Reverse Dependencies of pylops
The following projects have a declared dependency on pylops:
- acoular — Python library for acoustic beamforming
- disko — Discrete Sky Operator (DiSkO) Aperture Synthesis Radio Imaging
- dLDS-discrete — dLDS discrete model package
- dLDS-discrete-2022 — dLDS discrete model package
- fracspy — A python package for general microseismic modelling, monitoring and analysis
- frizzle — Combine spectra by forward modelling
- GraFT-Python — Python implementation for the GraFT model presented in
- multidms — Joint modeling of multiple deep mutational scanning experiments.
- patato — A Python Toolkit for the analysis of photoacoustic tomography data.
- py4DSTEM — An open source python package for processing and analysis of 4D STEM data.
- py4DSTEM-lite — A lite version of the open source python package, py4DSTEM.
- pyctlops — Thin PyLops wrapper for PyCurvelab
- pyfaust-torch — FAµST python toolbox
- pylops-distributed — An extension to PyLops for distributed linear operators.
- pylops-gpu — An extension to PyLops for linear operators on GPUs.
- pylops-mpi — Python library implementing linear operators with MPI
- pymarchenko — A bag of Marchenko algorithms implemented on top of PyLops
- pyproximal — Python library implementing proximal operators to solve non-smooth, constrained convex problems with proximal algorithms
- pySPFM — A python package for Paradigm Free Mapping (3dPFM and 3dMEPFM).
- xpipeline — The eXtreme (and eXtensible) pipeline for analysis of high contrast imaging and spectroscopy data