Reverse Dependencies of pymunk
The following projects have a declared dependency on pymunk:
- agilerl — AgileRL is a deep reinforcement learning library focused on improving RL development through RLOps.
- Ale2D — Un motor de juego 2D basado en Pygame y Arcade con físicas, carga de archivos y manejo de imágenes.
- algo-play — The easiest way to make games and media projects in Python.
- anypush — A gymnasium environment for anypush.
- badwing — Skateboarder/Platformer/Lepidopterist Game using Arcade & Pymunk
- cellpack — algorithm to pack molecular recipes
- cellsium — CellSium – Cell Simulator for microfluidic microcolonies
- corderius-play — The easiest way to make games and media projects in Python.
- dinos — Active Learning Environments
- double-cartpole-custom-gym-env — OpenAI Gym environment designed for training RL agents to balance double CartPole.
- drone-2d-custom-gym-env — OpenAI Gym environment designed for training RL agents to control the flight of a two-dimensional drone.
- DynEnv — Dynamic RL Environments for Autonomous Driving and Robot Soccer
- educational-physics-simulator — An educational physics simulator
- ev3sim — Simulate ev3dev programs in Python
- fissionmunk — FissionMunk is a lightweight 2D physics open source python library designed to simulate nuclear fission reactor mechanics.
- floating-hippo — Floating Hippo is a simple, abstracted, and easy to use library for 2D simulations using Pymunk and Pygames.
- graph-editor — Graph editor for Jupyter
- gym-duane — no summary
- gym-pushany — A gymnasium environment for pushany.
- gym-pusht — A gymnasium environment for PushT.
- jank — A game engine using Pyglet and Pymunk.
- joatmon — General Purpose Python Library
- lerobot — Le robot is learning
- magical-il — MAGICAL is a benchmark suite for robust imitation learning
- manim-physics — Support physics simulation
- miniworldmaker — Create 2D Miniworlds and Games
- mlpro-int-pettingzoo — MLPro: Integration PettingZoo
- PettingZoo — Gymnasium for multi-agent reinforcement learning.
- phoenyx — A drawing and physics engine for Pygame
- phy-cut-paste — Cut-And-Paste Data Augmentation for Multiple Annotations
- pie4t — Physics Impulse Engine wrapper library for Teenagers
- podworld — 2D partially observable dynamic world for RL experiments
- pygraphedit — Graph editor for Jupyter
- pygwrapper — explore endless creativity and development with a combination of pygame and pymunk-based pyhsics
- pyxel-utils — Various utilities for game development with pyxel game engine.
- pyxelext — no summary
- replit-play — The easiest way to make games and media projects in Python.
- rnl — RNL - Robot Navigation Learning
- simple-playgrounds — Simulator for Reinforcement Learning
- single-cartpole-custom-gym-env — OpenAI Gym environment designed for training RL agents to bring CartPole upright and its further balancing.
- spg — Simulator for Reinforcement Learning
- stuntcat — Stuntcat is the first pygame 2 community game.
- svg_model — A Python module for parsing an SVG file to a group of paths.
- Syllabus-RL — A library for training RL agent with curriculum learning
- SyMBac — A package for generating synthetic images of bactera in phase contrast or fluorescence. Used for creating training data for machine learning segmentation and tracking algorithms.
- tankwar-env — MultiAgent gym environment for reinforcement learning
- termgame — Terminal-based graphical game engine
- tumor-tcell — no summary
- turingpoint — Reinforcement Learning (RL) library
- wholecell-lens — no summary
- x-magical — X-MAGICAL is a benchmark suite for cross-embodiment visual imitation.