python renderer for 3D visualization
- pyribbit — Easy-to-use Python renderer for 3D visualization
- pysigview — Package for viewing signals using VisPy
- python-glass — OpenGL wrapper for Glass-Engine
- python-swan — Python based tool for tracking single units from spike sorted data across several electrophysiological recording sessions.
- pyunity — A Python implementation of the Unity Engine
- pyviewer — Interactyive python viewers
- pyxy3d — GUI based multicamera calibration that integrates with 2D landmark tracking to triangulate 3D landmark positions
- q3dviewer — no summary
- QtQmlViewport — Python QtQml 3D viewer toolkit
- quantum-dot-sim — A package for simulating quantum dot behavior and analyzing energy levels, absorption spectra, and wavefunctions
- QuantumArtLibrary — Creative coding library for artistic expression of quantum behavior.
- reaver — Reaver: Modular Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework. Focused on StarCraft II. Supports Gym, Atari, and MuJoCo. Matches reference results.
- regOct — A module implementing octrees for python
- ReNaLabApp — Reality Navigation Lab App
- RenderBirdCore — A easy to use object-based 3D rendering engine for Python based on PyGame and OpenGL
- rlberry — An easy-to-use reinforcement learning library for research and education
- rna — Basic and essential code building blocks of all pythons
- roborecipe — generate robot build instruction from scripts
- rte — Package for calculating the photon flux using the Radiative Transfer Equation
- sakura-py — Sakura platform installation files.
- seamless-framework — a cell-based reactive programming framework
- segview — A pure Python module for visualising 3D segmentation results
- seismic-canvas — An interactive 3D visualization tool mainly designed for seismic data
- shadertest — A Python library for unit testing GLSL functions
- silx — Software library for X-ray data analysis
- simlearn — Simlearn is a way how to teach/learn about simulations with a joy. PyStar is a main application of it.
- simple-image-annotator — A simple annotation-tool for image data.
- SimPyLC — SimPyLC PLC simulator, after its C++ big brother that has controlled industrial installations for more than 25 years now. ARDUINO CODE GENERATION ADDED!
- siste-test — HyperFetch. A tool to optimize and fetch hyperparameters for your reinforcement learning application.
- sleep-scoring — Standalone version of Sleep module from Visbrain suite.
- slideflow — Deep learning tools for digital histology
- slmndr — Lightning fast python user interfaces created with opengl.
- socc-plotter — Awesome socc_plotter created by AdityaNG
- SoftwarePilot — SoftwarePilot is an open source middleware and API that supports aerial applications for Parrot Anafi drones
- space-stream — Send RGB-D images over spout / syphon / NDI with visiongraph.
- spectran — A tool to measure pictures with scale_bars
- sphere-base — Library for applications were information should be displayed on the surface of a sphere. It allows for creating spheres with nodes and edges that can be dragged on its surface.
- spimagine — OpenCL volume rendering in 3D/4D
- splendor-render — A fancy shiny python renderer
- sPyNNaker-visualisers — Visualisation clients for special sPyNNaker networks.
- StructuralAnalysis — Package that performs structural analysis
- subtitld — Subtitld
- symmeplot — SymPy Mechanics Plotter
- syphon-python — Python wrapper for the GPU texture sharing framework Syphon.
- tachypy — A package for OpenGL drawing using Pygame.
- taisim2 — Simulation Library for Multi-Robot Systems(this one works
- tcrutils — Useful stuff for TCR projects!
- temgymbasic — An educational TEM ray tracing package
- testcore — Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.
- TorchWindow — Display tensors directly from GPU
- tsgengine — Too Scrappy Game Engine
- tsuchinoko — An adaptive optics alignment tool for ALS beamlines utilizing gpCAM.
- uihelper — The helper for GUI using PySide6
- Unknown6656.CVGLPixelShader — A small package wich enables the modification of OpenCV or NumPy images using OpenGL pixel shaders written in GLSL.
- usd-qtpy — Python Qt components for building custom USD tools.
- vis3dpy — Minimal 3D data visualizer
- vis3dvf — Derivative of vis3dpy, aimed at visualizing ℝ³ vector fields
- visbrain — Hardware-accelerated visualization suite for brain-data in Python
- visbrain-sleep-port — Standalone version of Sleep module from Visbrain suite
- visiongraph — Visiongraph is a high level computer vision framework.
- vispy — Interactive visualization in Python
- visualgl — A Python library for visualizations with OpenGL.
- visualizer-3d — Tool for three-dimensional animations of geometries like FE meshes
- visvis — An object oriented approach to visualization of 1D to 4D data.
- voxelfuse — A toolkit for processing 3D components made with mixtures of materials and multiple manufacturing processes
- vrcar — VR controlled Raspberry Pi car
- wassncplot — WASSncplot is a small tool to plot NetCDF 3D data generated with WASS on top of the original image files.
- wata — wangtao tools
- whampyr — Python clone of WHAMP
- whippersnappy — A package to plot and capture FastSurfer and FreeSurfer-style surface overlays.
- wirepod-vector-sdk — The Vector SDK is a connected vision- and character-based robotics platform for everyone.
- wxgl — A 3d library based pyOpenGL.
- xanviewer — A viewer for XBF files as found in the game Emperor: Battle for Dune.
- xiwa-modules — xiwa modules for tool creator
- xmanim — Animation engine for explanatory math videos
- XMCD-Projection — Library for simulating XMCD projection signal
- xsocs — Xray Strain Orientation Calculation Software
- ZEdit — A simple 3-D rendering engine and editor
- zencad — CAD system for righteous zen programmers
- zoritori — yet another tool to help you read text in Japanese video games