Reverse Dependencies of pympler
The following projects have a declared dependency on pympler:
- accmt — Accelerator Module and Trainer based on Accelerate library for simple distributed train processes, inspired by PyTorch Lightning.
- ado_backlog_cli — A program to make sense of ADO Backlogs for reports
- aegis-tools — Aegis is a set of battle-tested tools and tricks to help everyone make better software
- agent-api — OpenAGI: Package for AI Agent Creation
- aiida-core — AiiDA is a workflow manager for computational science with a strong focus on provenance, performance and extensibility.
- aimodelshare — Deploy locally saved machine learning models to a live rest API and web-dashboard. Share it with the world via
- aimodelshare-nightly — Deploy locally saved machine learning models to a live rest API and web-dashboard. Share it with the world via
- aios-agent — OpenAGI: Package for AI Agent Creation
- aios-api — OpenAGI: Package for AI Agent Creation
- aios-core — AIOS: LLM Agent Operating System
- aios-tool — OpenAGI: Package for AI Agent Creation
- aios-tools — OpenAGI: Package for AI Agent Creation
- algo-profiler — A module for profiling algorithms.
- alicia — A CLI to download, create, modify, train, test, predict and compare an image classifiers.
- anxcor — ANXCOR is a python library for performing seismic ambient noise crosscorrelations
- aqtinstall — Another unofficial Qt installer
- asv — Airspeed Velocity: A simple Python history benchmarking tool
- attrs — Classes Without Boilerplate
- board-game-scraper — Board games data scraping and processing from BoardGameGeek and more!
- buz — Buz is a set of light, simple and extensible implementations of event, command and query buses.
- cassandra-joinlib — Cassandra client-side join operation for Python
- catchpoint-trace — Catchpoint Python agent
- chatsky — Chatsky is a free and open-source software stack for creating chatbots, released under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
- chellow — Web Application for checking UK energy bills.
- CIxTools — Cheminformatics Tools
- class-cache — Caching for class based generators
- coherence-client — The Coherence Python Client allows Python applications to act as cache clients to a Coherence Cluster using Google's gRPC framework as the network transport.
- coredis — Python async client for Redis key-value store
- cratedb-toolkit — CrateDB Toolkit
- custom-streamlit — The fastest way to build data apps in Python
- cyberguard-sdk — Open source, AI-driven cybersecurity SDK for system analysis, actor identification, autonomous threat detection, analysis and mitigation.
- cylc-flow — A workflow engine for cycling systems
- daidai — Modern dependency injection and asset management for MLOps workflows with intelligent caching and minimal boilerplate
- dataset-tools — Dataset tools for dataset ninja made by Supervisely team.
- db-copilot-tool — nl2sql tool for prompt flow
- dbgpt — DB-GPT is an experimental open-source project that uses localized GPT large models to interact with your data and environment. With this solution, you can be assured that there is no risk of data leakage, and your data is 100% private and secure.
- de-sim — object-oriented, discrete-event simulation tool for data-intensive modeling of complex systems
- dff — This package has been renamed to Chatsky.
- django-fast-treenode — Application for supporting tree (hierarchical) data structure in Django projects
- drop-backend — API and Command line tools for building drop
- elastic-notebook-slim — ElasticNotebookのライブラリ版
- emm — Entity Matching Model package
- estimators — Machine Learning Version Control made Simple
- evalplus — "EvalPlus for rigourous evaluation of LLM-synthesized code"
- evalscope — EvalScope: Lightweight LLMs Evaluation Framework
- featuretools — a framework for automated feature engineering
- fl4health — Federated Learning for Health
- flowcraft — A Nextflow pipeline assembler for genomics. Pick your modules. Assemble them. Run the pipeline.
- flowdapt — A generalized framework for robust modular deployments of large-scale, real-time adaptive modeling on chaotic data.
- frelatage — Frelatage is a coverage-based Python fuzzing library which can be used to fuzz python code.
- fxutil — Some handy tools...
- gklr — Generalized Kernel Logistic Regression
- gptdb — GPT-DB is an experimental open-source project that uses localized GPT large models to interact with your data and environment. With this solution, you can be assured that there is no risk of data leakage, and your data is 100% private and secure.
- heart-library — Hardened Extension of the Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (HEART) supports assessment of adversarial AI vulnerabilities in Test & Evaluation workflows.
- hkube-python-wrapper — Hkube Python Wrapper
- holytools — Collection of very general python utilities
- hostess — intuitive admin library
- hyperion-ml — Toolkit for speaker recognition
- import-inspector — A profiling tool for analyzing memory and CPU usage of Python imports.
- indy-plenum — Plenum Byzantine Fault Tolerant Protocol
- invokeai — An implementation of Stable Diffusion which provides various new features and options to aid the image generation process
- junkdrawer — Useful Python utilities and patterns for a career Python developer.
- kaze-python — Python Node and SDK for the kaze blockchain
- keephq — Alerting. for developers, by developers.
- konfuzio-sdk — Konfuzio Software Development Kit
- langchain-mcp-client — no summary
- LiamHsieh-toolbox — Collections of Python utility, suppose to be built with Jonathan Carson but he left
- lightning-app — Use Lightning Apps to build everything from production-ready, multi-cloud ML systems to simple research demos.
- LightZero — A lightweight and efficient MCTS/AlphaZero/MuZero algorithm toolkits.
- liquidbase — no summary
- llm-explorer — A Lakehouse LLM Explorer. Wrapper for spark, databricks and langchain processes
- llmuses — Eval-Scope: Lightweight LLMs Evaluation Framework
- LongTermBiosignals — Python library for easy managing and processing of large Long-Term Biosignals.
- lookout-sdk-ml — Lookout Python SDK for stateful source code analyzers, typically using Machine Learning.
- maps4fs — Generate map templates for Farming Simulator from real places.
- Mathics3 — A general-purpose computer algebra system.
- matrix-synapse — Homeserver for the Matrix decentralised comms protocol
- MD2K-Cerebral-Cortex — Backend data analytics platform for MD2K software
- memory-analyzer — Python 3 memory analyzer for running processes
- metalpy — Essential tools and libraries for SimPEG and related workflows.
- mo-sql-parsing — More SQL Parsing! Parse SQL into JSON parse tree
- mocker-db — A mock handler for simulating a vector database.
- monero-agent — Monero Agent
- mybatis — A python ORM like mybatis.
- neads — Neads is a modular tool for modelling of dynamical systems with complex internal structure by complex networks.
- niceml — Welcome to niceML 🍦, a Python-based MLOps framework that uses TensorFlow and Dagster. This framework streamlines the development, and maintenance of machine learning models, providing an end-to-end solution for building efficient and scalable pipelines.
- oipd — Generate probability distributions on the future price of publicly traded securities using options data
- openadapt — Generative Process Automation
- optbinning — OptBinning: The Python Optimal Binning library
- OptiComLib — Python package for optical communication systems.
- pandasdb2 — Pandas but without bringing the data into memory
- papdl — no summary
- perftester — Lightweight performance testing in Python
- permon — A tool to monitor everything you want. Clean, simple, extensible and in one place.
- pi-heif — Python interface for libheif library
- pillow-heif — Python interface for libheif library
- pmark — PMark - Python Benchmark, A Simple yet intuitive python process benchmarking utility
- proteusPy — proteusPy - Protein Structure Analysis and Modeling Tools
- proved — PROVED (PRocess mining OVer uncErtain Data) is a collection of tools to perform process mining on uncertain event data.
- purplecaffeine — PurpleCaffeine: tracking of quantum programs and experiments