Reverse Dependencies of PyKrige
The following projects have a declared dependency on PyKrige:
- eis_toolkit — EIS Toolkit is a comprehensive collection of tools suitable for mineral prospectivity mapping. This toolkit has been developed as part of the Exploration Information System project which has been funded by European Union.
- flownet — Simplified training of reservoir simulation models
- geonomics — A package for landscape genomic simulation
- gstools — GSTools: A geostatistical toolbox.
- polire — A collection of interpolation methods.
- py3Dinterpolations — quick 3D interpolation with python
- pybec — no summary
- pygridsio — io utilities for reading in .asc and .zmap grids
- pyhms — The HMS (Hierarchic Memetic Strategy) is a composite global optimization strategy consisting of a multi-population evolutionary strategy and some auxiliary methods. The HMS makes use of a tree with a fixed maximal height and variable internal node degree. Each component population is governed by a particular evolutionary engine. This package provides a simple python implementation with examples of using different population engines.
- PyIRoGlass — PyIRoGlass
- pyquickmaps — A slim python library to link (seafloor) maps and sampling data with prediction methods. Needs scipy, numpy, matplotlib, pykrige, osgeo, rasterio.
- smrf-dev — Distributed snow modeling for water resources
- uncover-ml — Machine learning tools for the Geoscience Australia uncover project
- visionz — vision