Reverse Dependencies of pymodbus
The following projects have a declared dependency on pymodbus:
- acheron — Plotting and recording program for Asphodel devices
- acond-heat-pump — A unofficial python library to interface with an Acond heat pump using the Modbus TCP protocol.
- acqpack — Library for instrument control and automated data acquisition
- ADAMModbusDriver — A Python client for interfacing with Adam devices via ModbusTCP
- ahio — I/O Communication Library
- alfen-eve-modbus-tcp — Alfen Eve Car Charger parser library
- alphaess-modbus — Async Python 3 library to read ModBus from an AlphaESS inverter
- ArcusModbus — Titan IMX servo controller
- be-modbus-wrapper — Custom brainelectronics python modbus wrapper
- boneIO — Python App for BoneIO
- brokkr — A client for data ingest/logging/uplink, remote management and autonomous and central control of scientific IoT sensors as part of the Mjolnir system.
- cinergia — Library for communication with cinergia electronic loads
- clickplc — Python driver for AutomationDirect (formerly Koyo) Ethernet ClickPLCs.
- ContecControllers — Package that use to integrate with Contec controllers
- cpppo — Cpppo is a Communication Protocol Python Parser and Originator
- cpppo_positioner — Actuator position control via native RS485 serial Modbus/RTU
- ctmodbus — A highly flexible Modbus tool made for penetration testers
- daqcrux — DAQCrux Hardware accesing pakcage
- diematic-server — Unix daemon and supporting models for publishing data from Diematic DeDietrich boiler
- dm-aiomodbus — This is my custom aiomodbus client
- dorianUtils — Utilities package
- ebs-modbus — Python host interface to EBS modbus devices
- ecowitt-wn90lp — Ecowitt WN90LP (WS90 RS485 Modbus) client
- emodbus — All Magic Methods Implement. You can easyly to implement all magic methods or part of them
- energymeter2mqtt — Get values from modbus energy meter to MQTT / HomeAssistant
- exoedge-modbus — An ExoEdge source for interfacing with Modbus devices.
- expliot — IoT security testing and exploitation framework
- fatek-fbs-lib — Fatek FBs communication lib
- festo-cpx-io — Library to control and access festo CPX modules
- festo-edcon — Library to issue profidrive tasks for Festo specific electrical drives
- ft300python — Python module to get sensor values from Robotiq FT300
- givenergy-modbus — A python library to access GivEnergy inverters via Modbus TCP, with no dependency on the GivEnergy Cloud.
- gravity-controller-operator — no summary
- growatt-client — Python wrapper for getting data asynchronously
- growattRS232 — Python wrapper for getting data asynchronously from Growatt inverters via serial usb RS232 connection and modbus RTU protocol.
- hard-connect — Connect hard device, socket or serial
- hardware-control — no summary
- hass_inspirair — no summary
- hcam_devices — Device Communication via WAMP for HiPerCAM
- hoymiles-modbus — Gather data from Hoymiles microinverters.
- huawei-solar — A Python wrapper for the Huawei Inverter modbus TCP API
- hvl-ccb — Python common code base to control devices high voltage research devices, in particular, as used in Christian Franck's High Voltage Lab (HVL), D-ITET, ETH
- inference — With no prior knowledge of machine learning or device-specific deployment, you can deploy a computer vision model to a range of devices and environments using Roboflow Inference.
- inference-core — With no prior knowledge of machine learning or device-specific deployment, you can deploy a computer vision model to a range of devices and environments using Roboflow Inference.
- inference-cpu — With no prior knowledge of machine learning or device-specific deployment, you can deploy a computer vision model to a range of devices and environments using Roboflow Inference.
- inference-gpu — With no prior knowledge of machine learning or device-specific deployment, you can deploy a computer vision model to a range of devices and environments using Roboflow Inference.
- instru — Various commonly used instrument drivers
- iot-protocols — Generic IIoT protocols package
- islabtech_upw_sensor_v1_mock_api — Mock API simulating the Rest+Modbus/TCP API of the ISLabTech UPW sensor
- jaeger — Controllers for the SDSS-V FPS
- JVLMotor — A library for JVL motors communication with different protocols
- kronoterm2mqtt — Sends MQTT events from KRONOTERM heat pump
- lecore — Logic Elements core utilities
- ledsc — Library for communicate with led string controller
- mate3 — Outback Mate3s Python Library
- mbsim-core — Core server for mbsim to start server
- midas — Python driver for Honeywell Midas gas detectors.
- minicps — MiniCPS: a framework for Cyber-Physical Systems real-time simulation, built on top of mininet.
- moat-modbus — Modular async modbus client and server
- modbus-configuretools-xzf8971 — A package to read/write registers on a temperature sensor with python.
- modbus-connect — Modbus TCP data acquisition library
- modbus-tcp-simulator — A Simple Modbus TCP Device Simulator used for modpoll tool
- modbus2mqtt — Bridge from Modbus to MQTT
- modbus4mqtt — A YAML-defined bidirectional Modbus to MQTT interface
- modbusclc — Modbus Command Line Client
- modpoll — A New Command-line Tool for Modbus and MQTT
- modsim — A Simple Modbus TCP Device Simulator used for modpoll tool
- modterm — A modbus analyser written in pure Python
- mppsolar — Package to communicate with Solar inverters and BMSs
- mppt-reader — A framework for easily logging and modifying Tristar-MPPT-45 Solar Controllers over a serial connection.
- nemo — NEMO is a laboratory logistics web application. Use it to schedule reservations, control tool access, track maintenance issues, and more.
- NEMO-CE — NEMO Community Edition is a laboratory logistics web application based of NEMO. Use it to schedule reservations, control tool access, track maintenance issues, and more.
- neofti-ammeter-fpn-4-24 — neofti_ammeter__fpn_4_24 viewer
- neofti-picoammeter-pon-2-3 — Picoammeter pon-2/3 viewer
- netdef — An application framework with built-in drivers (Controllers), data holders (Sources) and config parsers (Rules). Also includes a web interface for configuration and troubleshooting.
- nrgmodbus — library for making modbus connections to NRG Systems devices.
- ob7py — Python for Productive Robotics ob7 Platform
- pdudaemon — Control and Queueing daemon for PDUs
- PneumoCVUTFBMI — Small library to communicate with pneumatic device created for CVUT FBMI
- powermon — Package to communicate with Solar inverters and BMSs
- productivity — Python driver for AutomationDirect Productivity Series PLCs.
- prometheus-givenergy — prometheus exporter for GivEnergy inverter metrics.
- py_sma_modbus — This package can be used to read values from a SMA inverter through Modbus TCP.
- pyaware — Framework for reading connected devices and publishing to the AWARE cloud
- pybls21 — An api allowing control of AC state (temperature, on/off, speed) of an Blauberg S21 device locally over TCP
- pycatalicism — Program controls catalytic activity of materials measurement equipment as well as calculations
- pydeye — Python deye inverter interface
- pydta116a621 — Daikin DTA116A621 SDK
- pyiskra — Python Iskra devices interface
- pylibrm — Python lib for RobustMotion axis
- pymodbus — A fully featured modbus protocol stack in python
- pymodbus-3p3v — A fully featured modbus protocol stack in python. Fixed serial not showing error. Changed API to output server exit reason.
- pyOrcas — A Python package for communicating with the Orca motor using Modbus.
- pyscada-modbus — Modbus extension for PyScada a Python and Django based Open Source SCADA System
- pyshark-plus-plus — Network utilities
- pysma-plus — Library to interface SMA Devices via Speedwire, WebConnect, EnnexOS and Energy Meter Protocol
- pysmarty — Python API for Salda Smarty Modbus TCP
- pysmarty2 — Python API for Salda Smarty Modbus TCP
- pysolarfocus — Unofficial, local Solarfocus client
- pystiebeleltron — Python API for interacting with the Stiebel Eltron ISG web gateway via Modbus for controlling integral ventilation units and heat pumps.