Reverse Dependencies of pymssql
The following projects have a declared dependency on pymssql:
- hathi — A SQL host scanner and dictionary attack tool. Comes with a script (``) to filter a series of password lists based on password strength.
- hawthorn — common python programing encapsulation library
- honeypots — 30 different honeypots in one package! (dhcp, dns, elastic, ftp, http proxy, https proxy, http, https, imap, ipp, irc, ldap, memcache, mssql, mysql, ntp, oracle, pjl, pop3, postgres, rdp, redis, sip, smb, smtp, snmp, socks5, ssh, telnet, vnc)
- honeypotshttps — 30 different honeypots in one package! (dhcp, dns, elastic, ftp, http proxy, https proxy, http, https, imap, ipp, irc, ldap, memcache, mssql, mysql, ntp, oracle, pjl, pop3, postgres, rdp, redis, sip, smb, smtp, snmp, socks5, ssh, telnet, vnc)
- honeypotsjkdb — 30 different honeypots in one package! (dhcp, dns, elastic, ftp, http proxy, https proxy, http, https, imap, ipp, irc, ldap, memcache, mssql, mysql, ntp, oracle, pjl, pop3, postgres, rdp, redis, sip, smb, smtp, snmp, socks5, ssh, telnet, vnc)
- ibis-mssqlops — Ibis-mssqlops é uma extensão ao backend MSSQL do ibis-framework
- idg-metadata-client — Ingestion Framework for OpenMetadata
- ifdtools — no summary
- integ-db — This package Integrated Database library
- jr-connection — A simple python package to connect to JR servers and get the data
- kaust — Python client for KAUST
- kdslib — KDS logging and data connection helpers
- kvalchemy — A SQLAlchemy based Key-Value store.
- lch-etl — 数据库etl包
- lingualeo-sqlmesh — no summary
- lntime — extract Time
- Load-Prediction — Sunghan Load Prediction
- lycium — Common python package
- macrometa-source-mssql — Macrometa Source for extracting data from Microsoft SQL Server.
- macrometa-target-mssql — Macrometa target connector for writing data into Microsoft SQL Server.
- magical-sqlserver — Microsoft SQL Server for applications, like magic
- marioutils — Utils library for DB connection and logging
- medoo — A lightweight database framework for python
- meltano — Meltano is your CLI for ELT+: Open Source, Flexible, and Scalable. Move, transform, and test your data with confidence using a streamlined data engineering workflow you’ll love.
- metamart-ingestion — Ingestion Framework for MetaMart
- metaphor-connectors — A collection of Python-based 'connectors' that extract metadata from various sources to ingest into the Metaphor app.
- migbq — read microsoft sql server table data and upload to bigquery
- mis-scan-handler — Processing scans of machine-readable TrustMed documents
- ml-platform-client — emotibot ml platform client for python
- morph-kgc — Powerful [R2]RML engine to create RDF knowledge graphs from heterogeneous data sources.
- mssqlconnect — mssqlconnect
- mssqldbfade — A package to implement a facade for accessing MSSQL databases
- mugwort — 一套由各种小脚本堆砌而成的工具集,主要用于爬虫和数据治理。
- muttlib — Collection of helper modules by Mutt Data.
- naeural-core — Naeural Core is the backbone of the Naeural Edge Protocol.
- nagios-sql — Nagios plugin with sqlchecks
- nmaquifertool — Python tool for interacting with NM_Aquifer database
- odd-collector — ODD Collector
- odoo-addon-base-external-dbsource-mssql — External Database Source - MSSQL
- odoo-configurator — Configure and update Odoo database with YAML files
- odoo11-addon-base-external-dbsource-mssql — External Database Source - MSSQL
- odoo12-addon-base-external-dbsource-mssql — External Database Source - MSSQL
- odoo13-addon-base-external-dbsource-mssql — External Database Source - MSSQL
- ofglib — no summary
- omnijp — OmniJP is a Python library that provides tools for common tasks in software development
- openmetadata-ingestion — Ingestion Framework for OpenMetadata
- openmsimodel — OpenMSIModel uses the GEMD (Graphical Expression of Material Data) format to interact with generalized laboratory, analysis, and computational materials data. It allows to structure real scientific workflows into meaningful data structures, model them in graph and relational databases, explore on interactive graphical interfaces, and build long-term, shareable assets stores.
- opensafely-cohort-extractor — no summary
- orm-cloud — An ORM solution for serverless cloud platforms
- paf-tools — no summary
- pano-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- paprika-connector — paprika-connector for connecting to databases using the repository concept
- pawnpay — The official Python client library for the Pawn Payment Solutions API
- pd-extras — Some utility functions on top of pandas.
- pih-mark — PIH Orion service package
- pm-attacher — Attach files to a patient's medical record (TrustMed)
- Power-Prediction — Sunghan Power Prediction
- processtracker — A framework for managing data integration processes and their data
- pstyle — python DB-API paramstyle converter
- Pwml — Python Wrappers for Machine Learning
- pwml-cl — Python Wrappers for Machine Learning Classification
- py-host — modify format of msg to log center of ys.
- py-mv-planejamento — A small example package
- py-vor — BI automation utilities.
- pydapper — A pure python lib inspired by the dotnet lib dapper
- pyeqx — no summary
- pyeqx-core — no summary
- pyFission — A tool to sync data across data sources
- pygeoapi-mssql-provider — Feature provider for the pygeoapi service
- pymedphys — Medical Physics library
- pymedphys-databases — no summary
- pymssql-utils — pymssql-utils is a small library that wraps pymssql to make your life easier.
- pysqltools — PySQLTools
- pytest-databases — Reusable database fixtures for any and all databases.
- pythonate — General purpose helper functions and classes for Python3 projects
- qualysdk — SDK for interacting with Qualys APIs, across most modules the platform offers.
- QuantStudio — Quant Studio
- quik_db — A python library for a streamlined database experience from config file
- Rabbit-in-a-Blender — An ETL pipeline to transform your EMP data to OMOP.
- rasa-hydra — Forked from the open source machine learning framework, Rasa
- RegScale-CLI — Command Line Interface (CLI) for bulk processing/loading data into RegScale
- resqlconnection — The RE crawling tool
- resset — A small example package
- rgwml — Manipulate data with code that is less a golden retriever, and more a Samurai's sword
- robopulser — Simple package imitating heartbeat (using database timestamp updates)
- roche-datachapter-lib — Esta biblioteca de código esta pensada para compartir funcionalidades entre todos los procesos ETL que desarrollemos con Python
- rspyutils — An feature extraction algorithm
- sapextractor — SAP Extractor
- sh-powerpeak-predict — Sunghan Power Peak Prediction
- sh-weather-predict — Sunghan Weather Prediction
- snowfinch — A framework to migrate sql objects to snowflake from different databases
- sql-to-cosmos — Python package for migrating data from SQL to CosmosDB
- SQLAlchemy — Database Abstraction Library
- sqlalchemy-ds-manager — SqlAlchemy DS Manager: A simple datasource manager for SqlAlchemy using json file and cache manager for your sql statement
- SQLAlchemy-mmeyer724 — Database Abstraction Library
- sqlalchemy-patch — Database Abstraction Library
- sqlalchemy-pymssql-sybase — SAP ASE (Sybase) Connector for SQLAlchemy using PyMsSql
- SQLconn — This package facilitates easy SQL database integration.
- sqlmesh — no summary
- sqlmesh-cube — SQLMesh extension for generating Cube semantic layer configurations