Reverse Dependencies of pykdtree
The following projects have a declared dependency on pykdtree:
- datasci-stdlib-tools — Utility functions for commonly used data science packages (numpy, pandas, etc) and generic python utility functions
- ECOv002-L2T-STARS — ECOSTRESS Collection 2 JPL STARS Data Fusion Product Generating Executable (PGE)
- ECOv003-L2T-STARS — ECOSTRESS Collection 3 JPL STARS Data Fusion Product Generating Executable (PGE)
- emsarray — xarray extension that supports multiple geometry conventions
- FineST — FineST: Fine-grained Spatial Transcriptomic
- geovista — Cartographic rendering and mesh analytics powered by PyVista
- gprof-nn — Neural network version of Goddard Profiling Algorithm (GPROF)
- gref4hsi — A Python package for for georeferencing and orthorectifying hyperspectral imagery
- invert4geom — Constrained gravity inversion to recover the geometry of a density contrast.
- mesh-processing-tools — Utility functions for mesh representation objects (like trimesh) and manipulations using 3rd party packages (CGAL, Meshlab, etc.)
- motmot — A sophisticated mesh class for analysing 3D surfaces.
- navis — Neuron Analysis and Visualization library
- ncvue — ncvue: A minimal GUI for a quick view of netcdf files, aiming to be a drop-in replacement for ncview and panoply
- neuron-morphology-tools — no summary
- OpenDrift — OpenDrift - a framework for ocean trajectory modeling
- OpFlowLab — GUI to facilitate the calculation of optical flow velocity fields in biological images
- palettesnap — A color palette generator
- PyACVD — Uniformly remeshes surface meshes
- pybreaks — Break Correction algorithms used in ESA CCI SM
- pycarus — Utilities for computer vision and 3D geometry
- pygeogrids — Module for creation and handling of discrete global grids
- pyresample — Geospatial image resampling in Python
- pytesmo — Python Toolbox for the evaluation of soil moisture observations
- pytroll_collectors — Pytroll data collectors
- rasters — raster processing toolkit
- ReHN — Height normalization for point clouds using the Re-Height Normalization (ReHN) algorithm.
- satpy — Python package for earth-observing satellite data processing
- trollduction — Pytroll batch production library
- verde — Processing and gridding spatial data, machine-learning style