Reverse Dependencies of pymbar
The following projects have a declared dependency on pymbar:
- ABFE-Workflow — ABFE Workflow is a pipeline variant of our prior work.
- alchemlyb — the simple alchemistry library
- BICePs — BICePs
- car-fep — Convergence-adaptive roundtrip enhanced sampling toolkits
- ensemble-md — A package for setting up, performing, and analyzing molecular dynamics ensembles using GROMACS
- foldamers — Package containing tools to model secondary structure formation in heteropolymers.
- lammps-step — A SEAMM plug-in for LAMMPS, a forcefield-based molecular dynamics code.
- MDPOW — A library for computing solvation/water partitioning coefficients using molecular dynamics simulations
- mics — Mixtures of Independently Collected Samples
- origamipy — Python package for analysis, visualization, and support for the LatticeDNAOrigami simulation program.
- physical-validation — no summary
- thermoextrap — Thermodynamic extrapolation