Reverse Dependencies of pymultinest
The following projects have a declared dependency on pymultinest:
- 21CMMC — An extensible MCMC framework for 21cmFAST
- bayspec — Astronomical spectrum fitting tool
- bilby — A user-friendly Bayesian inference library
- cogwheel-pe — Parameter estimation of gravitational wave sources
- gns — Geometric nested sampling algorithm, as described in
- nmma — A nuclear physics multi-messenger Bayesian inference library
- NPTFit — A Python package for Non-Poissonian Template Fitting
- pydynamicalc — Pythonic photodynamical model generator, using three different configurations (quasi-circular, eccentric and osculating), in addition - an MCMC-coupled version is also provided, which allows optimization of planetary masses and eccentricities
- species — Toolkit for atmospheric characterization of directly imaged exoplanets
- taurex — TauREx3
- ulysses — ULYSSES: Universal LeptogeneSiS Equation Solver