Reverse Dependencies of pymannkendall
The following projects have a declared dependency on pymannkendall:
- biotrade — Agriculture and forestry statistics.
- crusty — A convinience python package for HPC computation, large dataset handling and plotting.
- easyclimate — A line of code to analyze climate
- financiallib — Financial-Lib: A Library for Financial Data Analysis and Pre-Processing.
- kats — kats: kit to analyze time series
- luccpy — LUCC & Climate Group for Personal Use
- odc — This package streamlines spatial analysis processes by integrating various libraries and developing first-party functions. It is designed as a low-code solution for spatial analysis.
- rio-trend — no summary
- RITMO — Research Investigation of Timeseries with Multiday Oscillations
- taxontabletools2 — taxontabletools - A comprehensive, platform-independent graphical user interface software to explore and visualise DNA metabarcoding data
- twitsent — A package for tracking historical sentiment data from Twitter over certain keywords