Reverse Dependencies of pylogconf
The following projects have a declared dependency on pylogconf:
- pyapt — module to help you maintain third party apt repos in a sane way
- pyawskit — Pyawskit is your AWS Swiss Army Knife
- pycmdtools — pycmdtools is set of useful command line tools written in python
- pycontacts — Interact with google contacts
- pycookie — Pycookie will help you handle cookies
- pydbmtools — Tools for handling .dbm files
- pydmt — Python dependency management tool
- pydockerutils — pydockerutils is a set of docker utils
- pyflexebs — Pyflexebs will allow you to monitor and expand/contract you EBS volumes in aws
- pyfoldercheck — Pyfoldercheck will apply a set of checks on files in a folder
- pygitpub — Pygitpub will help you work with github
- pygooglecloud — pygooglecloud helps you with command line interaction with gcp
- pymakehelper — pymakehelper eases writing recipes when using the make system
- pymultigit — Pymultigit helps you deal with multiple git repositories
- pymyenv — pymyenv manages environments for you
- pynetflix — Netflix toolkit
- pyocutil — utilities for openshift
- pypathutil — command line utilities to help you work with paths
- pypitools — pypitools helps you with various pypi tasks
- pypluggy — pypluggy is a lightweight plugin framework for python
- pypptkit — pypptkit helps doing things with ppt files
- pyrelist — Pyrelist helps you match a file against multiple regex patterns
- pyscrapers — project to produce various useful scrapers
- pysvgview — pysvgview is an SVG viewer
- pytagimg — Pytagimg helps you tag images fast
- pytags — module to help you tag interesting places in your code
- pytsv — Pytsv is a the Swiss army knife for TSV files
- pytubekit — Pytubekit will allow you to perform operations in your youtube account en masse
- pyunique — Pyunique helps you get rid of duplicate files
- pyweblight — Pyweblight is a small configurable web server for developers