Reverse Dependencies of pylatexenc
The following projects have a declared dependency on pylatexenc:
- academic-metrics — A tool to extract and format academic data from Web of Science and Crossref
- acl-anthology — A library for accessing the ACL Anthology
- aclpubcheck — no summary
- artur-qiskit — Software for developing quantum computing programs
- artur-qiskit-terra — Software for developing quantum computing programs
- arxiv-post — Translate and post arXiv articles to Slack and various apps
- atksh-utils — atksh's utils
- autqec — Tools for finding logical Clifford gates of QEC stabilizer codes from code automorphisms.
- beamer-slider — Software to create inkscape overlays in Beamer
- betterbib — Better bibliography data
- bib2yaml — Converts a BibTeX file to YAML format
- bibmancli — Simple CLI tool to manage BibTeX files.
- bibo — Command line reference manager with single source of truth: the .bib file. Inspired by beets
- bibolamazi — Prepare consistent BibTeX files for your LaTeX documents
- blackref — An uncompromising BibTeX/BibLaTeX reference list formatter.
- blacktex — Clean up your LaTeX files
- bosonic-qiskit — National Quantum Initiative Co-design Center for Quantum Advantage bosonic Qiskit simulator
- bust — Utility for simply creating and modifying VHDL bus slave modules
- c2qa-qiskit — National Quantum Initiative Co-design Center for Quantum Advantage bosonic Qiskit simulator
- circuit_knitting_toolbox — A software prototype for a circuit knitting toolbox which connects user applications with runtime primitives
- clldutils — Utilities for programmatic data curation
- cobib — Console Bibliography
- compneuro — Python Module for Book 4020
- cuquantum-python-cu11 — NVIDIA cuQuantum Python
- cuquantum-python-cu12 — NVIDIA cuQuantum Python
- dblp-bibtex — DBLP Bibtex Normalization
- dccQuantities — Python classes for working with DDC calibration data
- deepquantum — DeepQuantum for quantum computing
- desc-opt — Computes, analyzes and optimizes 3D MHD equilibria for stellarators and tokamaks
- DMT-core — Device Modeling Toolkit Core
- docling — SDK and CLI for parsing PDF, DOCX, HTML, and more, to a unified document representation for powering downstream workflows such as gen AI applications.
- documenteer — Rubin Observatory / LSST Sphinx documentation tools, extensions, and configurations.
- doi2bibtex — Resolve DOIs and arXiv identifiers to formatted BibTeX entries
- efficalc — Feature-rich open source library for building well-formatted and extensible engineering calculations.
- flm-core — Flexible Latex-like Markup
- genQC — Generating quantum circuits with diffusion models
- gettex — Helper to use gettext on tex files
- gptswarm — GPTSwarm: Language Agents as Optimizable Graphs
- GQNN — QNN is a Python package for Quantum Neural Networks, a hybrid model combining Quantum Computing and Neural Networks. It was developed by GokulRaj S for research on Customized Quantum Neural Networks.
- graphiq — GraphiQ is a Python library for the simulation, design, and optimization of quantum photonic circuits.
- HAQC — A Heuristic Algorithm Framework for Quantum Algorithms
- hepcrawl — Scrapy project for feeds into INSPIRE-HEP (
- ingenii-quantum — Quantum and quantum-inspired algorithms for machine learning.
- ingenii-quantum-hybrid-networks — Hybrid quantum-classical neural networks for 2D and 3D image processing
- inspire-schemas — Inspire JSON schemas and utilities to use them.
- ionq — A Python library for interacting with IonQ's quantum computing API
- iqm-pulla — Client library for pulse-level access to an IQM quantum computer
- k3down2 — convert markdown segment into easy to transfer media sucha images.
- kishu — Intelligent Python Checkpointing
- latexdl — no summary
- latexpp — Latex preprocessor — apply macro definitions, remove comments, and more
- latextree — A document object model and related tools for Latex
- lektor-citation — This Plugin should extend lektor with APA-styled citations using bibtex files. It was based on the known lektor-bibtex-support plugin by arunpersaud.
- linglit — Programmatic access to linguistic literature
- lynguine — Package for lynguine data oriented architecture interfaces.
- make-cv — A package to make a faculty c.v. using python and LaTeX
- MaRDMO — RDMO Plugin to document and query mathematical research data using the MaRDI infrastructure.
- micromanubot — A build tool for academic manuscripts
- moodle-to-vikwikiquiz — A CLI for converting graded Moodle quiz HTMLs to a quiz wikitext
- mpqp — Facilitate quantum algorithm development and execution, regardless of the hardware, with MPQP
- nbpreview — nbpreview
- ndlpy — Package of utility files for python scripts.
- NeXpy — A Python GUI to analyze NeXus data
- nougat-ocr — Nougat: Neural Optical Understanding for Academic Documents
- nz-seqtech — A library for DNA sequence encoding in quantum machine learning
- olxcleaner — Tool to scan Open edX courses for various errors
- openfeet — OpenHands: Code Less, Make More
- openhands-ai — OpenHands: Code Less, Make More
- openhands-ai-test — OpenHands: Code Less, Make More
- openreview-py — OpenReview API Python client library
- pandoc-math — A pandoc filter for converting LaTeX to html for mathematics teaching
- pandoc-tex-numbering — All-in-one pandoc filter for highly flexible numbering and cross referencing of everything in LaTeX.
- parrotflume — parrotflume: Process data from a pipe or file with an OpenAI-compatible API, or chat with it on a CLI.
- povm_toolbox — A toolbox for the implementation of positive operator-valued measures (POVMs).
- proMAD — Semiquantitative densitometric measurement of protein microarrays
- proofaday — Print random proofs from ProofWiki
- punctuation-stylometry — This package represents the code used for the publication of the article
- purplecaffeine — PurpleCaffeine: tracking of quantum programs and experiments
- pybibget — Command line utility to automatically retrieve BibTeX citations from MathSciNet, arXiv, PubMed and
- pyconverter-xml2py — PyConverter-XML2Py converter.
- pydita-ast — PyDita AST converter.
- pyfeyn2 — PyFeyn is a package which makes drawing Feynman diagrams simple and programmatic. Feynman diagrams are important constructs in perturbative field theory, so being able to draw them in a programmatic fashion is important if attempting to enumerate a large number of diagram configurations is important. The output quality of PyFeyn diagrams (into PDF or EPS formats) is very high, and special effects can be obtained by using constructs from PyX, which PyFeyn is based around
- pygrnd — A python library for quantum algorithms and software
- pySemanticSlides — no summary
- q-alchemy-sdk-py — no summary
- qapp-common — QApp common library supporting QApp Platform for Quantum Computing
- qbraid — Platform-agnostic quantum runtime framework.
- qiskit — An open-source SDK for working with quantum computers at the level of extended quantum circuits, operators, and primitives.
- qiskit-addon-aqc-tensor — Approximate quantum compilation with tensor networks
- qiskit-addon-cutting — Reduce width and depth of quantum circuits by cutting gates and wires.
- qiskit-addon-mpf — Reducing the Trotter error of Hamiltonian dynamics with multi-product formulas
- qiskit-addon-obp — Reducing depth of circuits with operator backpropagation
- qiskit-addon-sqd — Classically postprocess noisy quantum samples to yield more accurate energy estimations
- qiskit-addon-utils — Utilities to support workflows leveraging Qiskit addons
- qiskit-classroom — the Qiskit classroom GUI applications.
- qiskit-ibm-runtime — IBM Quantum client for Qiskit Runtime.
- qiskit-quantum-knn — no summary
- qiskit-qulacs — Qiskit Qulacs to execute Qiskit programs using Qulacs as backend.
- qiskit-state-evolution-recorder — Simple module allowing to record animations to trace changes in qubit states for arbitrary quantum circuits.
- qiskit-superstaq — The Qiskit module that provides tools and access to Superstaq.